- A D A M - T H O R N E -
Watching her hair bounce as she ran into the arms of her brother, something tugged at my heart as I observed her, the ring I gave her glinting as the sunlight hit it, evoking a feeling of pride in me.
She's mine, all mine.
"Why weren't you picking up your phone this morning?" Lance asked her frowning when they pulled away from each other.
"Yeah, sorry... I was just really tired from yesterday and overslept." She said smiling sheepishly when my thoughts went to yesterday's interview, anger coursing through my veins and my jaw clenching tightly.
"Did you take care of it?" Lance's voice brought me out of my thoughts as my gaze snapped to his and a small smirk graced my lips.
"Took care of it last night. They won't know what hit them." I said, watching Lance throw a mischievous smirk my way while my girl looked between us with a small frown on her face.
They messed with the wrong girl.
My girl.
"Took care of what?" She asked softly, her eyes connecting with mine as I stood up from my seat and walked over to her.
"Nothing sweetheart, just some work related matters." Lance said giving her a cautious glance and I could tell she didn't believe him, but let it pass.
"Okay." She mumbled when a knock on the door brought us all out of our thoughts and Liam walked in, followed by a nervous Lucas.
"Sir, we've traced some bank accounts that have been transferring large amounts of money withing the last few months, from within our company." Lucas said, handing me a folder. Rose came to stand next to me, peeking over at the file.
"And did you find who it was?" I asked not looking up from the file as I stared at the long list of zeroes.
"No sir, the person who's done it has hidden their identity very well, indicating that he or she has done this before and has an idea on how to do these type of things." Liam added, glancing at Belle and giving her a small smile.
She smiled back at him in return causing me to grunt under my breath as I pulled her close to me, wrapping an arm around her waist as my eyes connected with Liam's in a glare and then briefly with Lance, who watched us amused.
"Then why the fuck are you here?" I snapped, causing Belle to stiffen and flinch slightly at my harsh tone.
I immediately felt awful for speaking in front of her that way and kissed her temple, making her relax in my arms once again as I eyed the two men in front of me.
"We wanted to ask you what our next step should be until our team's working on finding the person responsible." Liam said.
"I want the bank account's and information, all transfers and everything related to be checked for every person working for me, be it the janitors or the board members. I want them all checked out thoroughly and the results on my desk first thing tomorrow morning." I said firmly, watching as they nodded and left the room silently.
"Well, I guess that's my cue to leave." Lance said checking the time on his watch as Belle moved towards him, leaving me cold.
"Already?" She asked to which he nodded.
"Duty calls sweetheart. I'll see you later, yeah?" He said kissing her forehead to which she nodded absent minded.
"Alright." She mumbled, watching her brother's retreating back as we were left alone in the office once again, making my mind wander off to all the things I could do to her in here.
Fuck, I need to clear my head.
"Are you hungry?" I suddenly asked her, knowing she mustn't have eaten anything in a hurry to come here.
"A bit, but I'll eat later." She said as I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her closer to me and breathing in her rosy scent that calmed me down immediately.
"Let's go eat something." I said pulling away and called Lucas, telling him to clear my schedule for the next two hours.
"What about your work?" She asked confused as I grabbed her phone and put it in my coat pocket, handing her purse to her.
"There's not much, I'll complete it when we return." I said, mentally scowling when I thought about all the paperwork I had to do before tomorrow.
"Are you sure? Everyone seems so tense and I don't think it'll leave a good impression if you leave just like that in the middle of a crisis." She said worried, her bright blue eyes looking at me with concern.
"It's okay love. I think everyone needs a break anyway." I reassured her, pulling her even closer to me if possible and breathing in her heavenly scent.
"If you say so." I heard her mumble against my chest and I tugged at her hand, fitting so perfectly in mine as we went down towards the garage.
"Where are we going?" She asked me, playing with the rather large ring on her finger.
"To eat?" I said confused and saw her smile a bit.
"I meant where are going to eat?" She rephrased her question, looking at me intently while I thought about what to tell her.
"It's a surprise, my love." I said, hearing her groan as a chuckle left my lips at her reaction.
My love.
God, I could say that all day and not get tired of it.
