He used to be an athlete and a spiritual healer.

Another kid called Botshelo (which means "life" in Tswana) stood up. Hi guys my name is Botshelo and I'm 15 years old and my gift is to see what people don't see about others. Everytime I dream I see hidden secrets in certain people I know, so be careful around me with your secrets. Wow! that's so amazing but please don't expose our secrets! said one of the spiritual kids while smiling. Don't worry I won't do that. And one more thing is that the person who passed on their powers to me was my late grandfather. According to my mom and my late grandfather's old pictures at home he used to be an athlete and a spiritual healer.

What was your grandfather's name? asked one of the spiritual kids. His name was Thato, he ran long distance, cross country and alot of great marathons.

Wait What? Was your grandfather the one who went London in year 1850? asked Leblomo. Yes how did know? I heard from my family that he was best friends with my late grandmother, my late grandmother's name was Lily. Oh! I've once heard my mom talk about how much my late grandfather missed his old best friend when he was still alive and how much he regretted moving to America without consulting his old best friend, said Botshelo.

As days went by in the training camp Leblomo and Botshelo became very close friends. Leblomo felt happy being Botshelo's friend, he felt that Botshelo understood him better than any kids their age. But there is something that Leblomo did not know about Botshelo and which is that when Botshelo's late grandfather was still alive he was heavily attracted to femininity. Botshelo had that too in her spirit and soul because of Thato. Botshelo had a secret crush on Leblomo, she was heavily attracted to Leblomo's femininity. People around Leblomo and Botshelo thought that they were close friends.

It is day 40 of training and it is also the last day of the spiritual kids in spiritual training camp. It is also the day Botshelo decides to confess her feelings to Leblomo. Hey Leblomo I have something to tell you, I know we have known each other for 40 days but I'm in love with you. Girl it's the last day and you decide to tell me now? asked Leblomo. Yeah I'm sorry I was scared at first and I was not sure, I was confused so, do you love me back? asked Botshelo. You're a very nice girl and this is so new to Me, I have never had a girl come to me saying that they love me. So I'm shocked I don't know how to handle this, said Leblomo. Well this is awkward.

It's fine I'll keep in touch, I'll give you some time to think about it and after that come straight to me to give me an answer.

Botshelo gave Leblomo her house address. Ok I will give a clear answer later on, I just need to think it through, said Leblomo. Now let us enjoy our last day in happiness together. All the spiritual kids were happy that finally after 40 days of endless training they get to go home and see their families and friends the next day. I'll miss you all, said Mpho. We'll miss you too, all the spiritual kids screamed in excitement.

It's day 41 and it's in the morning, all the spiritual kids are packing their belongings. I'll miss you old friend, said Botshelo as she looked sad to leave Leblomo. The answer is yes. What answer? I like you Botshelo!

(Leblomo gave Botshelo an answer and she's too shocked to speak.)

I thought you only saw me as a good friend! stated Botshelo. I thought I did but then I realised how lucky I am to have you in my life, I'm so lucky to have you as a best friend, now I don't want you as a best friend anymore, said Leblomo. Wait are you breaking our friendship off? asked Botshelo with shock written on her face. No I'm asking to be more than best friends, I want to be yours. Can you be my girlfriend? Uhm! hello Botshelo are you listening, hello.

(Botshelo froze and she could not get any words out of her mouth. She was not excepting Leblomo to answer that quick and she thought she was going to be friend zoned by Leblomo.)

Oh! sorry I'm awake. Are you sure about this? Yes I'm very sure Botshelo. Then my answer is yes too, Botshelo smiled at Leblomo and gave him a big hug. I have your house address so I'll visit you when I'm free.

( Leblomo pulled Botshelo in for a kiss.)

As they kissed they felt an acute electric shock on their lower backs. They both created heavy spiritual energy that surrounded them and because of this they caused other spiritual kids, spiritual tainers and spiritual beings around them to spiritually burp.

( The spiritual burp - a burp a spiritual person makes whenever they feel spiritual energies, spiritual problems or spiritual surroundings that may be bothering or joyous.)

It's time for everyone to leave but before they do so they all kneel in front of the gate and start making spiritual noise and start beating drums. They did it as a ritual to thank their ancestors for a safe training journey and they begged for more bleesings and safe journeys in life.

Thokoza Gogo, Thokoza Mkhulu, the spiritual kids clapped hand to one another in a spiritual way.

("Thokoza Gogo" means be at peace grandmother. And "Thokoza Mkhulu" means be at peace grandfather. The spiritual kids say that to each other because they have all waken up their ancestors, which means that they are speaking but not as themselves but as old people which are the ancestors. The spiritual kids are possessed by the people who passed on their powers to them.)

They made spiritual noises and it sounded like they are in pain. Then finally the ancestors were at peace then the spiritual kids went back to their normal selfs again.

( Quick note - If a spiritual grandmother left you her spiritual powers you become Gogo so therefore spiritual people say to you that Thokoza Gogo. And if a spiritual grandfather left you his spiritual powers you become Mkhulu so therefore spiritual people say to you that Thokoza Mkhulu. )