

the next day at the station, Chief Greg called Diana to his office.

Chief Greg: Okay, I will need you to tell me who Tina's daughter is and why she is saying that Debbie was the one who killed her daughter. Who is her daughter?

Detective Diana de la: Tina actually gave birth when she was young, but her mother told her to give away the child, so she gave her up adoption and it happens to be principal Joyce, who took the baby.

Chief Greg: Principal Joyce, the one that is dead, wait so you're telling me that grace, the one who killed principal, is Tina's daughter, but why was tina saying that debby killed her, weren't you with the insane when you got the call that they found grace's body ,because that was you told me, so how did debby kill grace without anyone knowing, because I'm sure we check the security cameras and there was nothing no one was there except for grace,I'm beginning to think that tina is actually crazy.

Detective Diana de la:No, sir, I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding.

Chief Greg: misunderstanding,a kid got shot. debby is in the hospital because of a stupid misunderstanding, you know what, you need to leave because if anyone finds out that you are not a real detective, that's going to be messed up, I need you to leave right now.

Detective Diana de la:But if you would just....

She was interrupted with a knock on the door.

Chief Greg:Open it.

Diana opened the door, and it was the Commissioner,chief. Greg immediately got up from his chair and went to greet the commissioner.

Chief Greg:Mr. Commissioner, sir,please have a seat.

Commissioner: I am not here to sit. I am here because of the video going viral on the internet because of a girl, Debby, and an officer here, Tina.

Chief Greg: What video, sir?

Commissioner:The one when the officer shoots the girl.

Chief Greg:But who posted it?

Commissioner:It was my late mother. That is not the point. We need to arrest that officer at once.

Chief Greg:We already have her in custody.

Commissioner:Then why has she not been trial to court.

Chief Greg:We are still running some investigation before we do that, sir.

Commissioner:No more, trial her to court and get it over with (he looked at Diana), and who is this beautiful lady .

Chief Greg:It's my nephew,Diana, sir.

Commissioner:How old is she?

Detective Diana de la:I'm 25, sir.

Commissioner :Get ready with the case,Diana, see me out, dear.

Detective Diana de la:Yes, sir.


Debby was lying in bed, her hand had already been bandaged up, and she was breastfeeding the baby.

Debby: Nice going brother in law. That was very good thinking. I love it at least now. tina will be behind bars for sure this time.

Sabrina:And if she isn't?

Debby: Then, if I see her, I'll have to kill her myself then.

They heard a knock and detective Diana de la came in with the commissioner.

Debby:What are you doing here? Am I not in enough pains already.

Detective Diana de la: I'm so sorry for everything that happened, but the commissioner is there to see you.

Debby:Welcome, sir.

the others greeted him as well.

Commissioner: I am here on behalf of the police department to say we are truly sorry we are looking into the case from the higher ups now, we will make sure that you're safe, that you and your family and baby are safe, I present this gift to you for your baby and for your safety too.

He handed plane tickets to debby.

Debby:Plane tickets to America,why, Sir?

Commissioner: Looking at what happened the other night,I say you are not safe, so you be in the US to the cases over, then you can come back.

Debby: Thank you, sir, but don't you need our testimonies for the trial.

Commissioner: No need,We have enough evidence from the video shot, so just take this and leave as soon as possible because the trails begin very soon, I don't want to hear another story or see another video on the internet.

Debby:Sir, I don't know what to say, thank you so much ,thank you, only you truly understand how I felt and how we are feeling right now,so thank you so much sir(she cried).

Commissioner: No need to thank me you need to thank Diana here, she brought up the idea and I took it, so thank you so much for being patient with the police and whenever you want to live tell me, I'll have the police escort you to the airport safely,I have to leave now, Diana.

Detective Diana de la:I'll be right with you, sir.

the commissioner headed out first.

Debby: Words can not explain how grateful I am Diana, thank you so much. I thought you were more like Tina, but you are an angel compared to her. Thank you so much, thank you.

Detective Diana de la:Nah, it was nothing, but I hope you do find it in your heart to forgive my cousin tina.

Debby:You're cousin, woah,for you I'm ready to forgive and forget.

