When I walked into Adam's office the next day hand-in-hand with Adam, all eyes were on us. It didn't help that he was running around yesterday looking for me, as amusing as it was. And let's not forget that he kissed me in front of nearly the whole workforce.
To say I was embarrassed would be an understatement.
Adam held his head high as people made way for us to walk through and with all three of my brothers behind me. I could literally see the women drooling.
I looked behind me and waved at Arthur who waved back as we walked towards the elevators.
I even saw Emma pass by and her eyes widened when she me and the entourage behind us. I waved at her briefly and she waved back in surprise as we entered the elevator and went up to the top floor.
I left Adam's hand when we reached the conference room and he frowned but before he could say anything, the doors opened and his assistant came out, sighing in relief.
"Oh you're finally here Mr. Thorne. Everyone's waiting." He said and Adam threw me an "I'll see you later" look and went inside.
I went to my brothers and we walked in together in the large room and took our assigned seats.
I sat beside Lance on my left and someone named James to my right. Adam sat at the head seat of the table and looked at me meaningfully and then the man beside me.
His cold and expressionless business face was on now and he literally oozed power. But it only drew me closer for some reason.
I guess I dig hot and cold CEO's now.
"Hello, I'm James Charles. And you are?" James to my right spoke suddenly and I slowly turned to look at him. He sucked in a sharp breath when I looked directly into his eyes and smiled.
Gets them every time.
"Isabelle Rose Edward." I said and held out my hand. He nodded, lost in a daze as he took my hand and shook it for longer than necessary. Lance cleared his throat suddenly and only then did James look behind me.
"Lance Edward." Lance said and shook James' hand who introduced himself as well. From the corner of my eye, I saw Adam looking at us carefully, but I didn't look at him.
When we settled into our seats James turned to me again.
"You have stunning eyes." He said and I smiled at him.
"Thank you." I said and he nodded. James was a good looking man, with dirty blonde hair and hazel colored eyes and a sharp jawline. He looked to be Adam's or Lance's age.
Not that I was interested.
"And are you the Isabelle Edward? As in, heiress of Edward George?" He asked and I nodded.
"Yes. That would be me. And are you the James Charles? CEO of Charles Co.?" I mimicked him and he chuckled.
"Yes, that would be me." He said and we talked about some random things before the meeting started. When the time came to present our company's project, Arthur presented our presentation and I explained the design since I was doing the designing.
Everyone's eyes were on me when I explained, including Adam who listened and watched so intently, but I didn't look at him.
When the meeting ended nearly two hours later, it was decided that Adam's, ours and James' company would be working together. Contracts were signed and were led to another room for some snacks and drinks.
James approached me when I found myself alone after Tristan and Arthur ditched me for food.
"And what is a beautiful woman like you doing here all alone?" He asked me and I shrugged.
"My brothers ditched me for food." I told him and he laughed.
"Well unfortunate for them and fortunately for me I can talk to you some more." He said and I chuckled.
"Are you that desperate?" I asked him raising my eyebrows and he shrugged.
"Honestly, yes. I've never feel so captivated by anyone like you. Your eyes really mesmerize people." He said and I smiled politely.
"I get that a lot. Thank you." I say and we talk about our businesses, and then about ourselves for a while and he tells me some really lame jokes, making me laugh.
I could sense someone's gaze on me, burning holes through the side of my face.
I looked around and saw Adam with a drink in his hand, looking at us with a hard gaze. I could sense he was mad by the way James lightly touched my arm when we laughed.
"Earth to Isabelle." James waved his hand in front of me an I looked at him and smiled sheepishly.
"Sorry, I was thinking of something." I said and he smiled at me.
"It's alright. I was actually asking if you'd like to join me for coffee or a drink sometime to get to know each other better as partners or perhaps even friends." He said but before I could say anything, I was pulled back into someone's chest and an arm went around me.
My dear jealous man returns.
Adam kissed my temple and looked at James who had a confused expression on his face.
"We have plans, don't we darling?" He asked me and I pretended to think for moment.
You know what? I'm gonna have some fun.
"I'm sorry do I know you?" I said and pulled away from his grip while he looked at me with a frown.
"Isabelle, sweetheart, let's have lunch, yes?" He asked me again and I frowned.
Not today sweetheart.
"Mr. Thorne, thank you for offer but I'll be having lunch with some friends, and with all due respect, please keep your sticky paws to yourself." I told him and saw his eye twitch slightly and his jaw clench.
Sticky paws? Really?
"It was nice talking to you James, I'll let you know when I'm free." I smiled at James and gave Adam a seductive smug smile too, leaving them both in a daze and strutting off towards my brothers.
"You do know he's not going to let you go so easily now, right?" Tristan asked me and I shrugged.
"Yup." I said, popping the 'p'.
"You've got guts dear sister, but and now you've got an angry CEO on your tail." Arthur said and I chuckled.
