I adjusted my black blazer while Taylor watched me with narrowed eyes.
"So you're saying that he confessed his love to you?" She repeated my words for the third time, clearly not believing me.
I took a sip of my coffee, looking around the cafe before meeting her curious gaze once again.
"Yes, he did." I confirmed and watched as she leaned back in her chair, her arms crossed over her chest.
"Huh. The man's got balls, owning up to his feelings and not shying away like most do." She said rolling her eyes and I squinted at her.
"Yeah..." I drawled out when I noticed her looking at her phone for the tenth time.
"Are you waiting for someone?" I finally asked her and saw her eyes snap to mine.
"No." She sighed and sipped on her own coffee.
"Okay, what's wrong?" I asked her but she shrugged.
"Nothing's wrong. Why would you even think that?" She asked and I gave her an unimpressed look.
"Come on Tay, you've been really distracted this whole time except when I told you Adam loved me. The last time I saw you like this was when your mom announced your brother was moving in with you." I said and saw her shoulders slump while she stirred the spoon in her coffee mug, completely lost.
"Yeah, I know. It's just... Never mind, it's not important, I'm just being paranoid." She said shaking her head with a frown when I took her hand.
"Come on Tay, I know you well enough to know something is off because you're never like this. Is everything good back at home? How's Dylan? And your mom?" I asked her worried when she gave me a reassuring smile.
"They're good. Dylan's visiting, by the way." She said perking up a bit and making me smile.
"Really? When?" I asked her excited.
"Tomorrow, actually. He was just asking about you when I was on call with him before coming here." She said smiling.
"That's nice. We should meet and catch up." I said and she nodded.
"Yeah, we should." She said and I saw her face fall once again.
"Now back to the previous matter at hand. What's wrong?" I asked her.
"It's just... I feel like there's something off with Josh. He's really... disinterested nowadays or maybe I'm being clingy, but I can't help but feel like I've been doing something wrong." She admitted biting her lip and making me frown.
"Disinterested, how?"
"I mean, he isn't his usual cheery self like he was with me before. I thought it might be because of work but it wasn't. He always makes excuses when I ask to meet up and avoids me at work too, as if I'm the plague." She said frowning.
"Did you try and talk to him about it?" I inquired but she shook her head in a negative and mumbled a no.
"Tay, you know communication is key in a relationship." I spoke softly to her and squeezed her hand, watching as she averted her gaze.
"I know, but I'm scared. What if he's tired of me? What if he doesn't want me anymore and if just looking for an excuse to leave me?" She said sadly, making me frown.
"No, you will not think like that Taylor. You are the most amazing person I know and that Josh guy would be a fool for letting you go. I know it's scary to be alone, but I need you to take a deep breath and take the step, okay?" I said and she nodded.
"You need to talk to him and clear any confusions between you two and if it doesn't work out, I will be right beside you, no matter what. And trust me when I tell you this, you are not alone." I reassured her and noticed a real smile pulling on her lips for the first time today.
"Thanks B, it means a lot for me to hear that." She said, making me smile softly at her.
"You deserve it Taylor, you deserve the best." I told her and she nodded, sitting straighter with a brighter smile.
"Now enough about me, tell me about you. You told me Adam said he loved you but you didn't tell me if you said it back. Did you?" She asked and I bit my lip, looking away.
"No." I mumbled when Taylor sighed.
"And what did he say when you didn't say it back?" She asked me.
"He said it was okay and that he knew I wasn't ready to say those words to him. He said he'll wait for me forever if he had to." I remembered his words, a light blush making its way on my face.
"Aww, that's so sweet. You know Belle, in all my years I've known you, I've never seen you happier and trust me when I tell you this, he will wait for you because I've seen the way he looks at you, like a lovesick puppy and it's absolutely adorable." She said, making me chuckle.
"Lovesick puppy? I don't think he'll appreciate it so much." I said in a teasing tone to which Taylor laughed.
"Oh I know." She stated, drinking her coffee and I did the same.
"But really, I've never seen you happier. You have this... glow on you. You look happy. You radiate happy so much its nauseating." She said scrunching her face up and I laughed at her.
"Oh come on." I said finishing my brownie when she narrowed her eyes at me.
"What?" I asked her and she titled her head, taking a better look at me and making me feel conscious of myself.
"Is there something on my face?" I asked her worried to which she grinned and took out her phone and turning it towards me with the selfie camera mode on.
"No, but I do see a hickey there." She said grinning while I looked at her in complete horror, snatching the phone from her hand and inspecting myself.
Surely enough, there was a hickey on my neck which was showing because my shirt had pulled to a side a little.
That little shit.
"What the hell?" I muttered, fixing my shirt and giving Taylor back her phone.
"Spill, now. You slept with him didn't you?" She asked with a knowing grin on her face, her eyes teasing me and I could bite my lip and blush furiously as my thoughts wandered off to last night.
"Oh my god you did! You slept with him!:" She squealed in excitement to my utmost horror, when everyone in the cafe turned to look at us, some with grins, some with frowns and some with disgusted faces.
I glared at Taylor when she smiled sheepishly at me while I tried my very best to hide my flushed face.
"Thanks Taylor, why don't you announce it on National television for my sake." I retorted sarcastically but she only rolled her eyes playfully before pinning me with a look.
"You should have told me before." She said pointed a manicured finger at me and I looked at her with my mouth agape.
"It never came up!" I defended myselfbut she only scoffed.
"Oh come on Belle, we both know you've been distracting me with my problems so I wouldn't notice." She gave me a once over while grinning to herself.
"Well I couldn't exactly walk into the cafe and announce that I slept with someone first thing in the morning, now could I?" I replied sarcastically, earning an eye roll.
"But seriously though, how was it?" She asked me leaning forward, excitement in her tone when I pushed her away with a blush on my face.
"And she's blushing!" Taylor exclaimed.
"Stop Taylor, for the love of God!" I reprimanded her but she only looked at me with a triumphant smirk.
"I'm just glad my best friend finally got laid."
"Hey! I wasn't a virgin!" I defended myself and heard her scoff.
"I never said you weren't, but you practically were. How many guys did you sleep with after Michael and before Adam?" She asked me but I gave her an incredulous look.
"And don't tell me you kissed them because that doesn't count" She said before I could say anything and sighed, shaking my head with a smile on my face.
"Are we still up for tomorrow here?" She asked me but I shook my head in negative.
"I have to oversee some things at work early tomorrow, but we'll meet later to catch up with Dylan, yeah?" I sad looking at my watch and paid for the coffee.
"Yeah, that sounds good. See you tomorrow then?" She asked as we both got up from our seats and hugged each other.
"You can count on it." I replied and waved goodbye before walking back to my driver and instructing him to take me to Adam's office.
Today's going to be a long day.