Detective Diana de la:Thank you so much.

She hugged debby and left.

Debby:What a sweet soul.

Sabrina:And I thought the police system would fail us, but we still received the justice we deserved.

Detective Diana de la was a very smart woman, she didn't believe her cousin was guilty and she didn't believe that the insane were guilty either, so when she hugged debby she placed a wireless mic under the pillow, she was a very smart woman but not smarter than the insane, debby knew something was up so she told her friends using sign language not to say anything related to the case and they all understood that the police were on to them too.

Weeks later, debby has been discharged from the hospital, and they are living their lives normally, all preparing for their trip. They went shopping, didi rented out her apartment and so did devi,they and their mates were all staying in debby's house,one day sabrina gathered everyone to the living room,they all sitted down with malcolm carrying the baby ,even luca and Chad were there,as they too got the American tickets,sabrina stood in front of them.

Sabrina:I've called you all out here cause I've got something to say.

Debby:Come on, say it (she cheered her on)

Sabrina: (with a big smile on her face called out to didi) I want to get married and have a baby with you.

Didi:Woah (she looked happy) Yes, I would love to get married to you. My love.

Sabrina:I want us all to get married together on the same day before we leave for the US.

Devi:Yes,I love that idea.

Sabrina:What do you say debby?

Debby:I think that's a great idea, but who will help you with the baby?

Didi: Yeah, who, babe?

Sabrina:Luca,I'm sorry, chad.

Chad:Hey, no problem.

Luca: Woah, he spoke. That means he doesn't have a problem with it,I'll do it.

Devi: I want my own baby, Nathan.

Nathan:Sure, let's make it happen.

Debby:So that's settled, so when are we having the wedding?

Sabrina:This Sunday.

Didi:But that's two days from now.

Debby:I'm sure if we start now, we can make it work, I'll talk with the priest and some church members.

Luca:Me, my brother and my love will take care of the food and cake.

Nathan:I will invite the police, Diana is family now.

Debby:And the commissioner too,maybe invite chief Greg too,devi and sabrina, you'll get the wedding gown and didi the suits,so let's hurry up now we have a wedding to prepare.

Diana was in a car outside listening to their conversation.

Detective Diana de la:Did you know the Asian kid talked?

Officer:I had no idea,I wonder what I'll wear.

Detective Diana de la: You're uniform (she said looking at him surprised).


Two days later, everyone gathered at the church cause their was a wedding, it was the wedding of the insanes, Everything has been set,and everyone was there, including the grooms,malcolm, luca,Nathan and didi,it was now time for the brides to come, the music started playing and in came the bride in their beautiful but simple grown,everyone smiled at them, they got to the alter and stood before the grooms,even Chad was wearing a dress,yes a beautiful wedding dress,debby turned and to her surprise she saw tina holding her child but she did nothing and neither did the others when they saw the same thing.

The priest began with the wedding, a few minutes later, the finished with the vow and exchanged rings, then they all kissed,it's was so magical that everyone stood up and cheered for them, after the wedding it was Time for the after party, which was in debby's pool house, so didi and devi,left first and so did everyone else they all went to the pool house, but as debby and malcolm were about to go after taking the baby away from tina,luca came running to them.

Luca:I can't find Chad.

Debby:What do you mean, where did you see him last.

Luca:We just finished taking pictures, and he said he wanted to go to the bathroom, but i haven't seen him ever since.

Debby:Okay,malcolm, stay in the car with luca, hold the baby (she gives Psalms to him), I'll be right back.


Debby walked up to tina and the commissioner.

Debby:What exactly are you doing out of jail and here at my wedding, and oh, where is Chad?

Detective Diana de la:I have no idea where Chad is, i just came because I wanted to ask for your forgiveness.

Debby:Why do you think I would want to forgive you for anything? I have had it with you, I want to know where Chad is.

Just then, the commissioner's phone rings.

commissioner:It's for you.

Debby takes a look and sees that it was Diana,she took the phone.

Debby:What the hell Diana, how can I fucking trust you and you fucking kidnap Chad, what the fuck. (she yells)

Tina:I want to ask him to answer some questions that's all,no need to fucking yell.

