
Effe comes down the stairs slowly, almost lethargically.

She is wearing a terrific dark blue skirt suit that fits her like a dream and holding her bag and a file. When she gets to the living-room, Junior emerges from his room and calls down to her.

"Mom! Wait! I'm coming with you!" he cries excitedly.

Effe looks up at him, surprised.

"Prince? Why are you dressed up? Grandma is coming to stay with you. I told you I have a short meeting at the office, then I'll come and take you out to lunch."

He waves his hand in a gesture of dismissal, his little face very excited.

"I've got to see Daddy. It's urgent. I'm taking him to town. Can you please call him for me?"

Effe cocks her head to one side and looks at her son. Sometimes he can be overbearingly impulsive and overly annoying, just like his father. He is obviously very excited about something, and she knows it will be quite impossible to dissuade him.

"And why are you taking your Daddy to town, if I may ask?" she asks, intrigued.

"It's a surprise for Daddy," he says impatiently. "Can you please call him, please, please Mommy? I have no credits on the phone."

"No credits?" she sounds surprised. "I put thirty cedis worth of credit on it three days ago."

"Yes, Mom, but I used it to make calls. Really, really, really important calls. I didn't waste the credit, Mom."

"And I take it these really important calls have something to do with this surprise you have for your Daddy?"

"Yes. Please would you call him before he leaves home?"

Effe takes her phone from her bag and stares at it, then hands it to her son.

"I'm sorry, I've not memorized his new number yet," she says softly.

Junior takes the phone and deftly enters digits, then he dials and puts it to his ears. He is extremely excited when he speaks.

"Daddy, Daddy, Daddy! Are you home? Oh! Yappity yappity ippee! We are coming over. There's something I want to show you in town. A surprise! Can you take me there? Yippeeee! But you have to bring the piggy bank I gave you. Yes, yes, I want it. I hope you have not spent the money in it! Okay, okay, Daddy. I'm waiting, I love you."

He cuts the call and hands the phone back to his mother.

Effe turns around and quickly stores the number as CHAMP.

"Well, how did it go? I gather your father is on his way to pick you? And why are you taking your money bank? I thought you gave it to Daddy."

"Yes, Daddy is coming. I need the money back to buy something for him."

Much against her will, his incredible excitement captures her, and infects her, and suddenly she feels she must tag along. She has been trying feverishly to get Chris and speak to him about what he witnessed a couple of days ago between her and Steve, but Ira keeps telling her Chris leaves home early and comes very late. She left messages with Ira to get him to call her, but although her sister confirmed giving the messages to Chris, he still hasn't called her yet.

She asked Ira to get Chris' number for her, but it seems Chris refused. It has not occurred to her that Junior could have his father's number. If Chris is coming over then it will be a good idea to speak to him and clear the terrible air of bitterness that she has unwittingly created between them.

She dials a number on her phone and puts it to her ear.

"Hello. Rosie? Kindly tell Paul to Chair the meeting with the Public Prosecutor for me, okay? Tell him I'm not going down on my charges. If he has any questions or needs clarifications he can call me. Something urgent came up. I'll be in the office later. Alright, thank you. Bye."

Junior is looking at her with a huge wolfish grin on his face.

"You're coming with us, aren't you?"

Effe smiles lovingly.

"Yes, I'm tagging along behind you boys."

"Yappity, yappity, yippeeee!" he screams, and she looks at him wonderingly; she has never seen him as excited as he is right now.

Chris rides into the beautiful spacious yard shortly afterwards, just behind a posh Lexus saloon car. He gets down and kicks the motorbike up on its stand as the driver's door of the Lexus opens, and Mrs. Ivy Kedem gets out. She closes the door and stares at Chris with some surprise and some level of discomfort.

"Hello, Chris. How're you doing?"

Chris nods, but does not approach her.

"I'm doing well, thank you," he says calmly.

She presses the remote that locks her car, and then she walks towards him, swinging her car keys lazily. Her eyes are hard and quite unfriendly as she looks at him.

