
The next day, early in the morning, Ning Qi woke up and saw that Li Ping was back. Last night, he went to drop the girls at their room, and before he came back, Ning Qi fell asleep. As he had been on a continuous journey for the past few days. Even though he took a break at the village inn, it didn't suffice for him properly.

Naturally, Ning Qi wouldn't even feel that much, as he is a Foundation realm cultivator. But this mentality of his is still that of a normal human being, that you need good rest after doing some work.

It can be expected, as Ning Qi's journey in the cultivation world has only lasted 10 or so days so far. He felt refreshed, and he stretched his body for a bit before going for a bath.

Just as he came out of the bathroom, his phone started ringing. Not knowing who is calling this early in the morning, as it's only 7:30 a.m. now. He took his mobile phone to check, but soon a smile climbed on his face as he saw the caller's ID.

But he got confused about why Ning Jing was calling him. Today is Sunday, and this girl usually won't wake up this early. But he answered it, thinking that he would know the reason in a moment.

"Ha Jing! Why are you calling me this early? Don't you know that I will be sleeping?" Ning Qi asked playfully, as he isn't that worried. If she is in some serious trouble, he can reach her in a minute or two if he uses his full speed, and she can call, which means that he has enough time to react.

"Hm! Brother..." On the other side, Ning Jing felt quite nervous about asking for money. Their favorite star is giving a concert in Shanghai this Monday. Both Wen Fen and she applied for the leaves by telling them that they were sick, which earned a glare from their homeroom teacher. He felt these two girls were always in the top ten of his class, but they couldn't even find a proper reason to bunk classes.

How can two of them get sick at the same time? And they both look pretty healthy, not even trying to be sick. He knows that these girls have other things to do. He sighed a bit and applied their leaves for them with altered reasoning, as one is sick and the other is going home because her great-grandmother is dead.

After their leaves got sanctioned, they even cheered in front of him, making him even more troubled. He shooed them from there, with a warning to not drop the classes in the future.

They got their leaves and hurriedly looked at the official portal to book tickets. But their initial joy quickly faded away as they saw that all the tickets were already sold out. Only some premium-class tickets are left.

But Ning Jing only has around 2500 yuan in her hand. It would have been enough for her to book an ordinary ticket and cover round trip costs if she spent it frugally. but these premium tickets are a bit too costly for her.

Even the lowest bronze level premium ticket needs 5000 yuan and an extra 1000 yuan for membership. The Yang Consortia is one of the biggest names in the entire country, and as such, once one can buy their membership, it will have lifetime validity. not to mention the above levels, silver, gold, platinum, and diamond levels.

From gold-level membership onward, they don't need to buy any concert tickets, they can just walk in, and the company will arrange the seats accordingly. But the silver level membership itself costs ten thousand yuan, with a ticket cost of two thousand yuan. Not to mention the gold level, the membership itself costs one hundred thousand yuan. Every level above that multiplies by ten, and of course, each such level has its benefits.

Ning Jing needs around 6,000 yuan now, and with her 2500 yuan, she can go to the concert easily. Wen Fen offered to pay on her behalf, and she can pay it back once she has that. But Ning Jing never wants her friendship to run on money, as that kind of friendship will not last for long.

And she also doesn't want to have an anxious conscience every day, worrying about the repayment. She knows her friend is very rich, but she never lets her spend money on her needs. And Wen Fen also knows this and has always felt glad to have such a friend, as her previous friends have always tried to use her. She knows that the parents of this friend gave her a good upbringing and taught her good morals.

Ning Jing decided to try asking her brother one last time, if he scolds her... then let it b, that she will best not go to the concert. But after calling him in the heat of the moment, she remembered her brother is not doing any job at the moment, and he will have to give her from his savings and instantly regretted that.

Wen Fen, on the other hand, took the phone from her hands, knowing that Ning Qi isn't that weak, either financially or emotionally.

"Brother Ning! It's me, Wen Fen... I and Jing wanted to go to a concert in Shanghai..." She slowly explained it to Ning Qi, who was a bit confused by his usually cheery sister being so hesitant.

"Oh! Which concert are you going to, Fen?"

Ning Qi asked as he has never shown much interest in the entertainment industry, and he also felt a bit sad about his sister being so hesitant to ask for such a small amount from him. If it was before, Ning Qi may have felt that Ning Jing was wasting money on such things, but he would still have given her money without any complaint, as he knows that his sister is a person who understands the value of money, and of course, he dotes on her the most.

He thought of the 270 million or so in his account, which he doesn't have much use for at the moment, and he knew that he would earn a lot more in the future. So, he decided to give them a surprise, as he also planned to take Ning Jing, the disciple of the sect, on that special quota. She will soon feel that money is of no use to her, and she also won't have much free time to enjoy a normal life once she joins the sect.

