
Steve drives for a while, and then he stops the car and gets out. He slams the door with fury and kicks at one of the tires.

His head is thudding with pain as he recollects the sight on the floor. He sees Effe, so aggressive as she strains passionately on top of Chris. She has never shown such passion with him, such abandon, such incredible fervor.

"Fuck you, Chris! Fuck you to hell!" he says wrathfully.

Some passers-by and people in their cars give him very strange looks, but he is oblivious to them. He takes out his phone and dials.

"Hey, hey, Stevo, my main man! What ails you, Rasta?" he asks, sounding drunk.

"Just saw Effe kissing Chris!"

"You drunk?" Afful asked with shock.

"Cut the bulldrop, nigga!" Steve screams. "Just saw it! Tearing my heart apart, brother!"

"Ouch! That must have maimed you good!"

"It's killing me, bro! You told me you were cooking up some plan to get rid of that bastard for life. How's it going, Jon? I need him off the scene!"

"I'm on my way to base. Come over. And don't fret your ass none, bro. Chris Bawa is being taken care of. He will go to prison again, believe me," Afful says condescendingly.

"It should be fucking soon before I go to jail for murder!" Steve shouts.

"Chris is sorted, bro. Come over. I'll tell you all about it!" Afful says with a chuckle. "You'll love it! There's some shit like that in the Bible, right? Some damn Bible quotation I heard once in church by the Reverend Brand Bawa. It goes like 'the Egyptians you see now, you'll never see again.' Well, Mr. Steve Hollison, let me assure you that very, very soon, the Chris Bawa you see right now, you will never see again! Come over, bro. I got some Chinese women here. Firm ass, huge tits, come and have a sex party, bro!"

"Oooooooohhh yeaaaaaah! Nothing like a piece of imported Asian ass to heal a broken heart, huh? But I want Chris gone, Jon. This time forever!" Steve says with a relieved chuckle.

"It is done, bro. Stop fretting yourself. Bring your dick here and screw Soo Ming Shushan Lee Khangizi or whatever the fuck her name is. Chris is sorted. I have his ass cooked for sure this time."


Ira's front door opens and she comes out, followed by Rupert.

She is wearing a simple sleeveless dress that stops just above her knees. Her hair is held back in a ponytail, and in the glimmering moonlight she looks extremely beautiful indeed, like an angel.

Rupert, in dark blue baggy shorts, ash T-shirt and blue sneakers, cuts a smart figure besides her. As they laugh and walk towards his car, Ira notices Barbara Brooks on the veranda of the Boys Quarters, evidently waiting for Chris, and the smile dies from her face.

Rupert follows her gaze and also sees the woman on the veranda. He deliberately steps in front of Ira and looks critically at her, the laughter also dying from his lips.

"Ira, I've fallen in love with you, and I know my life without you in it will be meaningless. Not one second passes without a thought of you," Rupert says softly. "Working so close to you is also an agony. I thought we were heading somewhere, until your brother-in-law came on the scene, but you convinced me he has no place in your life. So, what is preventing you from accepting me and marrying me?"

Ira looks up at him desperately. He is right, of course. Theirs had not been a whirlwind sort of love. Ira had had a few flings in her life, and one very serious relationship, but she had always had cold feet when it came to the final commitment.

She had gradually grown close to Rupert, and she respects him a lot. He is stable, and he is committed. He is handsome, wealthy and incredibly loving. He is the kind of man many women will always dream about. She had been sure she wanted to marry him and settle down and raise a litter of half-castes. Until Chris had rolled in from prison, and she cannot get that one stolen kiss she had given him so many years ago out of her system.

She now raises a hand and puts it on Ruperts' arm.

"I love you too, Rupert. But marriage is a life-long commitment, and I'm just asking for a little bit more time, okay? I'll definitely be for you," Ira says gently.

His kind and gentle eyes search her face.

"There is one else?"

He had almost mentioned Chris' name, and she knows it. She sighs heavily, noting the worry lines furrowing his brow. He is extremely sensitive, and hurt so much over the trivialities of life, and she knows she has to reassure him. She sidles close to him and links her arms around his neck.

"There's no one else, Rupert. I'm just being kind to Chris. He has a child with my sister, Rupert! It is a taboo to be with him. Why should you even think of such a thing?"

Rupert gives a shaky laugh, and runs his hands down her arms lovingly.

"So, what if he didn't have a child with Effe, my dear? Would he still be insignificant?"

Ira forces herself to giggle.

"Don't be silly, Rupe. Chris will always be just like a brother to me, nothing more. I'll never be attracted to him."

That pleases him, and she sees it. His arms go around her, and when his head descends she opens her lips to receive his kiss, and returns his passion with an ardent desire of her own, so that when they finally part he steps back with a groan, his eyes glazed with desire.