"Fine." She grumbled under her breath and crossed her arms over her chest, looking adorable as hell when her lips formed a small pout and all I could think of now was devouring them shamelessly.
Fuck, not now.
My grip on the steering wheel tightened considerably as I put on of my hand on her thigh, our fingers intertwining with each other while I drove, trying very hard not to look at her or I'd take her right here with how sexy she looked.
"We're here." I gritted out rather forcefully while she admired the restaurant from the car's window, making no move to get out.
"You think people will notice us? Me?" She asked worriedly to which I frowned.
"No, my love. And even if they do, they'll be six feet under before you'll know it." I said in all seriousness hoping to get a reaction out of her and surprisingly, an amused chuckle left her lips.
"No need to go that far for me Adam." She said smacking my shoulder playfully to which I grinned widely at her.
"I'll do anything for you in a heartbeat, love. Anything at all." I said taking a hold of her hand and kissing it softly, watching as her face turned a tinge of pink.
Adorable, I tell you.
"Now come on. Breakfast's calling." I said getting out of the car and helping her out too and with my arm around her waist, we walked in after I handed my keys to the valet who was eyeing my girl hungrily so I threw him one of my deadliest glares, causing him to shrink away in fear.
Like I said, six feet under.
"Adam?" I heard her sweet voice call out to me and I looked up from my plate of food at her thoughtful face.
"Yes love?" I asked, taking a hold of her hand and stroking it gently when she bit her lip, as if she was trying to measure her words carefully.
"What happened to the show? The one I interviewed with yesterday... It was all over the news a while ago. I saw in the office." She said looking in my eyes nervously, my jaw clenching and my grip on her hand tightening.
"Why do you want to know?" I asked leaning back in my seat when she sighed.
"I just... I think-... No, I know that it's got something to do with you... What did you do?" She asked, her voice soft.
Well fuck.
"They got what they deserved. Nothing less, nothing more." I answered curtly, watching as the waiter came and put our bill on the table.
She looked at the waiter and thanked him as I payed, glancing at me thoughtfully while I led her back towards my car in silence, none of us saying anything to each other.
"Adam?" She called to me once again when we were on the road and I hummed in response.
"Please tell me what you did. I need to know." She pleaded.
"Why?" I asked, briefly glancing at her from the corner of my eye as she kept her eyes on me.
"Because I was the one who talked to them yesterday, not you. They had a problem with me, not you." She said exasperated, making me roll my eyes.
"I'll tell you this once darling. Anyone has a problem with you, they have a problem with me. Anyone messes with you, they mess with me. And trust me when I tell you this, that if anyone ever messes with you, I will destroy them like I did yesterday, without another thought, because that's how much I lo-" I stopped short, the words nearly tumbling out of my mouth as my eyes widened but I cleared my throat and composed myself.
"Because that's how much I care for you, darling. Never, doubt that." I said, my eyes fixated on the road ahead while my heart beat uncontrollably.
"I know. But you didn't need to do this for me," She said with a heavy sigh, making me calm down just a bit because she didn't catch my words quickly.
Thank fuck.
"I did. And I always will. Also, Lance knows." I said, smirking a little at the end when she watched me with wide eyes.
"What? He knows?" She asked me with disbelief, causing me to chuckle.
"Yes, yes he does. So do the other two." I admitted, although a little worried, I'll admit, for the three who would have to face her wrath.
Glad it's them and not me.
"Well thank you for telling me." She said sarcastically as I put my hand on her thigh but she shrugged it off.
"Don't touch me." She narrowed her eyes at me, so I did the same with her playfully.
"Or what darling?" I challenged and saw her innocent smirk.
"Or you don't get to touch me for as long as I want." She said innocently, making me scoff.
"You can't go on that long without me touching you love." I said playfully, making her smirk at me.
"Are you sure it's not the other way round, darling?" She asked innocently, removing her hand from my thigh, making my hand ball into a fist as I gripped the steering tighter.
Shit, she's right.
"Let's see who goes down first then." I said, regretting my words instantly as her lips curved into a sly smile.
"We have a deal, Mr. Thorne." She gave me a smirk, winking at the end before looking out the window as a frustrated breath escaped my lips.
Fuck, I'm done for.
I'm just glad I didn't say anything I wasn't supposed to say, because I don't think she's ready for that.