

The next day after malcolm left for work, debby called Sabrina to the house.

Debby:I'm so sorry for calling you to do this (opening the door).

Sabrina: It's okay, I had nothing doing at home, and I would love to do it(she came in).

Debby: Thanks. She's sleeping in her room right now but she's very peaceful so you don't have to worry much, I will back soon, thank you.

Sabrina: No problem.

Debby left.

Sabrina: Well, home alone in another house,I should call didi (she said to herself)

She took the phone and called didi, but there was no response.

Sabrina: Maybe she's busy.

At didi's work,in a room, there was Nathan and didi,but everywhere was dark, so what was going on ? Some sensual sound is heard, and seconds later, they came out.

Didi:Don't tell a soul about this, at least not yet.

Nathan:Sure, but don't be too long.

they both went separate ways, and then it revealed to us that didi just had sex with Nathan.

Goodie's Shop.

Goodie: Well, well, look what the cats dragged in (debby walked to her). I'm very shocked to see you here,really.

Debby: Don't get too excited, I'm just here for business.

Goodie:Sure you are,come in my office.

They both went in ,while goodie's employees attended to the customers.


They both sat down.

Goodie : So tell me.

Debby: I want you to follow someone,her name is tina...

Goodie:Wait,wait, you mean stalk, and isn't tina a cop?

Debby:So,I just need for her to be followed cause she always follows me and my friends,so keep an eye on her, and I want to know everything about her,starting from where she lives and her family,just name your price and I'll pay.

Goodie:You know I didn't want to come to work but thank God I did and now you are here.The first girl, my first love,is in my office telling me that she would pay me anything.

Debby:That's not what I....

Goodie:Thinking back, I never had the chance to sleep with you when we dated.

Debby:So, are you saying you want to have sex with me? Is that your prize?

Goodie: Heck, yeah

Debby:No way ,I've never had sex with a girl before .

Goodie: I'm sure it won't be strange, considering that you have dated one .

Debby:I never said it was strange,I just don't have experience.

Goodie: Well, there's a saying that goes like this: "There is a time for everything " (she smiled).And now this is your time to sleep with a girl.

Debby:Find it's not like I don't have any money with me anyway.

Goodie came closer to her and whispered to her ear.

Goodie:Don't worry, I'll make you feel like you're heaven.

Debby smiled, and they locked the door.

Debby's house:

Sabrina: Can't believe how long the little one sleeps. (she said to herself )

There was a knock on the door.

Sabrina: Coming.

She opens the door but is surprised when devi kisses her so passionate,she pushes her away.

Sabrina:Woah ,you know I'm gay right, that if you kiss me like that, it will suddenly lend me thinking of something else.

Devi: "SEX,SEX,SEX".

Sabrina: Wow, so didi and Nathan did it,and now we have to too,that's our sex code.

Devi: Yeah, so let's do it .



Luca:I think we should really do something about tina. She's being a pain in the ass.

Malcolm: Yeah, I think so too,we should kill her and bake her into beard.

They laughed hard, and everyone looked at them.

Luca: We are sorry.

And everyone just laughed at them.

Luca:I just love our customers so much, I wonder what debby's doing here (he pointed with his mouth).

Debby walked to them.

Debby:Hi luca.

Luca: Hi debby, where is Psalm?

Debby:At home with Sabrina.

Luca:Heard she's doing it with devi.

Debby:Didi I knew it, she kept saying Nathan was handsome.

Luca:He is handsome, I'll let him screw me anytime.

Malcolm:You will let anyone do anything to you.

Luca: True.

Debby:Well I let goodie screw me.


Luca:For real, how was it .

Debby:Not good but not bad.

Luca: Oh my gosh jisoo, I love her.

Malcolm:Yeah but I like Lisa.

Debby:Jennie all day,anytime,well the sex was for her to keep an eye on tina.

Malcolm:We were just talking about her, I wanna make beard off her.

Chad came in and gave a sign to luca and entered the bathroom.

Debby:Don't tell me.

Luca: Bathroom sex is the best. (he wispher and went into the bathroom)

Debby: I can't believe him,you are not mad about me sleeping with goodie and you.

Malcolm:No not really, I'm just happy that she is not our friend,cause I don't want to do the code thing with her.

Debby: Don't worry, you don't have to (she smiles)

Just then a text came from goodie.

Debby: It's goodie.

she checks her phone.

Debby:Oh my god.

Malcolm:What is it.

Debby: Officer tina was nomi's girlfriend.

Malcolm:No fucking way.