Ning Jing

[Ding! The modification process has begun at... 0%. It will take 20 hours to complete, please come back later, host!] System explained.

"Hm! Even though it is closed, people won't often come here. There won't be much commotion, right? We don't want unnecessary trouble, we can just hire some construction workers and work on it according to your plan, you know? "

Ning Qi asked! He doesn't want a random brass kid to jump the wall and come here to see everything upgrading on its own because that would cause him a lot of problems.

[Host doesn't need to worry about that, except for the sounds, no one will be able to see anything.]

The system swiftly explained, making Ning Qi's frustration lessen a bit. Even if some people find out that something is wrong, he won't have too much trouble as long as they don't see anything.

And who will come here in the first place, as the main gate will be closed?

As he consoled himself, he looked at his mobile and saw that it was already 1:30 p.m. He felt a bit hungry but remembered his sister.

"Hm! It's been almost a week, huh?"

Ning Qi went to visit her last Wednesday, and today is already Tuesday again. He used to not meet her very much because of his work and college schedules for her.

But now he doesn't have any work to deal with, and as such, he felt like he needed to meet this little sister of his as much as possible.

In this busy world, once a person is exposed to society, all they can do is run after the money. You won't have much time to spend with your family, friends, or relatives once you're in this.

It is okay with close kin, like parents, a sister or brother, and some best friends. What about the relatives? Who were your childhood and school friends, and with whom you used to have very good relationships?

Ning doesn't Know, he used to have many good friends and used to play with a lot of his cousins too. But now, he doesn't even know what those people are doing or where some of them even are.

Such thoughts made Ning Qi a bit sad, but he couldn't do anything about it. He entered his sister's mobile number and dialed her.

"Brother? What is it? I'm in the classroom now. I'll call you at 2 p.m. during my lunch break, OK?"

A sweet voice of a young girl soon came from the other side of the call.

"Hm! It's alright, I'm just calling you to ask whether you are free for lunch today."

Ning Qi asked casually, he knows that he can't just go there and disturb their little plans that they may have.

"Lunch? Are you coming to meet me now? No! I don't have any plans today... I just thought of having it in the college cafeteria, hehe!"

Ning Jing's excited voice sounded from the other side, as she felt a bit of bliss meeting her brother, who doted on her the most.

She knows that she has one more brother and sister, but her memories of them are a bit vague, as she was too young at the time when they went away.

"Alright, jing! Wait for me at the front side of Rihui restaurant, near your university. I will come around 2 p.m. there."

Ning Qi quickly said and cut the call when he heard a scolding from the other end of the line, most likely from her professor.

"Oh! That restaurant is a bit costly, brother. I'm inviting Fen too. Lunch will set you back 500 yuan, don't cry later, hehe!"

Ning Jing thought to herself, but she still invited her bestie Wen Fen to accompany her.

She slowly lowered her head a bit, looked at her best friend, and thought, 'good girl'. who was oblivious to her evil friend's thoughts and concentrated on class.

"Fen fen!! My brother is coming here for lunch, he asked us to go to Rihui restaurant."

Ning Jing slowly whispered as she didn't want to get caught by the professor again.

"Oh! Brother Ning is coming here? Hm! But I won't be joining, as it is a bit costly, and he won't let me pay."

Wen Fen is a bit delighted at first, she doesn't know what it is, but whenever Ning Qi is with her and Jing, she feels very happy and safe.

She just knows that she is attracted to him but doesn't know whether it's love or not, as she doesn't spend any considerable alone time with him.

Her family is rich, but Ning Qi never lets her pay for anything, just always asking her to take care of Ning Jing on his behalf.

Ning Jing tried to arrange a lot of those things but failed at all of them because Ning Qi is always busy with work and rejects whatever she proposes.

"No! You are coming, and that's final, or else I won't talk with you for the next 3 days...ah! no..2 days. Hmph!!"

Ning Jing played her trump card and convinced Wen Fen, who is very gentle, that Ning Jing is, after all, her best friend.

On the other hand, Ning Qi doesn't know that his little sister is planning to put a hole in his pocket. He locked the door before going out.

Soon, he hired a taxi and told the taxi driver to go to Rihui restaurant in the Qixing district.

At 2:05 pm, he reached the location and paid the taxi driver before going towards the restaurant.

Right In front of the restaurant, he saw 2 girls and 3 boys standing and talking. Both the girls looked very beautiful, and their beauty isn't given either mature beauty or cold beauty like that of Lian Hua Missy.