"Ira, my love, please don't keep me waiting too long."

She smiles at him, pulls him close and presses her lips to his again. There is suddenly a bright glare and she tenses and whips her head round.

Chris has just ridden in on his motorbike, and its headlight has caught her in the arms of Rupert.

Rupert laughs and tries to kiss her again, but she has gone rigid in his arms, and she shakes as his lips touches hers, and after a rather perfunctory smack she steps out of the circle of his arms and smiles wanly at him. He fights down his sudden insecurity which is making him feel an alien and violent bout of jealousy, and smiles tightly at her.

"Just a little bit more time, Rupe. I won't keep you waiting too long, I promise."

He smiles at her and gets into his car. He executes a U-turn perfectly and waves to her. She waves back, and turns towards the front door.

Rupert drives slowly, peering into his driving-mirror, and he nods his head gently with satisfaction when he sees her get into the house and close the door behind her. He speeds out, and tries hard to calm his troubled heart.

Ira leans against the door to make sure Rupert is gone, and then she puts off the lights on her porch and steps back out unto the dark porch and looks at the Boys Quarters....

And at Chris and Barbara!

She notices that Chris has gotten down from the motorbike and kicked it up on its stand, and has gotten down but he has made no attempt to climb to the veranda to Barbara. After a while Barbara descends the steps and faces Chris.

Ira leans on the balustrade of the porch and looks at them, and she is absolutely shocked by how rapidly her heart is beating.

"Chris. Where have you been? I've been waiting for you for a long time," Barbara says shyly.

"You could've called me on phone," Chris says softly.

"I did. Twice. You didn't pick up," Barbara says.

Chris unclips his phone from his waist and pushes the power button. The screen lights up and he sees several missed calls. The phone is on silent mode because he had not wanted disturbances during his time with Effe and Junior.

"Sorry. Silent mode."

"That's okay, my love. Would wait for eternity for you. Take me inside, Chris, and make sweet love to me again."

Chris sighs and takes a step closer. He places a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Barbara. I can't do that, not now," he says gently.

She stiffens, and the joy leaves her face. She takes a step back slowly so that his hand falls from her shoulder, and she cocks her head to one side and looks at him, and he sees the hurt in the depths of her eyes.

"What are you talking about, Chris? You told me, you promised me that if you touched me, or made love to me, that meant you'll be ready to take it to the next level," she says painfully. "You told me that, and that's why you didn't make love to me in my apartment. But you made love to me, right there in your room, so we are a couple now. You're the only man I've willingly given my body to, and now what the hell are you telling me?"

Chris is evidently bothered. He looks desperately at her and goes closer to her.

"I'm sorry, Barbara. You know where my heart is. I have not lied to you about that. That night we made love, I was hurting. I saw Effe and Steve in a way that made me believe everything was over between Effe and me. That was my conviction. I was hurting and I was lonely, I couldn't control myself, I just wanted the pain to go away."

Her face is expressionless, and she watches him with eyes that are soft and impossible to read.

"So, what changed, Chris? Why are you refusing to sleep with me now?" she asks bitterly.

"I was with Effe and my son today, and I learnt that Effe and Steve are not intimate. There's a chance that Effe and I could work things out, Barbara! And I want to take that chance. I'm telling you all this because I care. I don't want you to settle for less. I can choose to be with you but you will never have my heart. My heart was taken a long time ago. I don't think that is fair to a kind person like you."

Her jaw tightens, and he sees that her hands are balled up into very angry fists. She is breathing hard, and he sees that suddenly her face is full of sweat as if a bucket of water has been poured over her. It disconcerts him greatly.

"So, what happens to me? You fuck me and drop me like a used sanitary pad, Chris?"

"No, no, no, Barbara! Come on!" Chris says, alarmed. "How could you say such a thing! Something beautiful happened between us. It was at a time I was so vulnerable and lost, yes. But you must understand me. I love Effe. I'll always love her, and until the door is finally closed, I doubt I would be able to love you the way you expect me to, the way you deserve to be loved, Barbara. It's never been my intention to hurt you, please."

"Second best, right, Chris? You want me to be your second best? Jesus, do you know just how much I care for you? I'm ready to give you everything!" she says bitterly. "I was with you, day and night, inside that damn prison keeping you alive, encouraging you, motivating you... whilst she was out here fucking your best friend, and she never, not even once, visited you in prison! And you will choose her over me?"

"This is not about choices, Barbara. You knew all along that I still loved Effe. You were there, you knew. You saw my pain and you supported me. I will forever be grateful for that. I'm really sorry you misunderstood our getting together the other night. I behaved badly, I know, but I wasn't looking for a relationship. I'm in no state to think of that right now. I just got out of jail. I've lost everything and until I rebuild my life, I can't commit to anyone else. I'm really sorry. If I have hurt you, please forgive me because it was never my intention to do so."

