His Highness's Love

At night, Dane was walking down the supposed hall of mirrors of the royal palace after passing a series of rooms decorated with paintings and murals. Those pieces of art were commissioned by the Raevender family from skilled painters in Astley. 

The entire hall was dim and silent as the members of the royal family had gone to bed. In spite of the silence, the entire hall, as well as the whole chateau, was cloaked with layers of enchantments and barriers for security and privacy purposes. They were active the whole time, and you alerted the royal family if anyone uninvited intruders in the palace. 

Dane was not alone in the hall. Walking along with her, Mary was accompanying Dane to guide her to a particular room, Raphael's bedchamber. Dane was not used to the layout of the palace yet, as it was her second time visiting here, and Raphael had told Mary to help Dane locate his room. 

"This way, Miss Dane."