"Listen, Chris Bawa, I'm not going to pretend I'm happy you're out. You know me, and you know I'm not the kind of person that hides her feelings," Ivy says as calmly as she possibly can.

Chris returns her hard stare with a steely one of his own.

"I know you have always hated me, yes."

"Oh, come off it! Hate you?" Ivy retorts, quite miffed, but trying to hold on to her calm. "I've never hated you, but I dislike you, yes, especially for the pain you made my daughter go through. She was young, she was innocent, and she was at the height of her career when you married her, taking her away from Steve, who has always been a more reliable suitor. I know men have an unwritten code of ethics where you never dated your friend's ex-girlfriend or his sister. But you had no scruples whatsoever! You took Effe from Steve and broke her heart. She almost died! Now that she has a chance to be happy, here you are again! I wish you had not come back, Chris. But I'm not going to stand by uncaringly this time and watch you destroy Effe again. She's not yours, Chris. She's Steve's now, and they're going to get married. I don't know your plans, but just stay away from her. You should've stayed locked up in jail till she got married, Chris Bawa!"

Chris just stares at her without replying. She is not aware that Junior has come out the door and has been walking slowly towards his father. He passes his grand-mother slowly, and she sees him too late.

"Oh! Junior, my sweetheart!"

She tries to hold Junior's hand, but the boy shies away from her, and when she grabs his hand forcibly Junior shouts and uses his free hand to brush the woman's hand away. Effe has now come out, and she has seen what her son did.

"Junior! What's come over you?" she asks sharply.

Junior does not speak. He reaches out and grabs his father's left middle finger, and then he turns and looks at his stricken grandmother.

"Grandma, why do you want my Daddy to be in prison? Are you not happy he has come back to me?" he asks sadly.

Ivy Kedem looks totally crestfallen. She shakes her head numbly and steps forward quickly.

"Oh, Junior, I didn't mean it like that! You don't understand!" Ivy says, quite contrite.

"I heard you, Grandma! You told me we should always forgive people because God always forgives us. Daddy went to prison, and social studies teacher says we go to prison as punishment for the wrong we do. So, Daddy has been punished already by the prison. So why do you really, really, really want him back in prison and you don't really, really, really want to forgive him?"

He looks at his dumb-stricken Grandma with quite severe eyes and an even severer expression.

Ivy Kedem cannot speak.

"You said those things to his hearing?" Effe asks, and watches with shocked eyes as her mother wrings her hands with obvious discomfort.

"I didn't know he was behind me, listening. I'm so sorry, dear."

Effe nods sadly.

"You know how fiercely he loves Chris. Anyway, Junior says he wants to show him something, so I'm going with them."

"You didn't go to the office again?" Ivy asks, almost hissing.

"Oh, I'll go. This won't keep long at all."

"Do you have to go with them, darling? Please, Effe, don't give that man the chance to ruin your life again! I beg you," Ivy says almost in a desperate voice.

"I'll see you soon, Mama."

She turns away, and sees that Chris has raised his left middle finger which Junior is still holding.

"Champ, why do you always hold the middle finger every time you want to hold my hand?" Chris asks with a smile.

Junior giggles suddenly as if he finds it extremely funny.

"Maybe it is because it's so big, and because I love you so much! Every time you see your left middle finger, know that I love you very much, Daddy."

Chris bends at the waist and looks deeply into his son's eyes.

"No, my dear Champ. When I saw you the first time after your birth, you were crying really loudly. Nobody knew what was going on. When I entered the ward and took you in my arms, your tiny fingers curled around my middle left finger, and you stopped crying immediately," Chris says tenderly.

Junior is totally awed, and he stares at his father with his face all soft and emotional.

"Really, Daddy? Really, really, really?"

"Yes, my Champ. Really, really true."

"Then I'll always hold your middle finger. To show I'll always love you, and I'll always believe you, and I'll always forgive you, and I'll always pray you don't go back to prison. Because I don't ever, ever, EVER want you to go back to prison like Grandma wants you to!"