Conversation With My Accomplice

When I pried my eyes open, all I could see were the cloudless sky and the tall tower of solid ice I created. When I tried to get up, pain suddenly slithered throughout my body, though it was not physical pain. 

I discovered that while I was dormant, my body lost its ability to hover in the air and fell from the height of a kilometer. I did not take fall damage as I had resistance and I could passively heal myself; the pain was probably from the damage I received from my fight with Melville in the mental realm. 

Since Melville was not taking Edith's body anymore, her abilities were not taking effect on her anymore, and Edith was probably freezing to death. I then immediately summoned my sword and rushed toward her before I skillfully executed the Divine Sword Art technique, Level 2 Flash Strike, and freed her from the ice.