I ran a hand through my hair again and sighed again. I had decided to work late today and the office was nearly empty. It was 7:30 pm already.
"Is it that late already? I whispered to myself glancing at my watch and stood up, gathering my things and left my office, telling Lucas I was leaving. I walked into the lift and when it reached down, two girls came at me and I stopped in my tracks. Their faces caked with make up and they wore such revealing outfits, showing me their skin intentionally.
Were they trying to flash me? Most probably.
Why was I annoyed? I don't know.
"Mr. Thorne! A moment please." The first girl said and I gave her an intense look and she backed away, urging the second one to go on.
"Well.. This is really hard for me to say... " she started to speak.
"Then don't." I silenced her but then the first one came forward again.
"What she means is that she's really interested in you, Mr. Thorne, and wanted to ask you out...She's been meaning to say this for a while now..." She said nervously while I formulated my answer.
Too easy.
"If you're not here to hand me your resignations, I suggest you leave." I was about to leave when the second one, with a crush on me apparently, held my arm and I glared at her, and she immediately let go.
"Please, Mr. Thorne, I really like you.... Please give me a chance... And I'm amazing in bed, if that's what you're worried about, I can top all the other models you've dated before."
Seriously? Is that the best she could think of?
"I already have a girlfriend." I answered simply and turned back when she spoke again.
"Who? Is she prettier than me?"
I smirked.
"Isabelle Edward. I'm sure you've heard of her, she's quite famous. And as far as beauty goes, I would prefer sleeping with clowns than you." I answered without turning around and exited the office while they gasped in shock.
Isabelle Edward... My girlfriend.. Has a nice ring to it.. Doesn't it?
That's when the perfect plan struck me. I sat in my car whistling to myself and made my way to her house.
I went in, accompanied by their butler who welcomed me warmly, and took me inside, where I met her father, step mother, Tristan and Arthur. I looked around for her but she was nowhere to be seen, until the senior Mr. Edward cleared his throat and held out his hand, and I took it.
That's when she walked down the stairs, looking very pleasant and yet so.. conflicted.
Was that because of me?
Lance shook my hand firmly, glaring holes through my head and I took it upon myself to the the same.
It was only fair, I thought, until someone came in squealing and I flinched.
"Oh Mr. Thorne! You're here, I've been waiting for you for so long now!" The annoying step sister, Olivia, I think that was her name, came down and stood next to me while her mother smiled at her daughter.
She wore a skin-tight dress and reminded me of the girls back at the office, and I decided it was best if I ignored her, and followed the others to the dining room, staring at Isabelle's back, who walked in front of me.
She dressed so modestly, unlike other girls who took any chance to rip their clothes off in front of me.
She saw the only empty seat, next to mine, and sat down hesitantly.She glanced at Lance first whose jaw was clenched as he motioned for her to sit down.
Should've let her sit first then.
We ate in silence except the usual clatter of forks and spoons against the plates and I bumped my knee against hers but didn't acknowledged it when she looked at me. It was really hard trying to keep a straight face. So I bumped her knee again and this time when she looked at me, I smiled a little and she figured I was only annoying her.
And because I wanted every excuse to touch her.
She cleared her throat which I figured must be a warning and pulled her chair a few inches away from mine.
"What are you doing?" Lance looked at her from his food.
"Nothing." She mumbled continued eating.
Why did she move away from me? What did Lance say to her before they came down?
I was thinking randomly when her father cleared his throat and I looked at him already staring at me intently.
Did I do something wrong?
"So, Adam is it? I'm getting straight to the point here... What are your plans for my daughter?" He looked a bit too serious to be saying this.. Isabelle looked at me confused.
But Olivia seemed excited.. Did she think he was talking about her? Was he?
Wait, he said daughter... but he didn't specify which one... I looked at her father, mulling over my words and contemplating what to say until Olivia spoke.
"Yes, Adam, what are your plans for me, I'd like to know as much." She said batting her eyelashes at me and Isabelle chuckled, making me glance at her.
Why does she think everything's about her?
I looked at Isabelle again thinking, and thought about giving it another try. "I'm sorry sir, I don't understand..."
"I'm sure I wasn't speaking in tongues when I asked you what your intentions are for my angel of a daughter. You know your reputation precedes you. My daughter is too good for someone like you." He gave me a death glare, but I tried to maintain my composure.
I don't think it's Olivia now that he's mentioned angels because she wouldn't even pass for a devil.
And if it is Isabelle, what intentions do I have for her? I thought about what place she held in my life.
"Yes well.. erm... I..." I stammered over my words when Tristan whispered to him.
"Which one?" he said to his father who looked at him confused but nodded his head when he understood the problem.
"Let me rephrase my question, Mr. Thorne. Keeping in mind your... ah... reputation."He stressed on 'reputation' a bit more than was needed, but I guess I deserve that. "What intentions do you have for my daughter, Isabelle."
And Isabelle choked on her wine, when we all turned to look at her.
"I'm okay..." she coughed and wheezed, pushing her chair back and getting up, and I did the same to see if she was fine, but she told me to sit.
"I'm sorry... Excuse me.. " *cough* "I need some air..." *cough* and she walked out, still coughing.
"Well that was a surprising turn of events." Arthur mumbled but it was loud enough for everyone to hear.
Surprisingly, it was. Not that I mind. Right?
What intentions does Adam have for Belle? Does he really care for her? Or is it all out of pity?
Keep reading to find out!
Question of the Day: Almonds or walnuts?
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