"Ah? We are going to the concert by the Heavenly Star, Lian Hua! This is her first concert of the year. and we don't know when she will do another one." Wen Fen said a bit excitedly, as she is also an ardent fan of hers.

On the other hand, Ning Qi clicked his tongue, as he felt how fate plays games with everyone. When he told them that he resigned from his job due to the inexperienced invigilator, he never mentioned her name to them. He felt quite funny, as he remembered Ning Jing cursing her idol vehemently.

But he decided not to mention that, as he doesn't want to discourage them.

"Alright! Send me the website to register! I will send you girls the details by the afternoon. I will also book tickets for your journey. Give mobile to her, Fen." Ning Qi said as he decided to check the memberships first and see what benefits those entail with each member before deciding to buy.

"Brother! This is the only time, okay? I will never ever trouble you for such things again, alright?" Ning Jing, who has been listening to their conversation, hurriedly said, as she herself felt quite bad about squandering Ning Qi's hard-earned money.

"Alright! Don't be so surprised when you receive the tickets, alright? And also, I have to talk to you about something important once you come back from your trip." Ning Qi informed them a bit mysteriously, leaving both of them dumbfounded.

But before they could respond, Ning Qi cut the call, even more bewildering them.

"Hm! Brother is so mysterious today!" Ning Jing said as she folded her bedsheets, making a cute face. while Wen Fen simply nods her head, waiting for the surprise that Ning Qi said as she shared the link.

Ning Qi unhurriedly clicked on the link sent by Wen Fen before looking through all the benefits of memberships. He was surprised to see 10 million for a membership card from the Yang Consortium. If it was in the past, he would have cursed all their ancestors for being so greedy.

But after seeing all the benefits, Ning Qi felt that membership was well worth the amount. The person who holds this membership card can buy anything from their wide range of businesses, ranging from clothing shops to jewelry stores and entertainment venues to medical offices. They have businesses all over the country and in many industries.

Seeing that was quite good, Ning Qi opened it to check for more information regarding that. While he is looking at all the benefits, he notices one particular section regarding concerts. Not only can the members go to any concert that is happening in their area, but they also have a lot of connections all over the country, which will give the members of this card first preference.

One more thing he liked is the reception those holders of this card received. They will be arranged in separate rooms, and they will provide the best food available for free. There are still a lot more benefits to them, but Ning Qi is too lazy to review them all.

He quickly finished their registration details and paid the 20 million, gritting his teeth a bit. As that is the first time, he is 'squandering' money.

Just as he put the mobile away for a moment and got dressed. He received another call, making Ning Qi wonder what was happening... Just two or three minutes ago, his balance was reduced from 270 million to 250 million, and he doesn't want to spend anymore.

Just as he reluctantly took the call, he heard a polite voice on the other end of the line.

"Hello! Good morning! I'm a manager from the Yang Consortium, Yang Tian!" That guy hurriedly introduced himself.

"Oh! What is it, Mr. Yang? Did I fill any information wrongly, or have I missed any fields?" Ning Qi asked as they called regarding the application he sent. But he didn't do anything wrong.

"No, no, sir! Everything is done perfectly from your side, and we have also registered for two memberships already! We just want to confirm where you want us to deliver the membership cards, if you have any particular place in mind, we will be able to deliver them there, or else we will deliver them to the same place on your ID card."

Yang Tian explained himself politely, as it is one of their jobs to ask the customers before sending the cards. After all these guys are VIPs of their Consortium. They have to confirm, or else some of them will start to complain about bad services.

"Hm... There is a concert going on in Shanghai tomorrow, right? My sister and her friend are coming there tonight. So, can you please send someone to receive them, as it is their first time in Shanghai? You can hand them their cards there, and also, please lead them to the place where the concert is." Ning Qi asked as he felt that it was good for them to have someone to guide them in a new place.

"You don't have to worry about that, sir! It's a small matter. Just send me a message with their arrival time and location to receive them. I will make sure to send one of the female staff members to help through things while they are here." Yang Tian said, as he felt the concern in Ning Qi's voice, which instantly made Ning Qi happy, and Ning Qi also understood that this guy is quite a businessman.

"Alright! Thanks for the trouble. have a good day then, Mr. Yang." Ning Qi said.

"You too, sir! Thanks for deciding to buy our membership, you won't regret it." After saying that, Yang Tian cut the call. He is quite happy, as their consortium reached their 2000th membership card with those two registrations from Ning Qi.

Ning Qi then looked at the flight availability to Shanghai from Guilin before booking two tickets for the flight that starts at 4 p.m. He then shared the details of the tickets with Ning Jing and Yang Tian. He also shared the numbers of his sister and Wen Fen with Yang Tian before starting on his way to the sect.