Barbara relaxes suddenly. Her fists unclench, and she turns her head slowly, working out the kinks in her neck with her eyes closed. She finally opens her eyes and smiles at him, a sweet smile that lights up her whole face, making her look as innocent as a child.

She holds out her arms to him.

"I'm so sorry, Chris. It's just that I love you so much. I loved the way you made love to me, the way you touched my body," she says sweetly. "But I understand, love is powerful, and you love Effe. Hmmm, it's okay, darling. I'll just be your friend then."

"Thank you, Barbara. Thank you for understanding," he says, relieved.

They hug tightly.

Up on the porch Ira closes her eyes, and wonders why she feels that strange sharp twinge in her heart at the sight of them that close. Barbara breaks free from Chris and walks past him.

She stumbles suddenly and falls down.


Chris approaches her, his face concerned.

"Barbara! Sorry, are you hurt? Let me help you up!" Chris say anxiously.

Chris bends to help Barbara up. She has not really tripped. She had just pretended, and as she sits on the grassy ground her right hand is holding a huge chunk of rock she has seen, and which had been her target for feigning a fall in the first place. She grips the rock tightly, and as Chris bends to help her up she suddenly gives a blood-curdling scream.

Her face is no longer human. It is twisted into the most hideous of expressions, her eyes bulging, her nose flaring, her mouth open in a frightful snarl.

She brings her hand round, still clutching the rock, catching Chris totally by surprise. Barbara slams the rock into his left temple, and a million stars explode in Chris' head. It is as if he has run into a wall. She is quite a strong girl, and the blow is hefty. Chris falls with a moan of pain.

On the porch Ira sees what has happened and she begins to run towards them, her fear lodging in her throat.

"Oh sweet Jesus! Oh dear, oh dear! CB! Oh Chris, oh CB!" Ira cries with fear.

Chris drops to one knee, dazed, watching the screaming girl who is now looking like a lunatic. She is still screaming as she brings the rock down hard on top of Chris' head, cracking his scalp! Blood spurts down Chris' face immediately, and he holds up a hand weakly.

"Nosh, Baabish! Pleasshh, don'tsh do thatsshh! Stopshh itssh pleasshh!" Chris slurs as he fights off the darkness trying to swallow him up.

"I'm going to kill you, Chris Bawa! Fuck me for free? No bloody way, you stupid little asshole! You think I'm your whore, your slut?" Barbara screams maniacally. "You're just like think every pussy can be fucked as long as you have a fucking hard-on. Well this is one holy pussy you're not screwing for free, Daddy-O!! Not by a long shot, you fucking jailbird!"

She drags up a massive globule of phlegm and spits on his face. She laughs crazily, then without warning she slaps Chris, and then she tries to kick him in the balls but Chris instinctively shifts his legs, and her kick lands painfully on his right thigh.

She screams at her miss, so furious that she drools spittle down her chin. She chooses a spot on Chris' neck, intending to smash him on the neck and break his neck. She draws her hand back, still clutching the rock firmly, and that is when Ira reaches them. Ira throws herself at Barbara, bringing her down heavily.

The rock flies from Barbara's hand. Like an eel Barbara screams and wriggles out of Ira's reach, and she gains her feet and looks at Ira.

"You're Effe, ain't ya? I'm gonna kill ya right here, you stupid little bitch!" Barbara snarls.

Ira is scared. She is on her knees, and she knows she is no match for this maddened girl's brute strength. She hears the strident sounds of an ambulance approaching, one of the hospital ambulances bringing in a case, and suddenly an idea occurs to Ira.

"I called the police, Barbara," Ira says desperately. "They're coming for you! Do you hear the sirens? You're going to be locked up, Barbara!"

Barbara's hands are drawn back like claws, and her teeth are out like fangs. In that instant, she looks absolutely insane. She fights with her inner devils, deciding whether to tear Ira to pieces or flee. Obviously, she is scared of being caught because she suddenly gives an agonized scream as the wailing sirens of the ambulance grows stronger and closer.

Finally, she turns on her heels and begins to run away. Ira's body collapses with the most profound of reliefs. She gets to her feet and rushes to Chris' side. His left temple is a mushy map of torn flesh from the first blow. He is bleeding rather profusely from the wound in his scalp.

Ira takes his arm and tries to raise him to his feet.

"Get up, Chris, please. Let me take you inside and take a look at your wounds," she says desperately.

Chris is moaning with pain as he struggles up.

Limping, dazed and bleeding, he moves in step besides Ira.