Catch Me If You Can

"So everything's okay? Good?" Lance asked me suspiciously while I shoved a forkful of pasta in my mouth.

"Swell." I replied, mouth full of food and Lane shook his head.

"Graceful as ever. Keep it up." He joked and I rolled my eyes at him.

"What? I'm hungry okay? I haven't had anything sine morning because I was running late.

What I really meant to say was that I didn't want to get out of Adam's arms so we both got late.

"Right. Adam was late too you know." He pointed out with a grin and I gave him an 'oh really?" look.

"I know Lancelot, I live with him." I pointed out, focusing very hard on my food.

"You're glowing." He said a few minutes later while sipping his drink with a smirk on his face.

"I am?" I asked him narrowing my eyes and he chuckled.

"Did you and...?" He started and my eyes widened.

"What? No!" I suddenly said and a few people turned to look at us in the restaurant while Lance looked at me with a smug grin on his face.

"Really?" He asked skeptically and I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, really. And why are you suddenly so interested in my love life?" I asked him and he shrugged.

"No reason." He said smiling and I huffed.

"And what about you? Find any one yet?" I asked him but he shook his head.

"Nah. I'm not looking for a relationship right now." He said and I nodded, knowing I could never win an argument with him.

"But you really haven't?" He asked me again after a few moments and I huffed.

"No Lance, I haven't slept with Adam. There, are you happy now?" I asked him and he chuckled.

"Speak of the devil." He said, looking behind me and sure enough, I saw Adam striding towards us, looking handsome as ever. People stopped whatever they were doing and stared at him with their mouths agape.

He gave me his famous smirk which would make girls weak in the knees and very, very wet. Not that I was wet.

Weak in the knees? Definitely.

"Hello love." Adam said, placing a lingering kiss on my lips when he reached our table.

"Hi." I smiled at him like a teenager who met her crush while he sat down beside me and I had to reluctantly tear my gaze away from him and to Lance who looked at us amused.

"Lance." Adam acknowledged him and Lance gave him a nod.

"Are you hungry?" I asked Adam who nodded, eyeing my pasta and I fed him a few spoons.

"Is it good?" I asked him and he gave me smile.

"Very." He said and I heard Lance cleared his throat.

"If I can have your attention, I'd like to talk about something important." Lance said looking pointedly at me and I sat straighter.

"What is it?" I asked him and he sighed, looking between the both of us.

"You'll have to stay at his place for a bit longer. I would've sent you to my penthouse but I haven't been there in a long time and I don't know if I even still own it. And your other apartment is empty." He said and I nodded slowly but then frowned.

"Is there a problem at home?" I asked him and he nodded.

"They refuse to leave." He said and I scoffed.

The hell?

"They do realize that the house they are living in is mine?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Yup. I tried making them move to another, told them I'd pay for everything but they said they'll only move if I give your house to them. Name it after one of them." He said furiously and I sat back in my seat.

"You have got to be joking." I said and sighed. "What about dad? Didn't he talk to them?" I asked.

"He did. But they refused to listen to him too. All they want is money." Lance scoffed and I rolled my eyes.

"I have no problem with you staying with me." Adam said finally and we both looked at him.

"You don't?" We both asked at the same time and he chuckled.

"Not at all. I quite enjoy the company actually. I live alone anyway." He said looking at me expectantly and I gave him a small smile.

"If you want to stay with me, obviously." He added and I looked at Lance who looked between us both for a moment before nodding.

"Stay with him. It's the safest option right now. I can't have you getting hurt again." He said and checked his phone.

"Alright." I said and looked around.

"I have to go now, I have a meaning in twenty. I'll see you later, yeah?" He said getting up and Adam and I got up too, shaking his hand with Adam.

"Yeah I'll come to the office tomorrow." I told him and he nodded, giving me a hug and kissing my forehead.

"Stay safe." He said and winked at me and I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

"Real subtle Lancelot." I retorted and he laughed, drawing every woman's attention who watched him with their mouths agape and he walked out, a string of hearts following him. I shook my head and smiled, looking at Adam who raised his eyebrows at me expectantly.

"What was that?" He asked and I shrugged him off.

"That was Lance crossing the line of overprotectiveness." I said as we both sat down and Adam's food was served.

"Did he just imply that we were...?" Adam asked me and I felt hotter suddenly.

"Mmhmm." I nodded and Adam chuckled.

"Wow." Adam said, digging into his food. "What did you tell him?" He asked me and I felt myself blush.

Was he really asking me this?

"I told him haven't slept together." I said looking away and heard his deep chuckle.

"Yet." He said and my head whipped to him and saw him with a smug grin on his face.

"Keep dreaming sweetheart." I said rolling my eyes and he smirked, moving closer to me.

"Oh I do. Every fucking night." He whispered and I blushed furiously and pushed him back, not that he moved. He was like a wall.

Shit. Now what?

He smirked, knowing he affected me and continued eating his food like nothing ever happened, leaving me flustered.

The rest of lunch went by in a comfortable silence and before we knew it, we were back in his car.

"Where do you want to go?" Adam asked me and I bit my lip, pretended to be thinking.

"Can I come with you? I can work on the project we were doing." I asked hopefully and he nodded, telling his driver to go to the office, and pressing a button for the partition to come up between us and the driver.

"Now that we're alone, can we continue our conversation from lunch? You were very quiet, I noticed." Adam asked me and I looked away from him.

"There's nothing to talk about." I said looking away and biting my lip to stop the smile from breaking out on my face. I suddenly felt his hand on the side of my face and looked at him. His gaze darkened when he glanced at my lips briefly and back to my eyes.

Using his thumb, he traced my lower lip and leaned forward slowly, his husky breath fanning my lips as he looked at me and then my lips.

"You know I could take you here right now with how sexy you look right now." He said, running his free hand over my bare leg and to the edge of my skirt.

My breath hitched, my heart rate getting dangerously fast for a normal person. His hand went up further and into my skirt, briefly grazing the band of my panties and I gasped lightly, biting my lip when I felt his hot fingers touch my inner thigh.

"Don't do that." He said looking at my lip and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. He flicked his gaze to mine for a brief moment before crashing his lips onto mine, kissing me passionately.

When he tried to slide in his tongue, I didn't let him so he lightly grazed my panties, making me gasp lightly and slid in his tongue. I could feel him smirking when he knew he had gotten his way as his tongue explored my mouth and tasted every inch of me.

My hands clutched the collar of his coat and pulled him closer. He groaned, swiftly pulling me into his lap so that I was straddling him. My hands hooked around his neck as his hands slid up my thighs and gripped them tightly.

I felt the bulge in hi pants growing as my hands tugged at his hair as he bit my lip. When I pulled away for a breath he started kissing my neck, earning a small moan from me as he sucked on my sweet spot.

His hands gripped my hips and pulled me closer. I moved a bit, hearing him groan as he pulled away and we touched our foreheads.

"As much as I'd love to take you right here, I can't, so stop doing whatever you're doing." He growled, his dark eyes dangerously looking at me and I gave him an innocent smile.

"What did I do? This?" I said grinding onto him very lightly but he obviously felt it the way he growled and looked at me threateningly.

Just as he leaned forward to kiss me again the car stopped and I turned around to see we had reached his office I quickly got out of his lap and ran out of the car with my purse, hearing him call my name from behind me.

"Catch me if you can!" I shouted and laughed as I ran off.

I have no doubt that you will.