Cleansing (3)

Selene stood there transfixed as though she was in shock. Her mind couldn't comprehend what had just happened.

The feeling that those eyes had given her was hair raising. It was as if they had pierced deeply into her soul.

What Selene didn't know was that those eyes were the basilisk's eyes and that she had fallen under the influence.

" As expected ", Hissed the Snake eyed lady. A magic circle appeared on her palm and out of it came a silver dagger.

Wasting no time, she stabbed into Selene's stomach with it. A bright yellow shone at the tip of the dagger as it made contact.

" Errrrkkk", Squealed Selene in pain as fell backwards. Snake eyes licked the tip of the blade.

Selene held her stomach. Fuck. This bitch was dangerous.


On the other hand, Crane was fighting brutally with the twins.

Side stepping to the right, he avoided an incoming punch from Julia .

" Close ", he whispered under his breath " That speed though.... Is that the power of a b ranked draugr ?", he wondered inwardly.

Juno followed swiftly from the left hitting him on the jaw. This attack pushed Crane a few meters back.

He rushed forward again throwing out a punch. Juno who was right in front of him dodged and sent him a left jab. He staggered backwards. But it didn't end there as Julia jumped in to the air and delivered an axe kick as she came down.

Crane raised his hands to block but it was too late, the kick connected with his head sending him crashing into a nearby wall.

A crack appeared on the wall. Crane got up and cracked his neck.

" I hope Ereneth has a reason for all this ", he muttered.


Ereneth stood still with ice spears surrounding her. Opposite her was Victoria who had a large blood mace in her hand.

Ereneth waved her hands sending the ice spears towards Victoria.

As the ice spears neared her, two large bat like wings burst out of Victoria's back, shielding her.

The ice spears crashed into the bat wings but they never made it to Victoria.

Victoria ran forward striking out her mace but Ereneth created an ice barrier blocking the hit.

The mace in Victoria's hand turned into tiny rose petals and began raining on the ice shield.


Elisse found himself running in to attack the draconic shark. Even though his mindset didn't agree with attacking her, his body was moving against his will.

The feeling was the same one he had when he first woke up and found out about the system.

It was his superior hunting skills taking control.

He dashed forward and slashed out with his fingers. A crimson aura flew out of his hands.

" Blood ?", Ray was shocked. " He's a dhampir, how can he use blood skills ?". But he didn't let the thoughts deter him.

He ran forward and struck shark girl with his sword.

She dodged the sword but didn't miss the blood swat that hit her on the chest.

She smiled and dashed forward, a green aura surrounded her body. Running towards Ray, She struck him with her claws. The first strike hit him on the cheeks but the second missed as Elisse held him by the collar and pulled him back.

He swiftly ran forward and punched her in the face. She staggered backwards.

Ray, still dazed from the way Elisse had pulled him back, regained composure and followed up on the attack, hitting the shark girl with his sword on her arm.

She jumped out of the way.

" Arrrrgggh, you two are annoying ", She moaned.

Saying this, she bit into her right thumb. Her red eyes turned green and scales appeared all over her body.


Clutching her stomach with one hand, Selene drew something in the air with the other. A magic circle appeared and spread around her forming a shield.

The snake eyed woman hissed on seeing this.

" A shield huh , let's see how long it can last ", She said and started attacking the shield, throwing in hit after hit.


The shark seemed to have gained a newer energy as she ran forward and grabbed Elisse by the arm, tossing him into the air. He hit the ceiling and came crashing down falling face flat to the ground.

[ Critical Hit ] [ - 30 hp ] .

[ Neck is broken ] [ Blood Healing Activated ] .

The darted towards Ray who slashed out his sword. The weapon hit the scales on her body.


" You are going to have to do more than that if you want to stop me now, Pretty boy ", She smirked and punched him in the gut, sending him flying away.

Next, she went towards Elisse who was still struggling with his healing neck. She pulled him up by the hair.

As soon as his face met hers, She delivered another jaw splitting punch.

[ Critical Hit ] [ -30 hp ]

[ Jaw Is Broken ]

[ Blood Healing Activated ]

[ Warning! ! ! ! ! !: If host receives another critical hit, he might need blood as soon as possible ] .