Basilisk's Curse

"But it was worth it ", Psykos repeated.

" What do you mean, all this practical experiment of yours, Psykos, was a big mistake ", Crane argued.

" Big mistake? Ha , No all this was exactly as I planned it..... This whole mission was to get to know the extent of the dhampir's powers Hahaha , and now I've seen what I wanted ", Psykos countered amidst laughter. " He might even be stronger than the princess herself, if given the proper chance....... I even saw him do what no dhampir has ever done ".

" And what was that ?", Ereneth asked.

" He performed a blood skill... Something only vampires can do, isn't that wonderful ?".

" But... how did you see that.?... You weren't even there ".

" Well... I have blessed these clones of mine with the same energy as mine ", he spoke, pointing towards snake eyes and Susan . " Anything their eyes see, my eyes see also ".

Saying this, his green shone so bright that it illuminated the previously dark room.

As the color in the room came to life, one could see the various experiment tanks that surrounded the room, revealing it to be some type of lab. Inside these tanks, were girls and women floating inside a deep, green liquid.

" Everything went perfect with just a little glitch..... Number 2 my subordinate ", he looked at snake eyes. " But did you really have to place the basilisk's curse on him ".


Inside another room, a personality sat on a throne. He was the same being from the communion. He had his right hand placed under his jaw for support.

" I can't wait to smell the new the new world ", he sighed.

Suddenly a dim light appeared in the room.

" Where the hell I'm I now ?", it was Elisse. He was standing stark naked . " I'm I finally dead ? Is this heaven? Or did I go to hell ?", he asked aloud looking around.

On seeing the being ( let's call him that for now ) who sat on the throne, he walked towards him.

" Hey, Who are you ? where am I ? ", He asked.

The being stared at him idly.

" You are me, I am you ".

" What did you just say ", Elisse screamed on hearing the being's reply. Even though looking at this person was like looking at himself in an edited photo, he still couldn't comprehend what he just heard.

" For a vessel, you are kinda dumb ", the being replied. " I am you, only unable to see the outside world ", he said.

" What do you mean......", Elisse was about asking when a blinding light shone towards his eyes.

Like a shattered glass, the image of Elisse vanished from the room. Another person appeared in his place with eyes closed.

" That was sooner than expected ", the being sighed. " I didn't think you'd come this soon, Basilisk ".


Victoria pressed the door bell to Elisse's house holding his unconscious body in her arms.

A short middle aged woman answered the door.

" Hello, are you Mrs Rover ?".

" Yes, how can I......... Elisse ", Mrs Rover screamed on seeing her son in the unconscious state. She quickly scooped him away from Victoria.

Her husband, who had heard the scream came to the door to see the cause of all the ruckus. Mrs Rover turned around and rushed into the house.

" Skiiiiiiit ..... ", he scratched the back of his head, then looking towards Victoria, he asked " Errrrm thanks.....who are you by the way ? ".

" Hello sir My name is Victoria Sepet and I'm Elisse's girlfriend ", Victoria waved.

The older man just stood there, mouth agape for a few seconds.

" Hello, Mr Rover ", She waved her hands in front of his face bringing him back to his senses.

" Hiiii.... Sorry for that, come on in please ", he ushered her into the house.

Walking into the house, they met with Mrs Rover who was returning from Elisse room where she had laid him on the bed.

" Honey, this is Victoria and she says she's Elisse's girlfriend ", Elisse's father told his mother.

" His girlfriend ?", She too looked shocked but not as her husband had been. " How did he end up like this ?".

" I found him knocked out that way ", Victoria lied. " We were supposed to have a date ".

Mr and mrs Rover exchanged glances with each other.

" That's particularly strange ", said Mr Rover " I'll call the family doctor immediately", he rushed into one of the rooms.

" Oh sorry..... mind our manners dear, have your seat and make yourself comfortable "Mrs Rover apologized " I'll fix something for you ", Mrs Rover apologized.

" It's alright I.... ".

" No I insist ".


" Who are you ", Number 2 asked walking towards the being.

" You have invaded my space little girl, I'm supposed to ask you that question first ", the being replied sighing, his hand still under his jaw. His eyes glowed a dangerous yellow.

The snake like slit in Number 2's eyes became sharper.

" Stay ", She hissed.

The being smirked. Taking his hand off his jaw, he cracked his neck, first moving it to the right, then to the left. Then standing from the throne, he started walking towards Number 2.

" You are in my domain, little one, your feeble mind control trick might work on the other but not this one ".