
"Sect master Ning! I think that guy is forced to fight. If we insist on this, there will be some conflicts with Yan Sect." Shen Jian said from the side. He and Shen Tian felt blissed for their baby to join such a sect, whose sect master is a bit overprotective of them.

"We will deal with it peacefully. We can indeed repay a certain amount of money if they want. But I merely hope they won't force me to deal with them. " Ning Qi said, after heeding Shen Jian's words.

"You can just admit defeat! I'm not going to kill you, don't worry about anyone is going to accuse you, as this is my decision" Shen Yue said to the guy, who is still waiting for death.

He finally tilted his head and looked at the girl with a bit of surprise. His hope to live slowly rose, as this is a promise from a cultivator. He next looked at Fang Lian, who is making his way into the arena hurriedly.

Some of the audience booed, as they felt their fun watching one more one-shot kill going away. Some of them indeed started causing a ruckus, saying it was against the arena rules. They even forgot they were trying to make a situation at a cultivator.

"Don't allow the audience to disappoint! Or else we will lose our fame, once the word goes out. Handle the situation appropriately, and I am coming down in a moment."

That young master voice came to Fang Lian, who only just entered the arena. He heaved a sigh of relief, after heeding those words from him, now that he doesn't have to worry overly much about this.

"Hello everyone! Please cease what you are doing now and allow me a minute to discuss with Miss Shen here."

Fang Lian said loudly after he entered the arena and moved to Shen Yue.

Eventually, everyone stopped after they had achieved what they wanted to do and the entire avenue again turned silent. But Nangong Xu and Kang Xuan gradually made their way into the arena and stood alongside Shen Yue.

That did cause a bit of pressure on Fang Lian, as any normal human being will experience some pressure dealing with a cultivator.

"Hello! Miss Shen, you are breaching the rules that you agreed upon, at the time of registration. If you do something like this now, our sect won't be able to give a proper explanation to the audience, who have placed much trust and money to come here. So, I hope you will continue the match according to the rules."

Fang Lian said neither overbearingly nor modestly, as though he is trying to reason with her. But everyone knows, he is bluntly informing her to follow the rules or else there will be consequences.

"Hm! I don't think that is going to happen. We can repay you 100 million yuan at best for breaching the rules. That's it, but if you still try pushing your luck, we will have to deal with the situation by force."

Instead of Shen Yue, Nangong Xu responded, as he exerted a bit of pressure on Fang Lian.

"You have a relatively big mouth there! Daring to threaten our Yan Sect, I don't think you will be capable to face the consequences, even If you can get out of here alive today."

A young man who is around the age of Ning Qi came onto the stage, and Fang Lian hurriedly walked to him to greet, him before standing behind him with a cranky smile on his face.

"You master Rong Hong! My sincerest apologies for troubling you." Fang Lian said.

But none of the three looked troubled, after regarding him, which made him quite bewildered. The yan sect enjoys quite a big fame in the cultivator world, as they are stated to have a True Qi condensation realm ancestor residing in the sect.

Their sect master is in addition at the peak of soul transformation level cultivator. There are even more supreme elders in the soul transformation realm, who are residing somewhere in the sect.

As such, the Yan sect does boast a significantly mighty name and is considered a Big Sect. Even the remote sects know of Yan Sect, but the reaction that these 3 disciples give makes him wonder, what their thoughts are.

"Don't think you can fight with me with that special technique of yours! I think except for your sect master, none of you can take one hit from me at the moment right?"

Rong Hong asked with certainty in his voice. He knows to employ such a dominant technique, one must either have a time limit or some other restrictions alongside it.

What he estimated is exactly the correct situation. Except that Shen Yue may be able to utilize the technique, but that will be useless against a peak Qi refining level cultivator, as she won't be strong enough.

"Oh! A great Yan sect, I hope this young master Rong Hong can give some face to me."

Li Ling equally gradually made her way to the arena. She moreover knows none of them can deal with him, as of now.

Maybe Nangong Xu was able to if he didn't employ that technique before. She knows Ning Qi will make a move, even if she doesn't do anything.

But from the looks of it, Ning Qi wanted to resolve it as peacefully as possible, as they are the ones that are at fault.

"Miss! I hope you won't drag yourself into this! I don't think your sect will accept what you are doing right now. I hope you don't get involved in this."

Rong Hong said as he felt that Li Ling may be a bit more powerful than him. But he didn't bother about that by that much, he merely doesn't require another sect's involvement in the plot he is plotting.

"Oh! I'm a direct disciple of the Yumen sect, Li Ling! I merely hope that young master Rong Hong can provide me some face and agree to this Little sister's request."

Li Ling said, as her sect is also as powerful as the Yan sect, which may pressure him a bit.

"Miss!... Your sect and My sect don't have any conflicts, and we even have some good friendships between us. That is the reason I'm warning you to not get into this... This time arena needs to be handled perfectly, as this is given to me by an elder of the sect. If I incur dissatisfaction from the audience, I don't think I will be capable to answer the elder. Therefore, I hope you don't disturb our business here anymore."

Rong Hong directly pulled the card of the elder, as he heard this chick was from the Yumen sect. He decided to acquire that technique no matter what means he has to employ today.

He wants to bear down on them so that they will give it to him by themselves. But if the Yumen sect involves, he won't be capable to achieve that.

Li Ling suffered a bit of a pinch, as she can't affect anything anymore. Once a sect elder involves, that will be an altogether exceptional situation. Seeing that Li Ling is in such a situation because of them, Shen Yue gently grabbed her hand and signaled her that everything is going to be alright.

Li Ling equally knows that with Ning Qi here, this guy here is destined to suffer. She quickly composed herself and stood beside Shen Yue, without stating anything.