But these two girls have a youthful freshness, one that everyone wants to hang out with.

Ning Qi moved toward them, and as he got closer to them, he saw his sister arguing with one of the boys. And Wen Fen was on the other side, trying to cool down Ning Jing.

"What's wrong with you, Kuang Lie? I told you that I had no interest in you, but you kept bugging me daily. You even stalked me here, if you don't go now... I, I will call the police and make a complaint that you are harassing me!" Ning Jing exploded.

This Kuang Lie is from the same class as her and has been pursuing her for the past 3 years.

He didn't do anything out of the ordinary for the first three years, but this year, as it is their final year of high school, his pursuit becomes relentless.

Ning Jing was quite happy when she came here and thought about what to eat, as this was going to be her brother's treat.

But who knows that this Kuang Lie came out of nowhere and started pestering her, saying that he would treat them to food?

"Jing jing! Why don't you accept me? Sincerely, I've been trying for the past three years. Now that this is our final year, I won't stop no matter what. I have money and I'm quite handsome, a lot of girls want to have me as their boyfriend, but why don't you?"

That boy, Kuang Lie, argued with a lot of narcissism.

"I just don't like you, and can't you be less narcissistic, please? I felt nausea just listening to you."

Ning Jing knew this guy was wealthy, and while he didn't do anything to her or accept any other girl's love in college, he did play with a lot of girls outside, and everyone in the college was aware of it.

No one dares say that, though, as this guy's family is rich and he has some connections with a gangster from the underworld.

"Jingjing! Can't you please just accept me? See what I even brought to you." Kuang Lie fished out a diamond ring from his pocket and went for Ning Jing's hand.

Just as Ning Jing and Wen Fen panicked at the actions of Kuang Lie, a hand came out of nowhere and held Kuang Lie's hand tightly.

Both Ning Jing and Wen Fen, as well as Kuang Lie and his lackeys, looked towards that hand. Ning Jing and Wen Fen had delighted expressions on their faces, but Kuang Lie and his lackeys looked angrily at him.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing? Let go of brother Lie's hand."

One of the guys beside Kuang Lie went for Ning Qi's collar. Ning Qi simply lifted his leg and kicked him in the lower abdomen, he didn't dare to use too much of his strength, as he doesn't know how much strength he has.

He only knows that he is probably able to lift a tonne. As such, he reduced his power to 10%.

But he used his agility and saw that guy going for his collar, but he was too slow in Ning Qi's eyes. So, he simply kicked him in the gut, making him roll on the floor.

What Ning Qi doesn't know is that he may have only used the power of a normal person, but it's the full power kick of an average, healthy person.

Even people who have trained their bodies will not be able to receive such abdominal kicks unexpectedly and without preparation.

"Ahh!! Ahh!!"

That guy wails on the floor as though he wants to cry out, but only little whimpers are coming from his mouth.

Ning Qi still held that Kuang guy, who was shocked silly with his left hand. The other guy hurriedly went to check on his mate.

"Oi Sun! Chang-Pu Sun!... Let me see it! Why are you crying like a baby?"

The other guy tried to straighten the guy on the floor, who is curled up, to reduce the pain from the impact.

When his friend tried to straighten him, he whimpered a bit louder and cursed all his ancestors internally.

'Just leave me the fuck here! The pain has reduced a bit, but you again made it flare up. Ah! I'm going to fucking kill you after you get up, you dumb pig, Gang Chao.'

Kuang Lie soon shook his shock and tried to free himself from Ning Qi, but felt that his hand was clamped by a pincer, unable to move at all.

"You damn Gang Chao! What the fuck are you doing there with that wimp? Come and help me."

Kuang Lie cursed, as he felt he lost a lot of faces today. One of his lackeys is on the ground crying out of pain, and the other one is too dumb. He felt powerless in the grip of this guy.

"Oh! Coming boss...You! First, release the boss's hand and apologize to my boss, or else you will see the blood today. "

Gang Chao threatened, taking a brass knuckle from his pocket and putting it on his hand.

Both Ning Jing and Wen Fen looked at the situation that went out of hand in a moment with dumbfounded faces.

But as soon as the guy took the knuckle from his pocket, both of them got shocked.

Just as Ning Jing processed what happened and was about to tell them to stop, she was interrupted by Kuang Lie's kick.