Chapter 23: Soft Kisses and Blue Thoughts


Walking back behind Belle as the dance finished I could feel the anger in her brother's gaze as he looked at me, then smiled faintly at Belle.

"Did you have fun Belle?" Arthur asked her sarcastically.

"Oh you have NO idea! Adam is SUCH a good dancer, I could go for another round." And she suddenly linked her arm with mine and made me chuckle, causing Arthur to glare at me.

Suck it up.

I chuckled and looked at her, quite surprised, before I understood what she meant. "Really? And I thought you were the better dancer. But if you insist, I have no problem with another round." I decided to play along and smirked at her brothers, who were now fuming with anger.

"Isabelle. A word." Was all Lance said and left, making her following him, but not before rolling her eyes.

She's got guts. Damn.

And I wondered what they could be talking about, before she came back with a displeased look, when she looked at me and gave me a small smile when I smiled at her, but not before Gareth King came and took her arm, offering her a drink which she downed within seconds.

Gareth laughed at her and took her glass from her hands, setting it away, and linked her arm with his again.


And then I heard the voice I dreaded, stiffening like a rock, a cold expression on my face now.

"Adam, darling! I missed you, where have you been all this time?" She said so sweetly it made me cringe.

Everyone else turned around to see who the voice belonged to, except me, who glance at Isabelle quickly and sent her a silent plea for help.

I need all the help I could get to get this witch away.

She came in front of me, looking at me with a fake-hurt expression anyone could tell right away, but I didn't even throw as much as a glance at her, only looking at Belle, hoping she would understand.

"Adam, darling, why won't you speak to me? It's been ages since we talked!" She said, in a fake-hurt tone and I swear I saw Belle scoff lightly, and a smirk made its way to my face, and then I looked at the woman in front of me.

She wore a dress with an exceptionally large neckline, her face covered in make up. She looked so fake. I hated women like these. Women who literally threw themselves at me. They were snakes, only interested in my money and looks, nothing else.

This is why I liked Belle. She was so original, so honest and didn't throw herself at anyone.

"Milani. Why are you here?" I asked her, now looking at her and giving her my full attention, although she didn't deserve it.

"What do you mean by that? I came to see you, obviously. Don't tell me you didn't miss me." She said again and looked at me flirtatiously. I could hear someone chuckle but didn't glance that way.

I looked at Isabelle nodding at Gareth, then glancing at me. I kept watching her when she suddenly left Gareth's arm and walked over to me, deciding something, then smiling widely, came to me and held my hands and linked her arm through mine. Her soft and silky hands in mine. They felt so good, so warm, and my heart beat faster at the mere contact.

What is she doing to me?

"Adam, sweetheart, I've been looking for you all over! Were you here this whole time?" As soon as she said this, I looked at her dumbfounded and confused. She then did something that made my heart leap out of my chest and I couldn't believe my luck.

Leaning forward, she put her soft lips on mine, and stood like that for a while before pulling away.

This feels amazing, her soft lips on mine feel amazing... Vanilla... Sweet, sweet vanilla.

I closed my eyes on instinct but she didn't kiss me properly, only gave me a peck, which somehow disappointed me, but the small contact made my heart flutter and I wanted more. It was a believable peck, and I understood what she did and why. She pulled away way too soon, making me want more and smiled widely, her eyes sparkling.

She's driving me wild, I thought.

"What? Don't tell me you forgot me." She asked me, smiling nervously, and I gave her a quick smile and patted her arm lightly.

"I was just about to come to you... sweetheart." I stressed the last word and smiled at her.

Then she looked at Milani.

"Hello there... Do I know you?" she asked her with a polite smile.

She doesn't deserve your beautiful smiles, I thought.

"Who are you?" Milani asked furiously, and I could hint the jealousy in her voice.

"Belle. Nice to meet you.. Miss?" she asked her so sincerely, her words laced with a poison I couldn't quite tell.

"Milani Woods. Adam's first love." She said and smirked at her, causing me to stiffen and glance at Belle, a smile no more on her face.

"Oh. so you're that famous model." she asked her rather distracted, as if she was thinking about something.

"And you must be that famous designer." Milani looked her up and down.