"Alright! Precisely state to me what you guys exactly want to deal with this! My junior sister is not going to kill him for sure, and we will try repaying your sect for breaching the rules. Therefore just state what you desire, as long as it is reasonable, we will agree to it. Also, don't try pressing me with the name of Yan Sect, as that is not going to work with us." Nangong Xu said briskly once more.

"Your attitude is not a quite good one boy! If you don't know about the Yan sect's strength, you should first ask your sect master about that. If you run your mouth like this somewhere else, you don't know how much trouble you will get yourself and your sect into. But that doesn't matter to me now... You let your junior sister kill this guy here or... Provide me with the technique that you all used in the match. I can tell the sect elder, that we at least considered an equal transaction." Rong Hong ultimately said, which he coveted to state.

All their faces turned quite angry, as this guy truly have a tiger's mouth and even dared to ask for a divine-level technique. Even Li Ling felt this guy is quite blinded by his greediness, asking for such a rare technique which is usually exclusive to particular sects.

"So! From the very start, you have been eyeing the secret technique of our sect, right?" Ning Qi said as he stood beside Nangong Xu's team.

No one knows when he got there and how he got there. Everyone suddenly sucked a deep breath and felt shivers run down their spine. Especially those audiences who were causing ruckus before, they ultimately felt they have encountered a cultivator who is genuinely out of this world.

Fang Lian beside Rong Hong legs started shivering with fright! On the other hand, Rong Hong equally felt his heart beat goes higher and higher and his entire cells are screaming at him to get away from the danger as soon as possible. But he gritted his teeth and looked at Ning Qi, as though telling himself that I am unafraid of him.

Only the Nangong Xu team didn't suffer any fright! Alternatively, they felt secure and bliss, that they get to witness some of the strength of their sect master.

"It's not I am coveting it, Mister Ning! As I informed you before, I have to explain to that elder. I think this technique will barely be able to subside the anger of a Soul transformation genuine cultivator. I hope that sect master Ning won't make a mistake for a simple copy of the technique. You won't lose considerably for just a copy, though." Rong Hong said slowly, still not listening to his body commands.

"What represents the third rule of our sect?" Ning Qi didn't reply to him, instead asked his disciples.

"Never share the sect techniques without permission from the sect master." All of them shouted back, as though they are in the drill.

"See! Therefore, ask that elder to come to get permission from me, if he wants the technique of our sect."

Ning Qi said candidly, which made Rong Hong's face turn rigid, as he never expected the sect master of this puny sect to be this hard to deal with.

"I won't be capable to deal with you today Mr. Ning! But I hope you are ready to 'receive' the elder after I report it back to the sect."

Rong said threateningly and is ready to go away from here. He felt utterly helpless, as he didn't acquire the technique from them.

He also thought Ning Qi was probably a golden core realm cultivator or at least a peak foundation establishment realm, as such force won't be possible.

"You dare to threaten me with a soul realm cultivator and plot against my sect. You got some guts there, to leave just like that."

Ning Qi's voice is still plain, but he is truly annoyed, as he felt that all this trouble is caused by this shitty fellow's greediness.

He directly activated his sect title's aura and instantly directed it to Rong Hong.

Rong Hong, who was just about to walk away, quickly looked back at Ning Qi in horror. He knows those that can release aura from their bodies are of at least at the Soul transformation realm.

That means the guy that he just threatened is a soul transformation realm cultivator. He instantly understood he was in some deep trouble now.

He felt thousands of elephants trampling him and moving is getting harder and harder. He knows this is the instinctual fear that the body will arouse, once a formidable cultivator is present in front of them.

'At least Soul transformation peak realm.' Li Ling thought with awe and surprise struck her face. This kind of cultivator is at the absolute peak of her sect and even in the world. But she didn't feel any pity for that greedy guy, who dares to threaten such a formidable cultivator.

"S...Sir, I...I'm Extremely sorry for my previous B...behavior. H-Hope S... that Sir, can F...forgive me. "

Rong Hong said with many difficulties, as he felt his breathing getting harder and harder. He felt like he is going to die here today. After saying that, he looked at Ning Qi, who is however looking at him nonchalantly, as though he is not going to let him go.

That indifferent face of Ning Qi frightened the hell out of him. He instantly plopped to the floor in a kneeling position and wanted to beg more, but no words came out of his mouth. But the aura released by Ning Qi is still there, and he felt that, if this continues for a mere 30 more seconds, he will be dead for sure.

Unable to announce any words, he started crying with snot all over his face. He regretted it deeply and felt that if he gets another chance, he will never try such a thing, even if someone tells him that is a divine-level technique.

Just when he thought he couldn't take it anymore, Ning Qi gradually receded his aura back. Rong Hong looked at Ning Qi with eyes brimming with tears and as soon as he felt he can breathe again. An unknown feeling of relief washed over him and a golden liquid started making its way through his legs, which instantly disgusted both Li Ling and Shen Yue.

"Alright! I hope you have learned your lesson. And also, you all better behave properly and don't cause a ruckus without knowing what kind of repercussion that will bring back to you all. If someone else were in my place today, they would kill everyone here." Ning Qi said slowly, as he felt these rich folks are too dumb to raise their voices against cultivators. He merely advised them, so that they will learn to behave themselves if they attend such places next time.

He next looked at Fang Lian, who is at present on the downside of the arena, instantly making him shiver all over.

"I hope all my money will be debited to my account." Ning Qi mentioned and started walking out of the arena, followed by Ning Qi's group. Everyone in their group is in absolute delight and felt that their sect master is a bit more handsome than half an hour ago.

If Ning Qi knows they have such ridiculous thoughts, he will probably give every one of them a kick on their butts.