"I'm having lunch here in the cafeteria, you guys wanna join?" I asked them as Lance joined us.
"At the cafeteria? Why don't we go out somewhere?" Tristan asked me.
"Well, I met some really nice people yesterday but I didn't get to say goodbye so thought I'd meet them and also because Adam interrupted our conversation and dragged me out of there and caused a hole scene." I said and they laughed.
"Oh yeah we heard about that." Arthur said grinning.
"Gossip sure travels fast, doesn't it? Come on." I said and lead them towards the cafeteria.
As usual, there was a lot of noise in the cafeteria, but when we entered it, all the noise died down and everyone turned to look at us.
"Side effects of yesterday I presume?" Lance asked me looking around and I nodded.
"Nah, they just haven't seen such beautiful people all together in one place." Arthur joked and I punched his arm playfully.
"Come on, this way." I said and we grabbed plates and lunch while everyone looked at us carefully.
"This is awkward. Should we go back up?" Tristan asked me but I shook my head.
"Nope. We're eating here." I said and looked around till I spotted a familiar set of faces and set off towards them.
And to my luck, everyone from yesterday was sitting there, mouths wide open as they stared at me and then at the men behind me.
"Hey guys, is it alright if we sit here?" I asked them and Liam stood up and gave me a quick side hug.
"Hey Belle, of course." He said and they all scooted over so we all could sit. I sat between Lance and Liam while Tristan and Arthur sat with each other on Lance's other side.
"I'm sorry for yesterday, Adam just got a little uh... carried away." I said smiling sheepishly while they just stared at us.
"Uh... You guys okay?" I asked them again and they nodded, knocking out of whatever daze they were in.
"Hey Belle, it's good to see you again... with three hot guys..." Jose started and Tristan laughed.
"See! I told you they were blinded by our beauty!" Arthur exclaimed and Lance chuckled.
"Oh shut it Arthur." I rolled my eyes at him and he stuck his tongue out at me.
Liam introduced himself to my brothers and so did the rest of them and we talked for a while about business and other things, until my brothers done with eating.
"We have to go back to the office, got a meeting in an hour." Lance said getting up and I got up with him.
"Oh.. Well I have the interview today so..." I trailed off and he smiled.
"I'll watch it love, don't worry. And take care okay?" He said and hugged me, then kissed my forehead.
"I will. Bye." I said and he nodded, looking at Tristan and Arthur meaningfully who also stood up.
"We'll see you later, okay? Smash that interview for us will you?" Arthur said and kissed my cheek.
"Will do." I replied when Tristan came and also kissed my cheek.
"I'll see you later. Dinner on me, okay?" he said walking away and I laughed.
"It's a date!" I said and waved him goodbye and sat back down as the people in front of me stared intently.
"Spill. NOW." Ayla said and I laughed.
"What?" I asked them confused and everyone rolled their eyes.
"Well we were waiting for those hot guys to leave so we could question you, so spill sweetheart. Why are random handsome men kissing you and following you around like lost puppies?" Emma asked and I chuckled.
"Well those three, were my older brothers. Lance is the oldest, and then Arthur, then Tristan. I'm the youngest." I said and they nodded, deep in thought.
"And here I thought they were all your boyfriends." Liam said and I made a gagging face.
"Oh god no." I said and he laughed, throwing me a charming smile.
"Seriously Liam? Why would she have so many boyfriends?" Dave asked and Liam shrugged.
"I honestly don't know where that came from." Liam said laughing.
"So Belle, tell us, were you the one Mr. Thorne was looking for yesterday?" Emma asked me and I shrugged.
"And what did you do to him to make him so angry?" Jose asked.
"I annoyed him a bit earlier and left him hanging... And ran off." I said and everyone into into laughter.
"He looked a bit... uh.. sexually frustrated and shouted at everyone too in the morning yesterday." Emma added and everyone snickered.
Oops. I feel terribly guilty for the people he shouted on.
"Whoops." I said chuckling and laughed with the others.
"Wait wait, so you're the Isabelle Edward? Like the fashion designer and heiress Isabelle Edward?" Ayla asked me and I nodded.
"Yup. That's me." I said and they all fake gasped.
"Wow. I can't believe I'm actually sitting next to you." Emma squealed.
"It's not such a big deal." I shrugged and she just looked at me horrified.
"Not a big deal? You're like, royalty." She said and everyone agreed.
"I couldn't agree more." Dave added but I shook my head chuckling.
"It's just me guys... and please don't treat me any different now that you know who I am. Just treat me like a normal person." I said and they nodded hesitantly.
"Does that happen a lot?" Liam asked me and I sighed.
"More than you know." I said and he nodded, when his eyes widened.
"What? Are you okay?" I asked Liam and lightly poked his arm when I heard someone clear their throat behind me and I sighed, turning around.
Great. Just great.