Chapter 15: Mother's Role

After I took a bath and cleaned myself, I went to the kitchen, where my parents and some servants, including Mary, were already waiting. My sister isn't in the kitchen because she was sweaty and smelly and had to take a bath first.

By the way, the methods for bathing in the world were primitive. Showers weren't invented in this world yet, so people usually just scrub their bodies with a wet towel to clean themselves.

Bathtubs are also available, but only rich merchants and aristocrats can afford to purchase them. There were also public bathhouses where you needed to pay to wash yourself, but it wasn't as clean as you expected.

The mansion had a bathhouse, where my family and I washed ourselves. The water came from the lion-shaped magic item. It can be heated if you want a hot bath.

The bathhouse was divided into three sections. A male section, a female section, and our family's private area. Our own section was more spacious and luxurious than the other sections.

I used to take a bath with my mothers and sister when I was a little, witnessing their geh moments, still recorded in my brain. As I grew older, I told my parents that I would wash myself in the men's room for a certain reason. They insisted that I bathe with them, but gave up in the end.

Our servants had the right to use the bathhouse as well as the visitors. Most of our servants were female, so the female's section was the busiest during bath time.

After waiting for a while, my sister came here in the kitchen, fresh from the bath. Her lustrous long black hair were still wet, and she was in casual clothing.

"You finally came, then let's start the cooking." I said as I put on my apron and hairnet.

The ingredients were already prepared, so all I have to do is cook the pasta. The quantity of the ingredients was enough to feed my family and some servants.

First are the noodles. Mix the milk and eggs together, then add the salt like a salt bae. Add the flour to the mixture to complete the dough. Stir the dough until it becomes a slightly sticky ball.

On a floured surface, drop the dough and knead it with your hands. Don't forget to powder the hands with flour or coat them with oil to avoid having the flour stick to your hands. Knead the dough until it's no longer sticky and rest it for a while. I repeated the process until I made several balls of dough.

As I looked around, I could see my family watching me with enthusiasm. The servants, especially the chefs, were watching me with stern eyes. Some of them take notes in their notepads on the ingredients and the cooking process of the spaghetti.

Next is the sauce. But first, let's grind the beef. The beef was the loin part of a B-ranked monster called Ram Bull. Of course, it was hunted by my parents and freshly withdrawn from mom's Item Box spell.

Meat grinders do not exist in this world yet; that's why we had the craftsmen make them. Mom can use her Alchemy skill to create at least a prototype, but she is no artisan and cannot comprehend the detailed blueprints I gave. That's why we have the real craftsmen to create it, but the meat grinder was still a prototype, and the craftsmen are still in the process of creating it. But I have an alternative.

"It's your time to shine, Mother. And Lizell, boil some water for the noodles later."

"If you say so, Raphael."

"Right away, Young Master."

I ordered Lizell, one of our cooks, to boil water for the noodles to cook. She grabbed a boiler and placed it on the stove besides the already boiling pot.

Mother swiftly equipped her appropriate cooking equipment and approached the center island of our L-shaped kitchen. She grabbed a kitchen knife from the wooden handle with her right hand and grabbed the beef with her left.


Mother tossed the Ram Bull's beef in the air. The projectile did not draw a parabolic curve but a straight line. The meat stopped in the air as it reached zero velocity and dropped at an inversed speed.

"Hundred Slice." mother said with a gentle tone.

She swiped her knife at the drop with perfect timing. The beef dropped like nothing happened, but it instantly shattered into countless tiny fragments after touching the surface.

The speed of her swing was so incredibly fast that not even me, my sister, or the watching servants could catch it. But with that, the ground beef had been acquired.

"Woah, I did not see anything at all."

"So, this is the power of the Sword Saint."

"It was just a fraction of her power, but it was already beyond what humans are capable of."

"She would not have to be called the Lavender Flash for nothing after all."

"Please don't call me that embarrassing nickname in front of our children, Raven Witch."

"Hey, stop calling me that!"

"As expected, of mother!"

The servants did nothing but applaud at my mother's power. Mother and mom teased each other by recalling their nicknames from their adventuring days.

From our perspective, it's like her right hand shifted its position from right to left instantly. Mom probably caught a little glimpse of what just happened because she flapped her hands right after the slash.

"It was finely chopped into appropriate sizes. As expected of mother."

"I'm fluttered by your compliments."

What she did just now was a high level sword technique. It was Level 8 Sword Art: Hundred Slice. It was a technique that slashed the sword a hundred times at incredibly high speed.

"Now then,"

I placed the ground beef into a bowl and approached the pot behind me. I opened its lid, then steam blocked my sight and a mouth-drooling scent entered my nostrils. After it subsided, I could see the boiling of red sauce filling more than half of the pot.

It was the tomato sauce I prepared beforehand. It already had the seasonings and other ingredients for the spaghetti sauce. I had the last ingredient in my hand, which was the ground beef, and dropped it in the boiling pot.

The red sauce swallowed the beef like a stone in scorching magma. I stirred the sauce using a ladle and mixed it gently. After I made sure that the beef was scattered evenly in the mixture, I closed the lid and let it boil.

