
The Eden Hospital Staff Residential Hub, known as the ERSH, is a sprawling beauty. It has many entry gates manned by armed security men. The bungalows are well-demarcated, and range from simple but beautiful one-bedroom blocks to fully-detached five bedrooms and Boys' Quarters detachments.

Ira's compound reeks of serenity from its splendid green lawn, hedge-bordered driveway, swimming pool and a lovely garden.

The main bungalow is a four-bedroom beauty.

Ira takes Chris and Junior straight to the Boys' Quarters.

Effe follows at a more leisurely pace, and when she finally enters, she finds Chris and Junior chatting in the kitchen whilst Ira leans against the wall with a smile on her face.

"I took the liberty of stocking the kitchen with the help of my housekeeper, Chris," Ira says softly. "You must be hungry. Should I prepare some food for you?"

Junior, quite elated and active, is trying to wrestle his father to the floor, but Chris lifts him and holds him close to his chest. Junior folds his arms around his father's neck and puts his head on his broad shoulder. Chris smiles across his son's shoulder at Ira.

"Don't worry, Ira. I'll fix something for myself. Thanks anyway."

Effe's eyes widen with disbelief at Chris' words. Ira's face express similar surprise. It is no secret that Chris hates cooking, and has an almost morbid fear of kitchens. As a husband, the kitchen had been his least favorite place. He was always clumsy and lost around a cooker.

"You?" Effe says before she can stop herself. "Cook?"

"Are you kidding me, Chris?" Ira throws in, chuckling. "Don't worry, I'll fix you something fast."

"It's okay," Chris replies softly. "Saw some noodles in the cupboard, so I'll just cook some noodles."

"Ewwwww! I hate noodles, Daddy!" Junior says, disgusted. "Cook something else, something else!"

Chris laughs softy in his deep voice, that reverberating masculine bass that used to thrill Effe so much.

"First a shower. I really need a shower," he says. "And then I'll fix you noodles, Champ, and believe me, you'll love it!"

Junior, laughing with happiness, shakes his head and waves his hands frantically.

"No, no, no, Daddy! Mom says you used to cook horrible food, and secondly I don't like noodles! I think I'm going to vomit this afternoon!"

They both laugh, father and son, looking so happy, so alike and so alive that Effe and Ira exchange startled looks, and for a very brief moment a look of poignant longing crosses Effe's beautiful face. Just for a moment, her heart reaches out for such a setting: her, Chris and their son, together and happy forever.

But then memories come flooding back to her, memories of Chris' body on top of Elaine, making love to her, raping her…

Effe turns away painfully, and closes her eyes.

"Junior, I'm going to Rammy's place," she says quickly. "Your father wants to take a bath. Coming with me?"

"I'm staying here with Daddy," Junior replies, almost absent-mindedly.

An angry look enters Effe's eyes for a moment, and she almost snaps at her son, but she sighs instead and steps outside. Ira follows her, but stops at the door and looks back at Chris.

"Oh, there are a couple of jeans inside the wardrobe, Chris, and some shirts and T-shirts. Hope they fit."

Both Chris and Junior look at her. Chris moves toward her, and Junior frowns darkly.

"Aunty Rammy, you're doing too much for Daddy!" the boy says suddenly. "Do you love him? I want him and Mommy to be together, you know."

Chris and Ira stare at each other, startled by the boy's words.

"Your aunty is a good woman, Champ," Chris says with a smile and a chuckle. "She's just being kind, ok? Thank you, Ira. I'm really indebted to you."

Ira nods with her eyes still on Junior, and then she quickly drops her eyes and follows Effe outside. She finds Effe standing under a royal palm, hands clenching and unclenching in an agitated way.

"You still love him, don't you?" Ira asks, and her voice is almost a reproach.

"Who, Chris?" Effe says, startled. "Of course not! I can never forgive him for what he did to me. Never. It is Junior I'm concerned about. He loves his father so much, and yet I'm afraid Chris is going to hurt him again."

"Chris loves his son, Effe. You need to trust him, at least where Junior is concerned."

Effe leans her head against a royal palm tree and looks at her sister desperately.

"It's Junior, Rammy. Suddenly, it's all about his father, and I must admit it hurts me a little."

Ira places a hand on Effe's shoulder.

"He loves you, Ef, you know he does. It's just that his father has been away for a long time, and they miss each other. You know they were inseparable even when Junior was just a tot. You shouldn't be jealous. It is a natural bonding, and after a few weeks I'm sure Junior will start craving some motherly affections too."

"I know, Rammy, I know. Just that it complicates things a bit, doesn't it? Junior has never taken to Steve. I guess that's one of the reasons I've waited so long to tie the knot with Steve. If only my son had been able to get comfortable with Steve, I would've been Mrs. Hollison by now."

"Now that Chris is back, I'm sure Junior will be a bit more relaxed and accommodating of Steve, and you can get married finally," Ira says gently.

Effe takes a shuddering breath, smiles and hugs her sister. They begin to walk toward the main house, and when they get to the courtyard a black Mercedes Benz suddenly turns into the driveway and comes toward them at a slow speed.

"Oh-oh! Love bug!" Effe says mischievously and chuckles, pointing a thumb at the Mercedes. Ira laughs softly and pokes an elbow into her sister's side as the Mercedes comes to a halt.

The driver's door opens, and Rupert Henderson gets out.