Debby:He doesn't fucking talk(she yells).

Detective Diana de la:I was just at the wedding, I just saw him talk,you think I'm stupid.

Debby:(she laughs and says calmly)You're wasting your fucking time, he will never talk, and don't even think of touching one hair on his skin.

She ends the call herself, looks at tina and laughed, enters the car, and drives off.

Tina:I hate her so much.

In a big van behind the church, Diana had Chad tied to a chair.

detective Diana de la:I'll ask just once, is debby innocent as she says(she said in a calm tone).

Chad looked at her and nodded no.

Detective Diana de la:(she yells)Fucking speak.

He only smiled at her and nodded no, just as she was about to speak again ,she hears a gunshot, and her phone rang,it was the Commissioner.

commissioner:(he speaks fast)Get your ass down, your fucking cousin just shot a cop and drove off in a cop's car.

Detective Diana de la:I'll be right there.

Commissioner:(he says angrily)And bring the fucking boy,meet us at the pool house.

Detective Diana de la:Yes, sir.

Call ends.

detective Diana de la:Do you know the pool house.

Chad nodded yes.

Detective Diana de la:Great, I need you to drive me there.

Chad:(he laughs)Your cousin is crazy.

Detective Diana de la:I said it, you do know how to talk.

She untied Chad,gave him the keys, and they drove off.


debby had already arrived there, everyone was having a good time, some were dancing, some were swimming, and some were eating ,it was going great. debby and the others were inside.

Luca:How could diana take Chad,that's messed up, we fucking trusted her, maybe I will be the one to kill her myself, I fucking hate her.(he said angrily)

Debby:He will be alright, it's Chad,the police just keeps getting on my nerves, fucking hate them, we should do something about them.

Malcolm:Always with you.

Just then, gunshots can be heard and people screaming,Psalms woke up and started crying.

Debby:What the fuck, I just laid her down,carry her mal.

Debby went outside and saw tina holding a gun,pointing it at her

Debby:Really, again with this tina,what is your problem? Just admit to the killing and rest in jail bitch.

Tina:You are a monster.

Debby:How,I didn't kill those people, you did. Why am I the monster here.

Tina:(she said angrily) I'll kill you, then your fucking messed up family.

Debby:Oh please, like we should be scared of you for saying such nonsense.

Debby walked to tina, who was at the entrance of the pool house,while everybody just watched.

Debby:I don't fear you tina ,do your worst. No, you've done, I almost died because you, you fucking made me think I had cancer and tried to kill me.

Tina:I didn't mean to, you were being a bitch to my sister.

Debby came close to tina and whispered.

Debby:No tina you're sister was the bitch,now she's a dead bitch.

As tina became angry without thinking she was about to shoot debby, she was shot instead by the commissioner who came just in time,tina was shot on the arm, but she stood up again.

Debby:Do you want to die,just fucking admit what you do and go to prison.

Tina suddenly released a very loud scream that got everyone's attention.

Debby:(she yells)What the actual fuck bitch.

Just then diana and chad arrived, and diana immediately got out of the car and rushed to where tina was and Chad went to luca,tina turned to Diana with tears in her eyes.

Tina:Diana, I am really sorry for everything,I really didn't kill my sister, I would never hurt family, debby and her fucking family did this, why won't you believe me.

Detective Diana de la:(she crys) I want to believe, but all evidence points to you, just stop all this and come with me, please sister.

Tina:(crying) No,I need you to believe you, I rather die than go to jail for this bitch.

Debby rolled her eyes and took a deep breath.

Debby:Why don't you listen to your family, end this madness.

Tina:I'll kill you. Yes, I'll do that. You are the devil.

Debby:Don't you dare address me as such, you monster.

Commissioner:Tina,I'll only say it once. Drop the gun and just surrender. You will be killed if you don't,listen to your sister.

Tina walked to diana. The police wanted to shoot, but diana told them not to,Tina hugged Diana and told her sorry,after saying that she points the gun to debby and pulled the digger and at the time the police opened fire and she was killed at a point,but fortunately for her debby didn't get hit by her bullets.