She's A Yandere

I stood still as Victoria's soft breasts rubbed against my back. It was simply heavenly.

" I missed you darling ", She said. What did she mean by she missed me ?. Gosh, we saw each other this morning before she literally turned into a swarm of bats and flew out my window.

Rin's jaw looked like it was going to touch the ground any minute.. He just stood there looking at me blankly. I smiled. Why was he looking like he had seen a ghost. He brought this bet up.

' Virgin ', I moved my lips for him to see.

Victoria released herself from the hug.

" You are looking really smart in your uniform ", She said rubbing my hair. I blushed.

Uniform!. Wait was it a coincidence?. I remembered vividly that my uniform was soaked in blood yesterday. How did I get a new one in my wardrobe this morning?. And why didn't I think about this earlier.

I pulled Victoria out of the class and into a safe place where we could talk.

" Hey, what happened to my bloody uniform ?", I asked once I felt we were safe from any eavesdropping.

" Oh I took care of that ", She smiled seductively " You don't have to worry ".

" You also know Selene is a vampire right?".

" You seem to always surprise me, finding out about information you are not privy to, But still maybe it's your dhampir sense.......m Of course, I know Selene is a vampire, after all, I turned her myself ", Victoria answered.

Right !. I get it now. But does this mean she didn't know about the system.

" You turned me, so you should know about the system screen, do all vampires have it ?", I asked.

" What system screen? ", She asked with a quizzical look.

I summoned my System screen " This ".

" I can't see anything ", She said " My darling needs rest, you are seeing things ", She replied looking at me as if I was stark raving. " I know it's too much to take in, Your new life at the moment but we'll follow step by step ".

She patted my head like a pet. So she couldn't see the system screen?. But she was the one who turned me. What was going on ?.

My thoughts were disrupted as someone walked towards us. It was Rin.

Victoria embraced me again and licked my earlobe gently. Damn.

" See you later hun ", She waved and began to walk back to her class.

" See you ", I waved back amidst smiles.

" Oh and there's also a meeting this evening, I'll send someone to bring you over ", She called out. A meeting ?. Okay.

I stared at her jiggling ass as they swung in her skirt. If I'm dreaming right now, I don't want to wake up. I was thinking about the lewd things i was going to do to her.

Rin was about to say something but I stopped him.

" Don't Rin ", I whispered dreamingly " I'm in heaven now".


Rin didn't let me know peace for the rest of the day. He was literally worshipping me.

" Oh dragon god of the great harem, teach thy lowly servant how it is that you have caught the golden fish ", he begged.

I told him everything that happened that day when I asked Victoria out. Of course I didn't tell him about the turning.

" What? So easy, I don't believe dude ", he exclaimed after I finished explaining. Well Rin was right. No one in his right mindset would believe what I just said.

" It's true bruh, and you know the best part, she wants me to herself ", I said proudly.

" What, Victoria is a yandere ? ",Rin asked. "Dude it's dangerous to be with a yandere ".

I shook him off. I didn't really care if Victoria was a yandere, as long as I get to place my head in between her massive ass cheeks, I was fine with it.

" And she hasn't hurt anyone because of me yet ", I said.

" Dude, She doesn't have to. These are early signs of a yandere girlfriend ", Rin bellowed.

What if Rin was right ?. Although I had thought about this before, I hadn't really dimmed it important.

Well it would be good to have a girlfriend who could fight for love__ just as long as she didn't take it to another level.

The bell for close was rung and everyone began to file out of their classrooms. Rin already knew I was going to attend a ' meeting ' later.

" Remember to be gentle and don't participate in any BDSM ", he patted my back as he walked home. I smiled.

Forty minutes later, I was the only one left in the class. I was already tired of waiting but I did not want to leave and risk disappointing Victoria and who ever she had sent to pick me. I rested my head on my desk and closed my eyes.

Suddenly the ding from my system came.

[ A vampire has been detected close to you ] .

I heard footsteps coming my way. I raised my head up and my eyes met the face of the basketball captain, Ray Albion.

" Hey dude, what's up ", he asked. I nodded.

" The Princess asked me to come get you, hope you are ready for the meeting ", he asked smiling. The way he put it made it feel this wasn't an ordinary meeting.

So Ray was a Vampire?. No wonder he always had that burst of energy on the court. He was never tired.

Come to think of it, Ray was something like my Arch rival in Avalon high.

He always had pretty girls flocking around him because of his looks and abs. I was jealous about that before but now I'm not. Why?. Because I had the number one beautiful girl in school as my girl friend.

I got up and followed him out of the classroom and we started walking towards the gates.

" So... Victoria turned you too ?", I asked.

Ray laughed lightly.

" No she didn't, I was born a vampire. I'm a pure blood from the Albion clan ", he said.

" Albion clan? ".