Chapter 51: Tasked Failed Successfully

Raevender Mansion, Viscountess Mylene Raevender's Office

A woman in her prime is currently checking the contents of the paper she was reading. With her firm buttocks on the wooden chair, the light-brown-haired beauty slithered her pen on the paper, indicating she approved of what was written on it.

"Phew. The last workload for today." She muttered to herself as she stretched out her body from today's paperwork.

On the stylish wooden table lie two piles of white paper, the fruits of her labor. The taller pile was the ones she approved and signed and opposite for the other side. Most of the papers in front of her were the projects and suggestions for the year.

Knock, knock.

As she was about to stand up from her chair, in which she had been seated for hours, a pair of knocks suddenly echoed through her silent office. But before she gave her response, she straightened her exhausted spine first.

"Come in."

"Pardon my intrusion."

After she gave her composed and gentle response, the door opened with a slight creaking noise. Then a girl came into the office and closed the door with a clicking sound. The girl picked up the hems of her knee-length skirt and elegantly bobbed her body.

"Good afternoon, Mother."

"Good afternoon to you, too, Louise."

The girl, Louise Raevender, respectfully greeted one of her mothers, Mylene Raevender, as she entered the room. The woman smiled professionally at the girl as she greeted her back.

Although Mylene was Louise's mother, she's still the lady, not only of the mansion but also of the territory. That's why Louise behaved formally and properly in front of the viscountess.

"My work just finished a while ago. So, Poof. I am your mother now. You can now behave like usual, Louise."

"Thank you, Mother," she said as she approached the table.

Mylene finally stood up from her seat to meet her eldest. The two lavender-eyed females embraced each other as they crossed paths.

They wagged each other's hair as they put their arms against each other's back. Having the opportunity, Louise buried her face in the valley of her mother's mountain ranges.

"Ara. You're quite bold today. What's up?"

"Nothing in particular, Mother. I just want to embrace you as much as I can. I only have a few days left to stay here, you know?"

"I know, Louise."

Mylene's coiling tightened, as did Louise's. In just a few days, her daughter, who has turned fifteen years old, will attend the academy in the Imperial Capital to study.

The mother and daughter continue to wrap each other for a couple of seconds. Not long after, Louise let her arms off of her mother and stepped back with her arms at her rear.

"Thank you, Mother. That's helped things progress a lot."

"? You're welcome?"

Mylene tilted her head as she felt puzzled upon hearing her daughter's sudden sweet appreciation.

"That's all for today. See you later, Mother."

"See you."

Mylene responded, seeing her daughter walk out of the room. She unconsciously scratched her head, still baffled by her strange behavior just now.


After we gave tasks to each other, we separated as soon as we got out of the workshop, fulfilling our sample gathering duties. Sister went to Mother's office on the second floor while I descended the first.

I am going to see Mom after me and Sister separate to accomplish our task. Waltzing through the hallway, I am on my way to where Mom is, in the living area.

I ambulated myself for several dozens of meters before passing the arc opening to the living area. Inside the chamber, I saw the voluptuous figure of Mom sipping a cup of tea alone.

"Good afternoon, Mom."

"Good afternoon, Raphael."

As soon as we finished exchanging greetings, I took a seat beside Mom. Even though there are many empty couches in this chamber, I filled the vacancy on the couch where Mom is sitting. I sit besides her because I have to.

"What can I do for you, Raphael?"

In order to get a specimen of Mom, I decided to pluck a strand of her long black hair. For me to have it, I need to get closer to her physically. Hugging is the best and easiest way to pluck a piece of hair.

I accumulate all of my inner courage and ignite it with the blazing will of all my ancestors, from this world and the other side, to express an embarrassing phrase. I fixed my gaze at her and told her my true feelings.

"I love you, Mom."

I opened my arms in an attempt to wrap it around Mom. But before my fingers touched her pure white dress, Mom raised her right hand, which stopped me from what I was doing.

"What do you think you are doing to your mother, Raphael?"

"I am going to show how much I love you, Mom."

I hastily made an excuse to cover what I was supposed to do. The sun is still rising, and it is still too early to give up. I haven't been caught yet, so I'm going to go with the flow for now.

"You can't just embrace your mother out of nowhere. Besides, you're too old for this kind of thing."

"It means my love for you never fades."

Upon confession, I placed the slightly sweaty palm of my right hand on her porcelain-white left hand. Mom turned her gaze toward our hands with discomfort in her eyes before looking at my eyes sternly.

"I noticed that you've been treating me with keen intimacy and affection since you were just a child. Answer me straight, Raphael. Do you see me as your mother… or a member of the opposite gender?"


Damn! That's a hard question to answer. I didn't expect Mom to ask me about that topic. If I were asked that question, my answer would be…

"Silence means the latter, right?"

"No, Mom. I see you as my mother and a—"

As I am honestly conveying for her, Mom suddenly put a finger on my lips, which made me stop finishing my words.

"Why me?"

"You are kind, gentle, caring, and beautiful. Mom, you are my first love."


"Are you disappointed in having such a son?"

"…That was what your Mother told me before." She replied as she averted her blushful face.

"Let me hug you, Mom."

Seizing the opportunity, I attempt to embrace my embarrassed mother and pluck a hair from her. Same as before, she stopped me again, this time grabbing my shoulders.

"I cannot have you hug me. Instead, I'm giving you this…"

Mom peeled her hands off of my shoulders and placed them against my cheeks. She leaned forward and did something outside of my expectations.



She planted a quick kiss on my lips.

"That was the first and the last, okay?"

I am too dazed to respond. Upon recovery, I put a hand on my lips. I smiled as I realized it made things go further.

"Thank you very much, Mom. That's more than enough."

"Keep it a secret from your Mother."

"I understand, Mom. See you later."

I stood up from the couch and rushed out of the living area with a smile on my face.