Mission starts

"Good news."

Xia Lan came inside, pushing the door a bit excitedly. Gong Chou also followed behind with a satisfied smile on his face.

Shen Yue and Kang Xuan, who are meditating themselves to get ready for the action they need to commence soon, jolted open their eyes.

"But there is also bad news."

Xia Lan said, but her face didn't go downhill. That means that the bad news isn't that bad, or at least it won't affect the overall mission that much.

Kang Xuan and Shen Yue have already understood the good news. But they didn't know what the bad news was yet, and as such, they looked at her questioningly for her explanation.

"The good news is the resort is not running on the automatic generators. So, there is a chance that you both will get at least ten minutes to finish the mission. Even the power supply organiser of this region has agreed to cut off the power for at least 15 minutes."

Xia Lan smiled, thinking that "grandpa" is a good person for cooperating with them. He even proposed cutting the power off for half an hour, but another organiser immediately denied it, saying that would raise a lot of complaints.

"That's a truly good one. Ten minutes is already a lot of time for us to complete the mission swiftly."

Kang Xuan said with a happy expression, and Shen Yue also nodded her head in agreement.

"What is the bad news though?"

Shen Yue fixed her gaze on them and asked. She just hopes that whatever bad news will not affect their mission or lead to casualties.

"The bad news is that we are unable to find out who exactly the enemies are. The only one we have identified is the one that is staying in the reception right now. He came alone, and no one else came with him."

Gong Chou stated that he believes these people are far too dangerous and cunning. He also doesn't know why, but feels that something bad is about to happen.

"It's not that bad! We can identify them easily. Especially since those people must be armed or do not behave like captives."

Shen Yue spoke while everyone agreed. Then they looked at the time, which was already 9 p.m. They again ordered some delicious food before waiting for the time they decided to move.

At around 1:30 am, right close to the Liyuan resort building, four shadows can be seen talking and chatting with 'beers' in their hands.

The city is still lively, even though it's already time for many people to go to sleep. People are occasionally seen walking along the roads, and they have positioned themselves in one of the blind spots not covered by the security cameras.

"Senior sister! The building has four floors. The first floor is the reception, and the second is possibly an auditorium to commence the wedding for people who choose the indoor style. Then the third and fourth are possibly living rooms."

Kang Xuan analyzed as he understood these buildings that are built for weddings or modified for wedding venues.

Xia Lan and Gong Chou also nodded their heads, as they also thought the same.

"Hm! How will we proceed?"

Shen Yue asked, as Kang Xuan probably wanted to discuss this only.

"The guy on the reception desk has changed. That gave us two of the enemies already."

Kang Xuan said that, as they have already observed, the current 'receptionist' is not the same receptionist.

"What I wanted to say is that I will finish this guy on the first floor silently while you quickly go to the second floor to analyse the situation there first. Then we can work on how to deal with the last two floors after finishing the first two floors."

Kang Xuan stated that they needed to understand each other's moves or else they would mess things up before being exposed.

"Hm! But let's reverse the order of what you said, as I will finish the guy on the first floor, while you observe the second floor. You know I still haven't..."

Shen Yue spoke hesitantly, not wanting to say anything else in front of these two. But Kang Xuan understands that immediately. She still hasn't had her 'First Kill' yet.

And doing it on the first floor has its risks and benefits.

"You don't have to worry about that junior brother! I'm preparing myself for this, so I won't mess up any of our plans."

Shen Yue promised, as she understood what this 'old man' was probably thinking. She just felt that this junior brother, who always calls her a senior sister, probably still treated her like a little girl.

Kang Xuan didn't say anything, as everyone needs their first time in anything. That first time will always be the most nervous one.

They waited patiently until around 2:07 a.m. The time that the power cut is going to occur is exactly 2:10 a.m.

"Good luck to both of you. Just make sure that you keep your guard up all the time."

Xia Lan spoke with a serious expression. She wanted to say that your lives are more important than those inside, but that would contradict their bureau's morals. She held those words and just prayed in her heart for the success of the mission.

"Hm! Please be alert and try not to alert the enemies. Also, make sure that your safety comes first."

Gong Chou's words surprised Xia Lan a little. She wanted to say those words too.

It's just that her meaning and his meaning are entirely different. She just wants them to be safe, while he wants them to be safe so that this world and their Guilin don't have to feel the wrath of a 'nuke'.

