Skylar hummed softly to himself as he stared out the window. A single tear escaped his blue eyes. Today was the anniversary of his love's death. He took a while to admit his feelings for the girl after her death. He treasured the final moments he had with her. Her face as she realized she was going to die. Her eyes as she kissed him in farewell. Skylar had practically shut down. He and Touma had known her before she had known them. He had slowly fallen in love with the feisty and determined girl who never gave up. Her black hair and amber eyes was all he knew before she died. Finally, when she popped up at his doorstep, he got to hold her and hear her voice directed at him. Not someone in her house. Not someone on the streets. Not her old love. He smiled to himself at the chaos happening outside. Blood and corpses lined the streets. A war had broken out a year after her death. It was as if the universe had saved her from the pain outside. The Light kingdom had had enough of the Dark kingdom's games. A single soul was left on the streets alive. Well, not really alive. Skylar chuckled at his would-have-been-son. Marine turned around and danced in the rain. He began to sing the song that always made Nisshoku cry. She played it on the day her father left, and her mother died. It was probably her favorite song. The song that Skylar played on repeat for his son to dance to on her death day anniversary. Marine is what he would have been named. The song was called Wonder by PRKR. Marine sang, "I wonder if you ever wonder about me…" As the song ended. He appeared at his father's side with a sad smile on his lips. He and Skylar watched the rain cleanse the bodies and streets of blood.
'I hope Nisshoku remember's and misses me,' Skylar thought sadly. And that thought would be the very same thought he thought every day of Nisshoku's anniversary. Marine began to fade and said, "Bye dad. I'm going to talk to Touma."
Touma was no longer with them. He had left and no one but Marine knew where he went. The night Nisshoku died, Touma had sat on his bed and stared into space and didn't speak to Skylar at all. The next day, he decided that he was leaving. And he disappeared without a glance behind him.
"Goodbye, son." Skylar whispered at the empty space beside him. Staring back out the window, he saw a figure he thought he would never see again behind him. Whipping around, Nisshoku was gone. Sadness threatened to overwhelm him. A tear found its way out and down his cheek. Then Skylar felt someone kiss his cheek and whisper, "I miss you, my love."
Pain clawed at his heart when he turned around and tried to find Nisshoku. "Please! Come back!"
But his soulmate was already gone. And would most likely never come back. Taking a shaky breath, Skylar stared at the moon and cried softly. A sudden star blazed by the window, and words were scoured in the back of Skylar's mind; "A boy with hair as light as the sun, and eyes as dark as the night will arise with a second chance at life."
Mouthing the words to himself, he tried to think of someone he had known like that. No one came to mind, except…no. It couldn't be. The son of King Sunflower of the light kingdom and King Cinder of the dark kingdom. Everyone knew the story of the boy from…what did he say it was? Oh. Hell. Whatever that was, he claimed he was once a boy with a happy life and family when he woke up in the burning place. He then was teleported into the two king's arms. They named him Spite. Spite, who had a red spot on his face and a single horn on his head. Spite, who had a long thin tail with an arrow on the end. Spite, who was killed because of his appearance. Spite, who stayed peaceful even after his death. Spite, whose last words were, "The devil always said he would find me again,"
Shaking his head, Skylar reached towards the window and said, "Someday, Nisshoku, I will see you again." He vowed, not knowing who he was talking to, "I will."
The sky began to grow dark, and with a new determination, Skylar repeated the words he would someday hope to live up to, "I will."