"Yes. Isabelle Edward. Adam's last love." Isabelle smirked at her, stressing on her name and 'last' and I smirked.

Well played sweetheart.

Then she looked at Milani with the same intensity she did when she looked at me the first time , and I saw getting paler as the seconds passed, making me chuckle.

Note to self: Do not make an enemy of Isabelle Edward. She is way scarier than her brothers combined.

I chuckled at the thought before I felt her the grip on my hand tighten and Belle's whole body stiffened when I saw Michael Woods, Milan's younger brother walk towards us and stand beside Milani.

"Did you find him Milani?" He asked her

"Yes, with his girlfriend." Milani hissed at us.

The grip on my hand grew stronger and I looked at Belle with concern, who was now paler than Milani.

"Sweetheart? What's wrong?" I asked.

Michael Woods looked at her, a smile tugging at his lips before he looked at me then scowled when he saw us holding hands.

"Belle?" He said and she backed away a step, and I saw her eyes becoming glossy.

Who was he and what did he do to her? I've never seen her scared before.

I knew at that moment something was wrong, and gripped her hand when she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Sweetheart, you okay?" I turned towards her and she just nodded, then glanced at him, and I followed her gaze, and held out my hand.

"Adam Thorne... And you are?" I asked, growing colder by each second that passed.

"Michael Woods. So good to FINALLY meet you." He said sarcastically then looked at her. "Isabelle, wow..." He looked her up and down, making her uncomfortable and me furious. "You look beautiful, as always..." He said looking at her.

"Are you with him?" He asked, pointing towards me and she nodded. "What relationship do you have with him?"

"That's none of your business." She replied, and I squeezed her hand gently.

"How do you know her Mike?" Milani finally spoke.

"Ah, what can I say.. I have some amazing memories of my dear Isabelle." He looked at her, then me and I clenched my jaw.

"She's used to be my girlfriend, remember Milani, I used to talk about her ALL the time?" He asked her, and Milani smirked at me.

The nerve of that guy!

"Oh yes, the one you dated last year.. I thought I recognized her blue eyes." She said, looking at Belle who looked down, keeping her tears from falling, so I tugged at her hand.

"Come on, love." I said to her, kissing her cheek, and we turned around when Michael's hand came forward to grab hers but I caught it in time.

How dare he touch her?

"If you'll excuse us, I have to introduce my girlfriend, to some very important people and we're running late as it is." I said through clenched teeth and shoved his hand away, leading Belle as far away from them as I could.

I noticed Michael following us and called her name, but when we looked back, Lance, Arthur and Tristan blocked his way, and we stopped.

"Turn around, Woods, or you'll regret it later." Lance threatened him.

"Come on guys, I just want to talk to Belle." Michael said.

"I think you've done quite enough, so it would be better if you went back where you came from." Arthur hissed at him and Michael took a last glance at her and turned back, going away.

I felt Belle swaying but I caught her in time, putting her weight on me.

"Come on love. " I whispered and led her out of the party towards my car, where Michael stood, resting against its hood and smiling at us.

"The lovely couple is leaving so soon. Stay for a while, Belle, let's catch up.. We have so much to talk about." He came closer to Belle who suddenly hid behind me.

She's scared. I thought, and this only made me angry.

What did he do to make her so scared?

"I'd suggest you stay away from her if you know what's good for you." I warned him, and he stopped in his tracks, when Belle turned around suddenly. I looked back to see Lance holding her tight, and comforting her, before pulling away and looking at me thoughtfully.

"Take her home." He said to him, and I nodded in response. "I'll deal with this scumbag myself." He said looking at Michael then at her. I led her to the car and helped her in, and we drove off.

I hope he beats the shit out of him.

I glanced at Belle and saw tears running down her cheeks, and quickly handed her a napkin from my pocket, and took her hand, drawing circles in her palm.

"It's going to be alright, sweetheart. Don't worry." I kept telling her until she closed her eyes and rest her head on my shoulder, making me stiffen, but then relax when I saw her sleeping so peacefully, while I pushed a strand of hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear.

"It's going to be okay."


What happens when Belle falls asleep on Adam's shoulder? Can he truly help her crawl out of her dark past?

Keep reading to find out!

Question of the Day: Do you have any memories you want to forget?

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