"Thanks! We will be alert and careful. Also, depending on the circumstances, once the mission is completed, we will either come directly to the hotel or call you. Now, you both get ready to receive the captives."

Kang Xuan said that he doesn't want to deal with the press or whatever nonsense may come here, even faster than an ambulance can come.

Xia Lan and Gong Chou nodded their heads before backing away from the two to about a hundred meters, close to their hotel.

"Ready, senior sister?" Kang Xuan asked as he patted the shoulder of Shen Yue, whose body was a bit tensed up.

Even though, he felt a bit nervous. But he needs to be strong on such an occasion, where neither the sect master nor the eldest senior brother not there.

Even though Shen Yue is the senior sister, he felt that she needs more experience before she is able to lead the missions. That made him this party's decision-maker.

"Thanks, junior brother. I was just a bit too nervous, as this is the first time I am doing something like this."

Shen Yue said, as her nerves calmed down a bit from that hard pat from Kang Xuan. She felt that it is always good to have elders who could guide them when it was necessary.

Her admiration for Kang Xuan grew, and she realised that Kang Xuan is the polar opposite of her father.

Of course, she loves her father a lot, and if her father were here, he would try to do the mission solo and try to stop her in all possible ways.

Her face lit up with a smile as she thought about it. She shook her head and concentrated on the mission.

Both of them patiently waited for the lights to go out. Just as they started to look intensely at the entrance of Liyuan Resort, the lights in the entire neighbourhood went off, instantly making the area pitch black.

"What in the **** is wrong with this?" some of the residents loudly cursed.

But two shadows swiftly moved under the blanket of this darkness. Even though the moonlight is present, many people will be unable to see anything immediately because the cones in their eyes must adapt to the low intensity.

Kang Xuan and Shen Yue, on the other hand, aren't like that. They can see things better than normal people can in the moonlight.

Being the faster of the two, Shen Yue reached the entrance stairs in two seconds and then the reception hall in another three seconds.

She saw the 'receptionist' sitting there without even opening his mobile. Usually, what anyone will do is fish out their mobile phones as soon as the power is cut off.

She felt a little strange, because even those criminals usually try to take out a source of light as soon as the power goes out.

She nimbly moved toward him without making any noise. She tried to observe his expression, but it was a bit blurry with her level of cultivation.

Just as she reached him, a shadow flashed up to the second floor of the building through the stairs. It's obviously Kang Xuan, who is doing his part as agreed and not bothering with Shen Yue's part anymore.

Shen Yue hesitated for a moment, but soon she shook her head, as this was not the time to think about those anymore. They already are an arrow that has been released. Their only goal is to hit the target accurately.

If there is too much 'wind', it will deflect their trajectory and miss the target. She doesn't want to become someone like that, wasting the efforts of those three and many people's lives.

Shen Yue gritted her teeth and swiftly moved around the guy, who felt a bit alert as he felt something move beside him. Before he even turns his head to observe in the dark, there is a hand that swiftly covers his mouth.

He tried to struggle a bit, but before he could say anything, a sharp thing plunged into his heart. It's obviously the dagger of Shen Yue.

He struggled a bit more but stopped quickly. Shen Yue's entire hand is covered in his blood, and it's a good thing that she plunged it from the back, or else it would have covered her face too.

She felt her body start shaking, and her heart started beating a bit abnormally. Even though he stopped struggling, she still didn't let her hand go. She stood there weakly, but her hand grip tightened on his mouth instead.

She thought it was going to be a bit difficult for the first time. But the moment she plunged the dagger into this man, something in her mind began screaming at her, telling her that she was a murderer, and the intensity of that voice increased every moment that passed.

Just as she felt she wouldn't be able to stand anymore, a hand grasped her shoulder, jolting her out of her dilemma.

She alertly raised her hand and tried to create a distance between them, but instantly calmed down as she saw the face of Kang Xuan.

"I'm sorry, Junior Brother."

Shen Yue whispered a bit apologetically. Even though she promised to not mess up, she almost destroyed their plans.

Kang Xuan looked at the collapsed body. He grabbed Shen Yue and moved to the second floor. He doesn't want her to stay there right now. She needs to calm down a bit if they want to complete this mission quickly and cleanly.

The moment they moved from there to the second floor, the dead body below twitched a bit, as it still had a bit of life in it. He raised his hand toward the voice that came a moment ago.

"Save, P-please S-save my fami--"

Before even finishing the sentence, the hand that was raised completely fell down.