She walked into the cafe, and all heads turned to look at her. But I can't blame them since I was one of them and the fact that she looked way too good. I came a little earlier and gave her friend Taylor, I think, a mini heart attack.
"What are you doing here?" She asked me, her hand still on her chest and a bewildered expression on her face.
"Why? Can't I come here?" I asked her and sat down on the chair across her.
"No... That's not what I meant..." She said slowly, thinking about something. "You came here for Belle, didn't you?"
"I came for my morning coffee." I told her and she raised her eyebrows at me.
So she isn't buying that excuse.
"Riiighhttt..." She said and then continued working on her laptop, oblivious to my existence, until I figured she wouldn't talk to me so I went to the counter and told the barista to inform me when Belle came, who gasped and giggled, why did she giggle? I ignored her and went to the rows of bookshelves, looking at the books they kept, until she strode in.
"Isabelle Edward!"The barista screamed her name like she was guilty of murder. "Your boyfriend's waiting for you here!"
Wait, did she just say boyfriend?
I looked at Isabelle and her confused and clueless expression until she looked at me and the pieces finally fit together, a scowl forming on her face.
So the barista thought I was her boyfriend. I don't mind... Do I? Does she?
"He's not my boyfriend!" she said quickly, and looked at me. I can't say I didn't find this funny.
"Sure he is! Your relationship is all over the place, people talk you know... And I have proof of it too..." The barista shoved her phone in front of her face and Isabelle's face turned a light shade of pink.
Was she blushing? It's cute though.... Wait... What am I thinking?
She showed her pictures of us together and kissing... news travels fast.
I went to stand behind her just as she said "That's not real!", when she looked behind her and at me, and I took this opportunity to pull her close by her waist.
Roses... She smells like Roses today...
And the I kissed her. Just like that. I leaned down and gave her a peck, like the one she gave me except I stayed like that a bit longer.
Damn it felt good.
Pulling away, I smiled at her lightly while her brows furrowed. "There's no use in hiding it anymore sweetheart, they already know our love story." I chuckled then signaled to the barista. "The usual for my dear girlfriend here, and her friend."And I led her to the table where she always sat with her hand in mine.
Bringing an extra chair I pulled it close to her and plopped down on it, propping my elbows on the table and placing my face in my hands, looking at her expectantly. Her friend looked shocked, looking between us both.
"Are you guys...?" She questioned us, looking back and forth.
"No! There's nothing going on Taylor and you know it, I literally just saw you less than 12 hours ago!" She defended herself.
How cute.
"A lot can happen in seconds, let alone 12 hours." I added, giving her a sly, innocent smile and she scoffed.
She scoffed. No one had the audacity to do that to my face, let alone behind my back. And yet, this woman was driving me crazy.
"Listen, Mr. Thorne, I only kissed you because you were stuck with that Milani model, and it wasn't even a real kiss, it was like... a peck!" She looked into my eyes and I stared at her blue ones, slowly taking her hand.
"You look very beautiful today and might I say, sexy? Did you dress up for me? Because I think it's working." Her friend gasped as soon as I said this but it only riled her up even more.
"I think I'm gonna go, have fun Belle." She said and ran out of the cafe.
"What is your problem?"She said to me, sounding angrier now "I was only trying to help you out, not shove myself into a relationship!"
"Is that right?" I asked her, and realized she was wearing his glasses, so I reached forward and took them off.
It must hurt when people recognize you as his girlfriend.
"There, much better now. You have striking eyes. Why do you hide them?" I still asked her this question even though I knew the answer. But I felt there was more to it than the story.
"Just... because." She said, looking away. "Don't change the subject." She was still hurting.
" And why would you kiss me?" she asked me sudden;y, disrupting my chain of thoughts and taking me by surprise.
"Because you kissed me first... Didn't you want that?" I asked her.
"It was fake! And no!" She said through clenched teeth.
"Really?" I don't believe you." I said and looked at her, staring deep into her eyes, but she gave away nothing.
"I don't lie."
"Everyone lies." I said
"I don't.. Neither do my brothers."
"Still don't believe you." She scoffed again at my response.
"Ask me one thing you think I won't lie about." She said and my mind instantly went looking for questions sshe could answer wothput lying. I could her her something I already knew about her.
Why was she cold to her step mom and sister?
Why did she break up with her ex?
Was she dating Gareth King? Wait... where did that come from?
My phone suddenly rang, and I glanced at the screen.
Charlie Williams. I can't say I'm fond of the guy but I trust him enough ."Excuse me." I said and picked up the phone and kept sitting there.
I was discussing some things about a new project when I felt a hand come towards my face and pushed a stray strand that fell on my face, and I looked at her, a frown on my face.
What was she doing?
She didn't notice me looking at her and admired my face a while more before she looked at my eyes, when I smiled and then my lips, deep in thought, the pushed my hair back with her fingers so gently so it wouldn't fall out of place again. The feeling of her fingers in my hair sent a shiver down my spine, and I thought what it would feel like when I had my hands in her hair. I caught her hand before she would evoke new feelings I wasn't ready to face just yet. She looked back up at me and I smirked.
I knew she was attracted to me.
"Like what you see?" I asked her in a sultry tone,and she licked her lips.
Why did she do that?!
The grip of my hand tightened around hers and I looked at her lips, perfect... And I wanted to kiss her more than anything right now. I brought her hand to my lips and kissed it gently, putting it on the table with mine still covering it. I never left her eyes once, and leaning forward a bit, until... someone cleared their throat behind us and she looked back and I followed suit.
What is he doing here?
When photos and rumors spread, how will Adam take charge? Will he deny them or go with the flow?
Keep reading to find out!
Question of the Day: Would you rather hear the hurtful truth or a nice lie?
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