Chapter 40: Under Dressed


I look at Adam and the roses in his hands, my mouth open when Gareth cleared his throat, patting my legs on top of him.

"Isabelle... Go put on some clothes.." I look at him to see him smirk at me before remembering that I was only wearing a large t-shirt I had stolen from Arthur to spite him, but never returned it. And I was only wearing a black underwear underneath it. I quickly pulled my legs down stood up.

"Right, um.. excuse me.." And I ran to the closet, petting on some pants and a t-shirt on. I had worn these clothes after taking a shower when Gareth came.

"You need any help in there B?" I heard Gareth call out to me and gasped.

He's trying to annoy Adam!

"Thanks but no thanks!" I screamed back.

I went back out to see Adam sitting on the couch opposite Gareth and both glaring at each other.

I cleared my throat and Adam turned his head to look at me, getting up with the flowers in his hands.

"Right, these are for you..." He smiled sheepishly while giving me the flowers and I inhaled their scent, admiring them.

"They're beautiful, thank you. Truly." I smile at him and we both look at each other for a good while before I notice Gareth staring at us from behind Adam with a smirk on is face. I look away and gesture for Adam to sit down, glaring at Gareth whose smirk only grew wider, and I sit opposite him where I sat before.

"I uh... came to ask you how you were doing.. I didn't see you at the cafe for a while now and I wondered if everything was alright.

"Well she's fine and now you know, so you can leave." Gareth smiled at him and I glared at him in response.

"Shut up Gare." I whispered to him and he continued with his work on his laptop.

"Would you like anything? Water, coffee perhaps?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"No thank you, I just had coffee." He answered and looked down and I nodded my head.

"Well, this is awkward.. Anyway I gotta go now B, take care." Gareth got up and kissed the top of my head before leaving.

And then there were two.

"Bye. Take care." I muttered and watched him close the door and leave.

"Well, how's work going? Everything okay up there?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Yes, although it's quite dull without you... No one to lighten the mood." He smirked at me and I shook my head, smiling.

"Lighten the mood? I barely talk to anyone." I gave him a small laugh and he smiled at me.

"You have no idea how much you light up everyone's day. Especially mine."

"Me?" I laughed at him a bit and he just looked at me seriously.

"You just did... Every time you smile, it makes my day better. I can't get enough of it." He looked at me earnestly and emotion flashed over his face but was gone as quick as it came.

My smile disappeared and I just looked at him and he at me. I saw how if you look close enough, you can see the beautiful blue in his eyes surrounded by the black that seems to cover it.

"Go out with me. Tonight." He suddenly spoke, still looking at me.

I was no longer smiling. Rather dumbfounded. "Wh-what?" I asked him confused.

"Go out with me.. One date.." He got up and walked over to me, kneeling in front of me, and I could hear the nervousness in his voice.

"Why?" I suddenly spoke, my own voice unrecognizable.

"Because... I like you.. more than I can admit.. And I have a feeling you do too... Maybe not as much, but you certainly feel something.. don't you?" He looked deep in my eyes as if he could see right through me. Right through my soul.

"Yes..." I whispered.

His face lit up instantly like a child's before his brows furrowed again.

"Wait, yes as in feelings or yes as in to a date?" He looked at me and I smiled at him, before raising my hand and touching his cheek, stroking it gently before tracing his jawline, and lightly touching his lower lip, I kept my hand there.

I leaned down and gave him a peck on his lips, staying there for longer than I had imagined and finally pulling away, I looked into his eyes and saw warmth for the first time. It made me smile.

He made me smile.

"Yes.. to both.. feelings, and a date.. tonight..." I said slowly, whispering so only he could hear me.

His face lit up again and he smiled, taking a hold of my hand that was still on his face and kissing my palm, all the while looking into my eyes.

I held his gaze and let out a small breath.

"Tonight." He whispered.

"Tonight." I whispered back smiling.

"Good." He whispered, giving me a small smile. "I'll pick you up at eight. Dress casual."

"Okay..." I nodded my head at him and he stood up, and I followed him to the door, keeping it open for him.

"Thank you for the roses.. I really appreciate it." I told him and he looked at me before leaving.

"Thank you for giving me a chance." He smiled at me and left, leaving butterflies in his wake and a goofy grin plastered on my face.

Stop acting like a lovesick teenager!

I squealed before dialing Taylor's number.

"Come here after work, I've got a DATE!"


Adam finally asked Belle out! *squeals* What do you think he has planned?

Keep reading to find out!

Question of the Day: Casual or fancy dates?

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