
The family is in the living-room having a family discussion.

Reverend Brand Bawa, Mrs. Lois Bawa, Diana, Stan and Ruben Essel are present.

They are thinking about their next meeting with Chris, a move Stan is strongly opposing. The huge television is on, but the sound has been muted as the family discusses the issues.

Suddenly, Mr. Essel bolts up and points at the television screen.

"There's something on the television! It's Chris!" Mr. Ruben says with incredulity.

They all stare at the television screen.

There is a picture of a dark-faced Chris. Above the picture are the words: BREAKING NEWS.


"Oh my Lord! Not again, Chris!" Lois Bawa cries pathetically.

"Let's hear it, please!" the man of God says calmly.

Stan gets up, picks up the remote as the face of the beautiful HEARTBEAT TELEVISION reporter, Kuukua Shaw, fills the screen.

He presses a button, and the volume shoots up.

"…that Mister Chris Bawa, who was recently released from the James Fort prison, was arrested this evening at the premises of his sister-in-law, Miss Ira Kedem, where he has been staying since his release. Information reaching us indicates that Mister Bawa brutally assaulted and raped Miss Barbara Brooks, a Prison Officer at the James Fort prison, who had earlier on paid him a casual visit. Mister Bawa was jailed ten years for offences that include attacking his uncle, Mister Ruben Essel, possession of cocaine, drunk driving and knocking down a Miss Sylvie Palmer and causing her to lose her left leg. He was released earlier this year on a full presidential pardon after serving only half of his term, prompting a campaign against him to be taken back to prison, and earning him the nickname 'The Beast'. It would be recalled that barely a couple of months ago, Mister Bawa was arrested by the police for an alleged assault and unsuccessful rape of Miss Barbara, who later withdrew her charges against him. Mister Bawa recently won the GojuFist Grandmaster belt from former undisputed champion Mister Mike Crankson, and he has also opened up the highly-patronized JUNIOR'S restaurant. Currently, Miss Brooks is on admission at the Eden Hospital. We'll make new developments available to you as we gather them."

Stan throws the remote on the centre table with a contemptuous curl of his lips.

"There, Mama, there is your favorite son! I told you Chris is and will forever be a criminal!" Stan says angrily. "There he goes again, once more he's going to drag our good name through the mud like the pig he is! Daddy, this time, for the love of God, disown him! Tell the world that you don't want him to use your name anymore! Only God knows how we survived his first scandal. This time it's going to affect not only us but the Church, father. The right time to cut him off is now!"

"What at all does this boy want? First, it was Roland, then all that craziness! God, I hate Chris! I hate him with all my soul!" Diana says in an unsteady voice.

"Do you hear what you're saying?" Lois admonishes them, her voice filled with disappointment. "He's your blood, your brother!"

"Enough of that already, Mama! Chris has always been different!" Stan screams without remorse. "He's never been a part of us! Since he was a baby, he's been different! Arrogant, rude, rebellious, a black sheep! I don't want anything to do with him! Cut him off, Daddy!"

He storms out of the room, and a moment later Diana leaves too.

The Reverend gets to his feet and shakes his head sadly.

"They're right, Lois. This time Chris has gone too far," says the reverend sadly. "He had everything. I even heard Effe has forgiven him and is willing to take him back. And now this? May the Lord be with him, and touch him, if it is possible, but I'm going to cut him off."

"I agree with you, Brand," Ruben says softly.

They all leave the room.

Mrs. Lois Bawa stays, stares at the television, and cries bitterly at the horrors unfolding around her.


Afful is holding three tall glasses of wine.

He hands one to Steve and the other to Bobo Black. Elaine turns away from the television beaming with indescribable happiness.

"Oh, damn! Isn't this the happiest evening of my life! Chris is going in for a long, long time this time! Rape? Damn, this is so sweeeeet! I'm going to testify against him if need be! I'm gonna let him rot in prison on this one!" Elaine says with a smile.

Afful takes a sip of his drink and raises his glass to Steve who is smiling with great inner joy.

