Money First, Shoot Later

"Hontōni kodomo o jūgeki-sen ni tsurete kita no? Bakajanaino?" (Did you really bring a kid to a shootout? Are you stupid?)

"I was against it you know. The kid's barely six and already has to pull iron..."

"Keep him away from the Valentinos, I'm afraid of what they'll make the kid do."

"They won't dare to lay a finger on the kid. Plus, can't do much when the kid doesn't have any implants. Not yet anyway. How's his condition?"

"He'll be fine. Tough kid, I'll tell you. Three bullets in the left arm, two right into the gut. Luckily they didn't go too deep, otherwise, I would've had to leave them in his system. Would fuck up his future chrome. Where'd you find this short-shit anyway?"

"That would be my business and only my own."

"Not talking huh? Smart. Heard he has siblings, how are they?"

"Surviving just fine."

"This isn't like you, Padre. You're getting soft. Taking care of orphans off the streets of NC. What a riot."

"Just take your Creds and we'll be on our way."

"Watch your back, Padre. Never know who might hit ya. Kusa no naka no hebi ni kiwotsukete (Watch out for snakes in the grass)"


"Another cyberpsycho is currently rampaging through Santo Domingo. Until we get a visual from the scene, this has been N54. Now today's weather..."

Another one? That's already two today...



I feel bad for any parent now. Taking care of a little piss and shit bucket that won't stop crying is a pain in the ass, two nonetheless. Well, at least they're my little shit and piss buckets. Sigh.

I came to about a week ago, head still ringing and arms numb. Ibarra's been holding up his end of the bargain at least. Took us in, and gave us food and shelter. And in return, he expected me to pull my weight and earn some Eddies. No such thing as a charity in Night City. That shootout might have been a little too much for my first rodeo. Told Ibarra that it was a fluke, and he scolded me right off. Said I was throwing my life away before I even got anywhere. Said I had to stay alive for my siblings and all that crap. I know where he's coming from though. Don't wanna end up like our parents: dead.

I get up from the couch and take the formula out of the fridge.


Don't know if this is safe for a baby or not, but it's all that I've got for them so might as well.

Shaking the bottle, I walk on over to my little siblings. I can't afford the luxury of having a proper baby cot, so currently they're wrapped up in blankets and sitting on a dog bed I found in an alleyway.



"Eat up kids..."



I look up to see a Trauma Team carrier zipping across the sky, courageously galloping across the horizon in an attempt to save a person's soul...

Ahh, who am I kidding, Trauma Team don't give a flying fuck about you, they only care if you have Trauma coverage or not.

Behind me, two guys in their teens getting pissed drunk are ranting about shit. Corpo this, Corpo that, cyberpsycho blew out his friend's brains, normal rant shit.

"Hey, I heard Militech's going at it with Arasaka again..."

"For real? They better not go on those "recruiting" runs again."

Militech's going at it with Arasaka? Like they don't already try to off each other daily?

"You hear how they're gonna start kidnapping?"

"¡De ninguna manera! (No way man!) Stop reading those bullshit ScreamSheets. They're just paying people to join up with them."

"Yeah? How much?"

"10k Eddies man!"

"No shit?! Damn, guess I gotta go join them huh?"

"And sell your soul to them? Ain't gonna be me choom. Not for any amount of Scratch."

10k ain't nothing to scoff at. But working for a corp irks me. A street kid like me better stay away.


Night city, the city of dreams. Where legends are born.

Too bad you can't see any stars in the night sky.


Besides gunshots and explosions going off every so often, tonight is surprisingly quiet. I'm on the rooftop, leaning on the edge and looking out at the restless city. In the far distance, I can see another rocket taking off into space from Orbital Air. I've seen the ads for it, but an empty rock like the moon doesn't really suit me. Might want to see it one day though. The door behind me clicks open and light footsteps make their way beside me. The man leans over the edge and stares at the streets below.

"How are you, Van?"

"The usual, Padre."

"I see..."

There is a gentle silence between us. He turns to look at me.

"Let me ask you something, Van"


"...What, What is it that you want to do in this life?"

"Right now... Survive. Later? I don't know. Maybe won't even live for that long anyway."

Ibarra looks back out into the city, this time looking at the Arasaka Tower.

"A fair answer, Van. It is a blessing to be able to live, even more so when you live long. I have left the Valentinos, it is not a life fitting for a priest."

"No conflict?"

"No, they respect me too much to get in the way. My people would've had a say as well."

"So what are you going to do now? I don't think a former gang member would go unnoticed."

"I don't plan to leave this life, Van. I can't anyhow. This life is something you will never escape. I'm afraid I have dragged you into it, this life."

"Hey, it's not your fault that I've had to grow up fast. I did what I had to do to get me and my siblings a chance. You know this place better than anyone Padre, I chose this life and I'm choosing to embrace it."

Ibarra smiles for a moment.

"You truly are from Heywood, Van."

"Like it or not, this city's my home. That's something that won't change."

Ibarra stops smiling and turns to me again.

"Looks at me, Van"

I turn to look at Ibarra, finding him looking directly into my eyes.

"You're still young, Van, get out of this city while you can."

"And go where Padre? No way in hell anybody's just gonna take in a pre-pubescent kid and two fucking babies. Even you, Padre. You took us in on a condition, and that was to pay you back. 10k Eddies you said. I might be the only bastard with honor in this city, but I damn for sure will pay you back. I swear on it."

Ibarra furrows his brows. He gets angry.

"And how are you going to do that, Van? Where will you find that kind of money? You don't even have any implants in you, so tell me how the hell you're going to get that kind of damn money!"

"I'LL FIGURE IT OUT! I-I'll join Militech..."

Ibarra is taken aback. He lowers his voice.

"Militech Van? Have you lost your mind?!"

Silence overtakes us. The fading in and out of cars as they zoom across the empty streets.

"I'm trying to protect you, Van. I don't want your death on my conscience."

"...Do you think I want this, Padre? I've been living off of you for the past few months now. I'm not trying to be a leech, would never. So, Padre. Let's make a deal right now. Some biz, right now..."