One Week Later
As I lay on my bed and stared at my ceiling, I thought of all that went down at the club again. I thought about it everyday. The way Adam looked at me, the way he touched me and held my waist, how he whispered in my ear with that husky voice.
"You look beautiful, sweetheart." I remembered his words and repeated them in my head.
I hadn't felt good in a while now, and that day made me feel amazing. I closed my eyes again and laid on my side, still with his face on my mind and they way his eyes followed my every move. I didn't know when I fell asleep because the next morning I woke up all hot and bothered, with a startle.
"You okay Bee?' I looked in the direction of the voice and saw Tristan entering in my room.
"You look like you've seen a ghost. Your'e sweating all over." He said worriedly, but I gave him a reassuring smile and he smiled back.
"I'm fine, just a weird dream, that's all.
"Weird dream? As in you dreamed of some handsome man, didn't you?' He asked smirking and I looked at him, confused.
"What? What do you mean? I asked him rather quickly to which he laughed.
"I was just joking Bee, calm down!" He laughed again.
"Oh and before I forget, we're leaving in less than half an hour, Lance and Arthur have already left. They're with Thorne to work on the project, and they're just waiting for us now. You were asleep so they left first. Hurry up, we'll eat something on the way." He said as he got up and left the room.
I thought about my dream... Adam and me, his lips on mine as he pulled me closer to him, leaving a trail of kisses down my neck, then looking into my eyes with such admiration, until I woke up with a jolt.
I hurried out of bed and quickly took a shower and nearly ran to the closet, pulling out my new blue dress from the rack and slipped it on along with my heels. Setting my hair in the mirror I quickly put on my glasses and walked out of my room in a hurry.
"Where do you think you're going?" Olivia blocked my way out of the house, looking at me as if I was going to commit a crime.
"I'm running late, Olivia, GET OUT OF MY WAY." I said through clenched teeth, and when she didn't, Tristan came from behind as took her arm and moved her out of my way.
"Come on, Bee, Thorne's waiting."
"Wait! Thorne? As in Adam Thorne?" She asked Tristan excitedly.
"Yes, Olivia, Adam Thorne, now come on Belle."
"No wait! Take me with you please!" She caught Tristan's arm and wouldn't let go.
"We're not going to our office, we're going to his, so NO." Tristan glared at her and she let go, and I followed him out, leaving a fuming and stomping Olivia behind.
The car ride was silent and I was a nervous wreck. We only stopped to get cupcakes for everyone on the way. On reaching THORNE Industries, I was impressed by the tall buildings and the architecture. It was even more grand from the inside. Everyone was so formal, and Lucas, the P.A, as he said, took us to the top floor. I could see the door to the CEO's office and Tristan told me to go inside while he made a call.
"I'll be right with you Bee, go ahead inside." He said as he handed the box of cupcakes to me and I nodded and went in, to see Adam Thorne facing the window and looking at the view.
I walked ahead slowly, setting the cupcakes on a table near the couch and when I looked up, Adam was right in front of me.
"Adam." I gave a small smile and he smiled back, looking me up and down then frowning at my glasses.
He came closer to me and stretched his hand out, while I held my breath in anticipation. He reached for my glasses and took them off, setting them on the table and looking at me before smiling.
"Much better. You have beautiful eyes, don't hide them. You look lovely today." He said and my breath hitched as he held out his hand and I took it, his warm fingers over my colder ones, while he looked into my eyes.
Someone suddenly opened the door and Tristan came in and I quickly let go of Adam's hand, putting some distance between us.
Tristan looked between the two of us then shook hands with Adam with an evil look.
"Where's Lance and Arthur?" He asked him.
"Project Room. They're waiting for you, and so was I." He looked at me this time making me feel... I don't know? Warm and fuzzy inside? I pushed away all my weird thoughts and smiled when he pointed to the box of cupcakes.
"What's this?" he asked.
Cupcakes. I didn't have breakfast as we were in a hurry so I got cupcakes for everyone." I smiled at him and he nodded, then called his P.A to escort Tristan to the project room.
"What about me?' I asked him confused.
"You can sit somewhere and make the designs Bee." He told me and I was about to follow him when Adam stopped me.
