
They are watching the court case on the television.

Mrs. Lois Bawa is weeping and unsuccessfully drying her tears with the edge of her cloth.

"You see what I said, Pop?" Stan says grimly. "We should've enforced that he doesn't use the Bawa name before this trial! Now look at the shame he's brought us!"

"Shut up, Stan! You can never change his blood!" Lois says sharply. "Criminal or not he's still your brother!"

"That's what you always do, Mom! Protecting him, shielding him, defending him!" Diana says bitingly, angrily. "Are you proud of what he has become? A drug addict who can't control his habits and rapes people who try to help him? Jeez, Mom! Let him go! This time they're going to lock him up for twenty-five years, and he deserves it!"

Mrs. Lois Bawa looks at her grim-faced husband.

"Brand! Won't you say anything? Are you going to let this hatred fester in our family?" she asks bitterly.

The Reverend Brand Bawa stands up, and he looks sadly at his wife.

"I don't know where we went wrong with that boy, Lois. He is rotten, and he is perhaps my cross to bear," he says gravelly. "He is wicked, and I regret the day I ever spawned that oaf of a lad!"

"BRAND!!!" his wife screams with agony and pain.

The man of God turns away from her and leaves the living-room.


Ira carefully applies makeup to hide the tear marks on her face. She picks up her lipstick, and looks into the huge mirror.

The door opens behind her, and Effe comes slowly to stand beside her.

They look at each other in the mirror.

Effe's face is pale, and Ira knows that she is under a lot of strain, and she is suffering terribly.

"Thought I saw you coming in here, Rammy. I've been in the lounge, watching proceedings on the television," Effe says in a contrite voice.

Ira looks at her sister, and then she slowly puts the lipstick back in her bag.

"Hi, Ef. You really did a marvelous job winning Chris back," Ira says bitterly. "You deserve a round of applause."

Effe shuts her eyes, and for a brief moment a look of sheer pain crosses her face. She bites her lip, and then she bends her head. When she looks up tears are shimmering in her eyes, but she fights it back furiously.

"How's Junior, Rammy?"

Again, Ira looks at her sister for a long time before replying.

"He's doing fine. He just didn't want to go to school this morning. I think the other kids are saying nasty things about his father."

The tears slowly spill down Effe's cheeks.

"I have been blind, Rammy. Chris just told me he's never done drugs," Effe says quaveringly. "Do you remember the first time he was arrested with a lot of drugs in his car? I believed him today, and if he told the truth, it makes me wonder what really happened five years ago. I still love Chris. I'll never stop loving him...I just can't! And if I've been wrong about him all these years, I think I'll die! He told me he doesn't remember assaulting Barbara, and I believe him. But she beat the lie detector! How on earth could she do that?"

"That girl is sick, Ef, and I keep telling you that! There's something wrong with her head, I keep telling you that, but you simply won't listen! I've no pity for her because, sorry to say this, she's quite mad! She's infatuated with Chris! Dear God, she attacked him with a rock once, did you know that? I had to stitch his scalp! And do you know why? It was because Chris told her he loved you and he wouldn't, as a result, make love to her. That stupid Buabasah wouldn't put me in the witness box even though I've begged him to."

"She passed the lie detector test, Rammy! No one can beat the lie detector. Her words are the truth! And the ghastly wounds on her? Do you think she inflicted them on herself? Chris' semen was inside her vagina, Rammy, and she had bruises inside her vagina indicating forced entry! Parts of his skin were found under her fingernails! There was cocaine in Chris' blood, Rammy! Can you explain that? She must be a disturbed girl, but these are hard facts, Rammy, and I WORK WITH FACTS, and that's what blinded me. But I believe Chris now, and so I need to find out how Barbara pulled this off, otherwise Chris will go to prison."

Ira slings her bag across her shoulder, and looks sadly at her sister.

"I can't explain how she pulled it off, Ef. But maybe she provoked Chris too much that morning when Chris was obviously quite distressed. Do you know Chris called me that morning? He was asking me about the In Vitro Fertilization, Ef. That might've triggered something in him."

Effe gasps, and she takes a step back as if from a physical blow. Her face is screwed up with shock.

"What?" she whispers, absolutely stunned.

"You heard me, Ef. The IVF, with Steve's sperm and my egg. He knew about it. He asked about it that morning."

"Oh, Lord no! Oh, dear Lord, no!" Effe murmurs with deep pain. "Why didn't you tell me, Rammy?"

"I should have, but everything was happening so fast and I forgot about it," Ira says sadly. "They didn't allow me to see him. I wanted to tell him the truth, that you found out at the last minute that you were pregnant finally, and so the IVF wasn't necessary."

"Oh my dearest sweet Jesus! That must be it. He was shattered! I'm sure Steve told him about the IVF, and I'm sure Steve conveniently left out the fact that I absolutely refused to let Doctor Anaman use Steve's sperm. And Chris didn't know I became pregnant and so I didn't go through with it! Oh my God! Oh Chris-Love!"

"Yes, I'm sure it triggered Chris' inner demons, and he reacted savagely towards Barbara. We need to help him, Ef."

She walks past Effe and out of the washroom. Effe stands transfixed, seeing nothing.

Oh dear Lord! Oh, dear sweet Lord!

She now knows Ira is right.

It explains everything. Chris loves his son with a passion fiercer than anything she had ever seen. Learning about the In Vitro must have hurt him rather terribly and been a catalyst for what happened. She needs to see Chris and clear that misunderstanding. She shudders and looks at her haunted face through the mirror. Everything is spiraling out of control. She is losing her man, and her son.