I went back to the dough to make the noodles. I kneaded it again and flattened the dough on the surface. I flattened it as thin as possible using a roll until it reached a thickness of a few millimeters. Also, do the same with the other doughs and place them neatly on the surface.


"Here I go."

Mother took the knife again and grabbed a flattened piece of dough. Same with the meat grinder, I also don't have access to noodle-making equipment.

It is still in progress with the craftsmen, but when it is still not available, Mother is here to fulfill her role again. She threw the dough in the air, and it spread widely. Mother raised her knife overhead and waited for the perfect timing.

"Hundred Slice."

Mother swung the knife at imperceivable speed, and a bouquet of white, thin strips of yarn landed on her free hand. No, it was not strips of yarn but the strips of noodles from the formerly dough.

"Hundred Slice. Hundred Slice. Hundred Slice…"

She grabbed and tossed the dough again and repeatedly performed the same high level sword technique. It didn't take a long time until Mother converted all the dough into white, thin noodles.


Deafening silence filled the whole kitchen as Mother performed her inhuman sword techniques. The swiping sound of the knife and the boiling of the spaghetti sauce were the only sounds that could be heard. The servants were awestruck as they witnessed my mother.

"All done."

"Thank you, Mother."

Mother claimed that she had done her job. She said it plainly, as if what she were doing was the same as breathing. The servants came back to their senses and continued to take notes.

I checked the noodles and am still shocked by the results. Each strip of noodles was cleanly sliced to an equal thickness. Mother sliced the dough in a very straight manner, and the cuts were even drawing parallel lines.

I collected all the noodles and added them to the boiling water along with the spaghetti sauce. I spread the noodles throughout the boiling water to cook them properly. I covered the boiler and let it boil for three minutes.

"Let's just wait for the noodles to firm up."


After several minutes, I took a look at the noodles and concluded that they were already firm.

"Lizell, drain the noodles, please."

"I understand."

Lizell put on the gloves and lifted the boiler to the sink. She removed the water first by spilling it into the sink. A strainer was already placed in the sink, so she just dumped the noodles into the strainer to filter the water.

She did this kind of task because my parents said that it was too dangerous for me to use the kitchen without the help of an adult. Lizell was our cook, so she had more experience in cooking than me.

After Lizell drained the noodles, she placed the firm noodles on a large silver tray. I grabbed a tong and took a handful of noodles, enough for one serve. With the noodles done, I switched to a ladle and took a scoop from the still-boiling spaghetti sauce.

The steaming hot sauce produced an alluring beefy and saucy aroma that captivated every person in this kitchen. It slowly flowed out of the ladle to join with the noodles like a waterfall resupplying the river of life.

"This is the finished product of today. Mix it well until the sauce spreads evenly on the noodles. Thank you for the assistance, Mother, and also Lizell. And this is it for you, Sister. And I hope you all enjoy my food."

"You're the best, Raphael." my sister said as she happily accepted the pasta.

I thanked Mother and Lizell for their assistance today. I would not have done the dish without their help, especially Mother's. Without her superior swordsmanship and stats, the noodles and the ground beef would not have been made.

"This is for you, my mothers."

"Thank you, Raphael. Smooch."

"As expected of my son. Smooch."

"You're welcome, mothers."

I handed them their serving of spaghetti and kissed my cheek on both sides. I'll treat it as my reward for cooking and serving them pasta.

"As for the others, you can just serve yourselves."

I told the others what they had to do while I served myself. After I poured the sauce, I mixed it well with a fork. Then I twisted my fork to take a mouthful of spaghetti.

"Mmm. Delicious."

(Thank you, Goddess. For giving me access to my previous world's internet.)

I said to myself as I tasted the results of my hard work. The modifications made to my body by the Goddess are really worth it. Thank you for this, I can now surf the internet and acquire any information that I want.

"Mmm! It's delicious, indeed."

"I would not believe it was made of flour if I hadn't witnessed the cooking process."

"With materials on hand, you can just cook for yourself at leisure. Though, you have to mince the meat and thinly slice the dough on your own."

"It is said that the equipment for grinding meat and making noodles has yet to come. So we have to do it manually for a while."

"You're right."

The servants were discussing the spaghetti as they ate it. The equipment is not yet available, so you have to do it manually for the time being.

I looked around to take a glance at other people's reactions. I saw a gay couple happily giving each other a spoonful of pasta.

"You had sauce on your cheek."

"Huh? Where?"


(You asked what did I saw? Geh content.)

Mary, who wrote something with a stern expression on her notepad after finishing her meal, My sister, who is in line for her second serving.

I felt happy and proud of myself as I watched their positive response to my dish. I want to recreate other dishes from my previous world, but I have to do it in moderation.

"Master Raphael, do you have a specific name for this dish?"

"Hmm. Let me think."

Mary asked me a question, and I put my fingers under my chin and thought of the name of this pasta dish. But I came up with a name immediately.

"I will call it, Raevender Style Spaghetti Pasta."


I said as I glanced at my family. With this, the concept of pasta dishes was born in this world.