Chapter 236 - A Breakthrough

Max clenched his fists as he watched Jubelian shed tears. Even though he knew that his master loved his daughter, he had not told Jubelian anything about how much her father cherished her. The only thing that had been on Max's mind until now was to win her heart. Regret overcame him.

The first time he slaughtered someone on the battlefield, he had made a promise to himself while vomiting from the grimy bloodshed. He had pledged that he would never be sorry about what happened in the past. Even if he were to be called a "monster" by the people, he would deem it necessary for his survival. This was how Max had rationalized the countless executions he had carried out. He had been injured from numerous blades, yet the wounds had never brought him pain. But strangely, he felt heartbroken the moment he saw Jubelian cry.

'I was stupid. I should have placed your feelings before mine…'

He had never thought that Jubelian would sob so dismally. If he had known about the feelings of inadequacy she carried, he would have told her over and over again how much her father praised her and doted on her. It was only after he learned of her scars that Max learned of his faults.

Regrets weighing heavily on his heart, Max resolved, 'I will attend to you first from now on… So please don't cry anymore.'

"Max." He raised his head at the voice calling out to him. Her eyes bloodshot from crying, Jubelian held out her hand toward him. "Let's go have dinner."

Confused, Max stared at her for a moment before slowly approaching. 'Do I have the right to hold this hand?' he hesitated. The lady took a step toward him just then and held his hand.

"It's all right. My dad is just a strong person. There's no need to be let down because you didn't win the duel."

'Is it okay for a monster like me to stay by your side?' Max knew she was more than he deserved. Nevertheless, he did not want to let go of the savior who had rescued him from the darkness. He tightly held onto her soft, pale hand.

* * *

My dad was a cold person by nature. For that reason, there had never been much conversation at the dinner table. However, there was one thing different this evening…

"Eat," he said.

He was piling my plate with all my favorite dishes. Perhaps this was his way of showing his affection. 'If he didn't care about me, he wouldn't have known about my favorite foods at all.' I was holding back my laughter from his blunt ways when I remembered something.

"You who went back in time, cast aside your prejudices and face the truth in front of you."

I thought I had been scammed back then, but now that I thought about it, the prophecy was true to some extent.

'I've been ignoring the truth before me all this time.' If I had paid attention to my father's small acts, our relationship wouldn't have become twisted. It was my fault as I had been scared of being rejected once more. The fear was likely what had made us misunderstand each other. 'Anyway, I'm glad we were able to resolve them,' I thought in relief. It was then that I realized Max was not eating very much. Instead, he was sitting with a stiff expression.

'Is there something wrong?' I stared at him until he met my eyes. However, he averted his gaze instantly. It seemed he was still resentful about losing the duel against Dad. 'He seemed very skilled as well…' He was normally an arrogant and overconfident person, and I felt sorry to see him so miserable.

'I should cheer him up.'


Hope you enjoyed it,


Biji ^^,
