
The Studio is filled for the recording of GIRL VIBZ, the most popular talk show in the country hosted by the beautiful Elaine Boateng. All the studio seats are taken, mostly by women. The hostess' platform is beautifully-designed, replete with beautiful armchairs and a breathtaking background.

A crimson ceiling to floor partitioning to one side of the talk area suddenly parts, and Elaine emerges, walking on a red carpet. She is dressed in a spectacular cream skirt suit. The camera pans to follow her from above, to the side and finally to a full facial shot as she enters the studio fully.

There is applause as the studio audience gets to their feet and gives her a standing ovation. She smiles and waves to her audience, and then as the applause peters off, she faces the camera with a somber expression, and millions of viewers nationwide watch and wait for her intro.

"Today, our topic is BEASTS IN OUR MIDST," she begins, her voice perfectly modulated to reflect sadness and horror. "We're going to talk about the criminals we lock away, who do time, and come back to society. Do our prisons really change some of these hardcore criminals, or make them worse? What happens when they come back and commit more heinous crimes? What about hardened criminals who are supposedly pardoned by special presidential orders? What does that mean to our safety as a people and as a nation? Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to GIRL VIBZ. Today the focus will be on criminals that come back from prison, with particular emphasis on a particular beast who has been released into our midst recently!"

Once again there is thunderous applause. Elaine smiles at the audience as she walks to the talk area and stands behind a beautiful glass-topped podium. She holds up her hand, and the noise dies down slowly until silence reigns.

"Before I continue, let me show you something. Welcome one of my special guests for today, Miss. Sylvie Palmer!"

The partition parts again, and a young lady in a wheel-chair emerges, pushing herself rather laboriously in a wheelchair. She has only her right leg. Her left leg is missing. The camera gives a close-up shot of her face which appears to be in some pain. She cuts a pathetic sight as she rolls the wheelchair along, silencing the spectators, making them look at her with pitying eyes.

The millions of people who were watching the show on television across the country are also mostly silent. Ira, who is in Effe's house, is sitting in an armchair eating vanilla ice cream and watching the program. She suddenly freezes with a scoop of iced cream raised to her mouth, and looks over at Effe who is sitting dejectedly in her seat, watching the program.

"Isn't that girl the one Chris knocked down?" Ira asks with surprise, causing Effe to look closer at the screen, and then her face also expresses her sudden shock.

"My God! Yes, she is!" Effe says hoarsely.

Ira puts the spatula back in the ice cream bowl, her expression suddenly sad, her eyes fixed accusingly on her sister.

"Did you know Elaine was going to do a program on Chris tonight?" she asks icily. "Is that why she wanted both of us to be on the set?"

Effe shakes her head numbly.

"No, I didn't, Rammy. But why do I hear a note of anger in your voice? Chris doesn't do himself any favors, don't you think? And he did rape Elaine. I don't think she's ever going to forgive him for that. She'll pick on him at any given opportunity, and I don't blame her so much for that."

Back on the television the cameras are panning, picking up the faces of some of the people in the audience, concentrating on their looks of sadness and horror. The camera stops on a portrait shot of Jonathan Afful and Steve Hollison, both sitting on the upper terraces, and they are smiling.

The shot fades out and now the cameras focuses on Sylvie Palmer, who is sitting still in the wheelchair with a sad look on her face. She is young, about sixteen years old now, and she smiles uncertainly into the camera. Elaine soon comes to stand beside Sylvie with a solemn look on her face. She places a hand on the girl's shoulder, and then she looks sadly into the camera again.

"Five years ago, Sylvie Palmer was a happy girl. She was eleven years old, and she was walking along the beach road on her way home with her father. And on that fateful day, Sylvie met Mr. Chris Bawa. You all remember Mr. Bawa, don't you? He was then co-founder of FINE GOJU. Chris was drunk, and he was high on cocaine that day and driving dangerously. He smashed poor Sylvie into a coconut tree on the roadside. Sylvie was rushed to the hospital. She lost her left leg that day. She was a victim of that beast, Mr. Chris Bawa!"

Elaine pauses for effect as the camera zooms in on the tearful face of Sylvie, and the looks of horror on the faces of the audience. Elaine kneels beside Sylvie and takes her hands. She turns a devastated face to the camera.

"We were all horrified by the incident, but felt it was just an unfortunate accident. But we all know one thing for sure…Mr. Chris Bawa never said sorry to Sylvie for ruining her life, whether privately or publicly. Sylvie, has Mr. Chris Bawa ever apologized to you?"

The camera zones in on Sylvie, who has tears in her eyes suddenly. She closes her eyes in anguish, and tears roll down her face.

"No, please!" the girl gasps out, her voice ending on a broken sob.

There is a groan of anger from the audience.

Ira gets off the couch and pushes her ice cream away, and then she reaches for the remote.

"This makes me sick!" she says angrily. "Why now? Why is she doing this?"

Effe pulls the remote out of Ira's hand and looks at her sister through moist eyes.

"I'm watching the program, Rammy, please," she says in a strained voice.

Ira looks at her sister for a moment, and then she picks up her bag and stands up in huff.

"Well, I don't see any use in watching that. Today is a Sunday, so bail won't be set for Chris. Would you go to the police station tomorrow and bail him?" she asks.

Effe smiles sadly.

"Why should I do that, Rammy? I don't know what's wrong with that man. I don't see why he thinks he can rape any woman around him!"

"You didn't listen to him, Ef!" Ira cries, exasperated. "He was saying something at the hospital before you entered. He was genuinely shocked when I told him Barbara levelled rape claims against him. That girl has always been weird, Ef. Her head is not screwed on right. I don't believe Chris did that to her."

"Chris is a liar, Rammy!" Effe cries, almost shouting. "Don't you realize that? He's been lying all his life!"

"So, you're going to allow him to rot inside a police cell, Ef?" Ira asks softly. "He's the father of your son, for Christ's sake!"

"Stop judging me, Rammy!" Effe blurts out desperately. "What's gotten into you anyway? Did he respect me? Did he respect his own son? He promised the boy he would never go to jail again, and in just two days he tries to rape a woman who's been kind to him!"

"Damn it, Ef! You didn't even listen to his side of the story!"

"I don't need to listen to him! I gave that man my life and my soul, and he trod on it, Rammy! I'm not going to give Chris Bawa the chance to hurt me again, never! I won't have anything to do with him! I'm going to marry Steve and try and be happy. To hell with Chris Bawa!" Effe says in a hurt, angry voice.

"He was in prison for five years. He comes back and finds you almost married to his friend, the man who was his best man at your wedding," Ira says sadly. "His family has disowned him, and he has nothing on him. He told me he couldn't even afford his treatment. Do you know what you do to such a man, Ef, dearest sister? You cut him a little slack! That's what you do! Don't worry, tomorrow morning I'll go to the police station and bail him. Aint it amazing, you always believe others over a man you claim you loved."

Ira then turns to leave.

"Don't do this, Rammy, please," Effe says desperately. "Don't let Chris be a bone of contention between us. If you want my advice, just let Chris be. He's trouble."

Ira pauses at the door and looks sadly at her sister.

"I've never seen a rapist carrying his victim to the hospital, Ef," she says softly. "Chris could've fled the scene, and the girl would've bled to death. But he rushed her to the hospital. Think about that."

She walks out, closing the door gently behind her.