She must do something about it...and fast!

Chief Inspector Dan Curtis now takes the witness stand.

He is sworn in and led under evidence by Atakora. He describes how Barbara's call was received and how he was dispatched to attend to the distress call.

"We found Mr. Bawa on the floor of the kitchen, with a gash on the back of his head. Miss Barbara Brooks was lying on the floor, barely able to move," Curtis says calmly. "She had deep wounds on her face and she couldn't move her arms. She was naked, just like Mr. Bawa, who was bleeding from the face where Miss Brooks had scratched him."

Atakora hesitates.

It is evident that some of his earlier grim determination has deserted him.

"And did you find any evidence of hard drugs?

"Oh, yes. On the floor were white powdery substances we suspected was cocaine. We found some around Mr. Bawa's lips and nostrils."

"And what happened next?"

"We radioed for an ambulance and sent Miss Brooks to the Eden hospital. By then Mr. Bawa had come out of the unconscious state, so using Miss Brooks' phone call as a report we detained him at the station for further investigations. When we got a chance to interview her she confirmed she had been raped, and so we formerly charged him with the crime."

"But the powdery substance? You couldn't possibly identify it, could you? Thinking it was cocaine was just an opinion, wasn't it?"

"Well, the Forensic experts and the DEA gang came in with the Crime Scene Investigators, and their reports indicated that indeed it was cocaine."

"Thank you, Chief Inspector. No further questions, Your Honor."

Judge Ossom clears his throat and looks at Ben Buabasah, and people begin to laugh.

"Defense Counsel, are you ready to cross-examine?" the judge asks.

Ben Buabasah gets to his feet.

"No questions, Your Honor."

There is loud laughter now. Up in the stands a grim-faced Steve is seen returning to the courtroom. He walks dejectedly and sits down beside Afful. Steve leans close to Afful and speaks with hatred.

"He's cooked now, isn't he? Twenty years at least. Enough time for me to win Effe back."

"He's getting the full twenty-five. He's a goner. You got your pussy back, bro. You're the man, dawg. The pussy is yours."

They both laugh and bump fists.

Chris sits still. His head is now bowed. Atakora looks at him as he sits down. He sits quietly for a long time, and slowly the babble in the courtroom dies down and all eyes turn to him. He is remembering Chris' passionate appeal to Effe that he knows nothing of what had happened. Atakora tries to convince himself that Chris is lying, but still he has an uncomfortable feeling in his guts.

The television camera swings to him, and it highlights the tenseness in his face.

"Is the Prosecution ready to proceed?"

Atakora looks up slowly, and then he turns and looks at Chris again.

He sighs and stands up.

"We now call Doctor Kenneth Pintos to the stand," he announces.

Dr. Pintos is a severe-looking but handsome middle-aged man. Medium build, dark and trim, he is wearing a nice wine suit.

He is sworn in on the Bible, and Atakora then leads him in evidence. He confirms lacerations and cuts that indicate forced entry into Barbara, confirming rape. He confirms the sperms found inside her matches the DNA of Chris.

"And you also run tests on the accused?"

"Yes. It is standard procedure."

"And your findings?"

"We found significant amounts of cocaine in his streams. Tissues on his fists also showed he used blunt force in hitting Miss Brooks."

"Do you think, in your professional view, of course, that the accused, Mr. Chris Bawa, was acting under the influence of drugs and might not have been fully aware of what he was doing?"

"I think Mr. Bawa knew exactly what he was doing. He didn't give any indication, whatsoever, that he wasn't in complete control of his faculties. I may be wrong, and a psychiatry evaluation might show just the opposite, but, sitting here, I'm convinced that he was absolutely in total control all the time, and knew exactly what he was doing."

"Thank you, Doctor. That will be all, Your Honor," Atakora says, and there is a note of sadness in his voice.

This time he neither looks at Chris or the jury as he sits down. There is a sheen of perspiration on his face and he takes out a white, perfumed and folded handkerchief and dabs at his face.

"Counsel?" the judge enquires.

The crowd suddenly comes alive with a loud answer.

"No questions!" comes the roar from the crowd.

Even Judge Ossom smiles a little as a roar of laughter fills the courtroom. He holds up a hand and bangs down with his gavel repeatedly on the sound board. After a while, the laughter die down. Looking extremely embarrassed, Ben Buabasah stands up and shakes his head.

"No questions, Your Honor," he says meekly.

The courtroom erupts with gales of laughter and catcalling that go on for some time.

"Will the Prosecution be calling any more witnesses?" the judge asks.

Jeff Atakora stands up.

"No, Your Honor," he responds.

"Will Counsel call witnesses now?"

"No, Your Honor," Buabasah replies.

"Alright. We'll call it a wrap then. We'll meet tomorrow at ten in the morning to take your closing statements, if any, and hopefully give a ruling. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen," the judge says.

There is a babble as they all stand up for the Judge to leave. Insults, jeers and boos are hurled at Chris as he stands up, and as he is being led away people scream and hurl paper bullets at him. Chris' head is held up defiantly, his shoulders straight as he marches towards the little door.

Ira can no longer stand it. She gets up and rushes past a downhearted Wailer Vroom, and then she runs up the walkway and out of the court. Atakora watches Chris as he passes through the door, and his hands tremble as a painful lump rises up in his throat. He knows, without any shadow of a doubt, that he has succeeded in sending Chris to prison again.