Chapter 111: Morning After 

When I slowly opened my eyes from a short sleep, a familiar and comfortable scenery unfolded in front of me: the beautiful and mesmerizing face of my sleeping Mom. 

I peered down and saw her angelic, naked body under the shade of my white blanket. I, too, am fully naked under the same cover. 

Her white skin is metaphorically shining despite being enveloped in shadow. She was slightly drenched in sweat with a scent so sweet and alluring as if it were akin to an aphrodisiac. 

I move my left hand forward for me to caress her flawless cheek before gently stroking her breast with the same hand. I drew my face this time and gave Mom a kiss on her soft lips. 

I rotated my body in a half circle in order for me to face the one behind me, my beautiful Mother. Like me and Mom, Mother is wearing her birthday suit. 

Mother is noticeably more sodden than Mom. I know the reason, since I was the one who made her sweat like that after all.