Sweaty Environment

The monster in front of us was immensely huge and was the real definition of a kaiju. With a length of around one hundred fifty meters, it could easily outsize Czarina's majestic dragon form, which was a hundred meters in length. 

From a distance, Big Sis and I were like a pair of little mice compared to the Apex Saurian. That was how huge it was. But according to Akashvani, the one before us was still a juvenile and was not fully mature yet. I wonder how big these creatures really are.

But no matter how big this monster could be, it was still a monster, a being who, most of the time, acted based on its instincts. To top it all, it was not as strong as our parents, so we were both confident of beating its ass. 

"Sky Tearer." 

Covered with a purplish cloak of dazzling lightning, I slashed my new katana, which I named Vermeil Lily, diagonally at a tremendous speed and released a Level 9 technique.