"Stevo, your play?" he asks with raised eyebrows and eyes dancing with admiration.

Steve drinks and gives a shaky little laugh.

"Showed him a little folder, pointed him in some places," Steve says with a smirk. "Hit him with the hardest weapon I had, you know, the love of his son. I knew Effe was leaving town, and gave him a little pointer, you know, hoping he will flip and do something stupid."

"He did something grand, Stevo, real grand," Afful says with a laugh. "Well-played, bro, well-played."

Bobo Black sets his glass down slowly on the table and gets to his feet. He glares at Steve with baleful eyes.

"You had a hand in this, Steve?" Bobo asks tightly.

There is a little silence as the three other people present look at him with sudden apprehension.

"And what's your beef, Bobo, if I did?"

"You son-of-a-bitch!" Bobo says with a hiss.

"Hey, hey, hey, Bobo, hold it. What's wrong with you? Guy messed up Crankson, and denied you some bread!" Afful says indignantly. "You should be happy. This thing will go to trial, Chris will be convicted, and the GojuFist Federation will strip him off the belt, and guess what, it will come back to Micky, and you will be back in business."

"I detest what Chris has done to this girl, but if you had a hand in it then I'm sorely disappointed," Bobo says softly. "That man had it rough in prison. Did you see his back? He tried to make something good with his life. The restaurant is one. Let's face it, Micky is a damn coyote. Hitting Bawa's kid was damn shitty. And Bawa did what any father worth his cajones would do… get even. If you indeed did this to him then you don't warrant any of the respect I had for you guys. Excuse me!"

He turns and walks quickly out of the house.

"And now what's with that fool?" Afful asks, chuckling, but some of the verve has left him, and his smile is a little sour.


Ira is waiting for Rupert.

She had promised to go out with him for dinner. Since the call from Chris, she has been on edge, and all she wants to do is go and look for him.

She does not know what has happened, or how he found out about the whole In Vitro secret. She had called him several times, but although the phone keeps ringing, he does not respond.

But she had promised Rupert, and lately, she feels she has been neglecting him.

She knows Chris and Effe have decided to give their marriage a second chance, and it has dawned on her that she is going to be very lonely, sad and jealous very soon. She has decided to give Rupert a chance. With him in her life maybe the pain she is feeling will not be so severe in the near future.

It is the receptionist's shocked exclamation which draws Ira's attention to the television.

"Ei, this man again? This Beast! Aaaaah, doesn't he ever learn? He should be locked up for life!" the receptionist says with disgust.

Ira watches the television, and she nearly faints.

She is dizzy and unable to breathe.

"My God! Oh, no! Chris!" Ira whispers, stunned.

She gets up and runs towards the door.

The lift doors ding open and Rupert comes out. He sees her going down the entrance towards the private underground parking lot for senior staff.

"Ira!" Rupert shouts.

She does not stop, and he races after her. When he gets to the parking lot her car zooms out of the entrance.

She is gone.

He throws his arms into the air and purses his lips in exasperation.


Effe walks out of the conference room.

A lot of influential personalities in law surround her, talking excitedly. She had given a talk on corporate law, and her eloquence and immense talent had really impressed them. She is in a hurry to get to her room to put in a call to Chris and Junior. She is sure her phone had fallen into her car or had gotten lost because she could not find it in her bag.

She is going to buy a new phone, but she wants the hotel to place a call for her.

She misses them so much. She is aware, as she crosses the hotel lobby, of many people staring at her, but she pays no particular heed. She enters her beautiful and comfortable hotel room and kicks off her shoes.

She rushes to the settee, lifts the handset and is in the process of placing her call when she sees the news on the television.

She falls off the settee.

She stares, horrified, heartbroken, agonized.

Pain… pain… pain!

And then she begins to weep. The tears are wrenched from deep within her, from the depths of her soul!

Pain. Torture. Agony!

She wishes the floor will crack open and swallow her.

She mourns Chris!