"It's quite noisy in the project room so you can sit here and do your work peacefully." Adam told me so I thanked him, while he and Tristan left.
Sitting down I opened the box of cupcakes and took out one and started eating while working on some designs. Nearly half an hour passed when someone came in. I looked up to see Lucas coming in with a tray in his hands, setting it down in front of me and taking out the numerous plates.
"What's all this?" I asked him bewildered.
"Mr. Thorne didn't have breakfast so he told me to bring it for you and him in his office, he's on his way here." He answered
"Oh, okay then, thank you." I smiled and he left the room. I continued working on my designs and was so engrossed in my work that I didn't hear the door open and someone coming in and sitting down beside me.
"Why didn't you eat?" I heard the voice and looked beside me to the confused face of Adam Thorne trying to study me intently.
"Me?" I whispered, but he shook his head.
"Yes, you. Why didn't you eat/" He asked again and I could feel the nervousness closing in again because of how close he was sitting with me.
"This is your breakfast, why would I eat it?" I answered honestly but he got even more confused.
"I got it for both of us, Ms. Edward, now eat." It sounded more like an order, so I took a plate and put some pancakes in it, and handed it to him.
"What's this?" he asked
"Your breakfast, now eat." I mimicked him and shoved the plate in his hands, then made another one for me. I could swear I saw him smirking. Putting some cream and chocolate syrup on mine, I was about to put it on his when he held my hand, stopping me.
"What are you doing?"
"Adding cream, you don't like it?" I asked him and he left my hand and I carefully put it on his pancakes, giving him another glance then digging into mine.
"Mmmm" I moaned and he looked at me. "These are really good! Where'd you get them from?"
"Here." Was all he said and I thought they must make them here.
After finishing my breakfast, I pushed the box of cupcakes in front of him and motioned him to take one.
"I don't eat too many sweet things." And I glared at him, then took out a chocolate cupcake from the box and put it on his plate.
"Eat it." I ordered him and he looked at me before smiling and taking a bite. I took one for myself and ate it happily, then continued working on my designs before he spoke.
"Are you done yet?" He asked and I looked up at him, looking at my designs before looking at me.
"I'm almost done, just a few things left, I looked at my papers then back at him and found him looking at my face.
"What? Is there something on my face?" I asked, looking for my phone to see what was on my face.
"Yes, there's some cream... on your... on your lower lip..." He said then looked at me.
I tried wiping my lip with a tissue, but he chuckled, which made me look at him and smile.
"What?" I asked, still smiling.
"It's on the other side, here let me." He said and inched closer before I could say anything, brought his left hand to my face and his right thumb up to my lip, and wiped the cream with his slowly, and took his sweet time doing so. He looked me in the eyes while wiping his thumb on a tissue, not moving away.
"Is it-Is it gone now?" I whispered, and he threw a glance at my eyes then back at my lips which were now only inches apart from his.
"Yes." He said still looking at my lips, with his left hand still on my face, and I made the grave mistake of licking my lips, to which he gulped and flicked his gaze to my eyes. I could smell his intoxicating cologne, my dream still fresh in my mind, as he leaned in slowly, so did I.
Just as my eyes fluttered a bit, someone knocked on the door, causing me to jump and I quickly moved away from him, as Lucas came in the office. Adam sat still, and glared at Lucas.
"Lucas I swear if this is not important, you're fired!" He said through clenched teeth but I could hear the threat in his words and so did Lucas who backed away a bit.
"Y-yes Sir, umm... some woman is outside claiming to be Ms. Isabelle Edward." He said very carefully and looked at me confused.
"What?" Adam said in confusion and looked at my equally confused face, causing me to stand up.
"Come with me." Was all he said as he took my hand and and took me out of the office. I was still immersed in the feeling of my hand in his when I felt him stop and say someone to the supposed Ms. Edward.
"Who are you?" He said sternly and I looked at the woman in front and I gasped.
"Olivia?" I said, shocked and she took off her glasses.
Olivia has some nerve, don't you think? What do Adam and Belle think of Olivia's sudden appearance and how do they react? Keep reading to find out!
Question of the Day: What makes you angry the most?
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