- A D A M - T H O R N E -
"Rose?" I groaned into the pillow that my face was currently squished against, trying to open my eyes but they just wouldn't fucking open.
"Rose, baby, where are you?" I said again, my voice coming out muffled as a grunt left my lips when I laid on my back, looking at the big, fat pillow in my arms and frowning.
That's not my girl.
I ran my hands over her side, my frown deepening when I felt it empty and squinted my eyes open, looking around me.
Where'd she go?
"Isabelle?" I called out, panic rising in me as I ran a hand over my face and sat up in bed, throwing the covers off of my body and realizing I was only in my boxers.
When did I change?
Running my hands through my hair, I yawned, stretching my arms out as I got off from the bed and walked towards the bathroom.
I splashed water on my face and freshened up, pulling on my sweatpants and looked around the room once again.
Walking down the stairs, I was hit with a delicious aroma and made my way towards the kitchen, my steps halting when I saw the beauty standing there, half naked and only in my t-shirt as she stirred something on the stove.
She was humming a song to herself, her sweet voice ringing in my ears that I remembered dozing off to, while she swayed her hips and peered into another pan.
Fuck, that's hot.
The sight warmed my heart and a smile came to my face just looking at her like that and for some reason, I found myself craving the sight for the rest of my life, wanting to watch her singing and dancing, standing in our kitchen, every single day.
Then she would call out to me when dinner was ready and I would kiss her soft and plump lips, only to get interrupted by giggling sounds of our children when they'd catch us kissing each other.
What I wouldn't do to have that.
I slowly walked behind her and snaked my arms around her waist, hearing her adorable yelp as she abruptly turned around with a spoon in her hand, her eyes wide as she watched me.
"Adam! You scared me!" She put a hand on her heart to calm herself down when I chuckled at her reaction, but she only slapped my chest playfully.
Adorable, I tell you.
"Not funny, you nearly gave me a heart attack!" She chastised, turning around once again so that her back was against my front.
Her sweet ass pressed against me innocently, causing not-so innocent thoughts to run around my head.
"Sorry sweetheart, you just looked so sexy standing in my shirt and moving your body like that, I couldn't resist myself." I said and started kissing her neck, sucking on a spot and leaving a hickey there.
She'll probably kill me later but who cares as long as everyone knows she's mine.
She hummed in response, biting her lip hard and boy did I want to do that for her instead. I sucked harder on her sweet spot and heard the slight moan that left her luscious lips, smirking against her neck.
"Gotcha." I whispered in her ear, biting her earlobe and hearing her gasp lightly.
"Adam! I'll burn the kitchen down if you do that!" She tried to push me away but I tightened my hold on her, placing my chin on her shoulder.
"I'll get a new one." I said against her skin and kissed her cheek when she whined.
"Fine, fine." I grumbled and let her do her thing, still holding her though as she made, whatever it was she was making.
"What are you making?" I asked, peering into a pan when she smiled widely at me.
"Chicken corn soup and marinara pasta." She said when I hummed in response.
"Why are you cooking? You could've ordered something or called the cook." I said as I leaned against the counter, crossing my arms over my chest and watched as she shrugged.
"I wanted to do something myself, Adam. I wanted to take care of you myself." She said with a slight blush, my heart tugging at her words.
"Thank you my love. You don't how much it means to me that you're doing this. And for me." I said and pulled her close to me when she smiled, taking my breath away with how beautiful she was.
How lucky am I to have her.
"I want to. And I always will." She said with a smile playing on her lips and I couldn't help one from forming on my face too.
I connected my lips with hers, kissing her slowly, pouring out all the love I had for her through it.
"I love you." I whispered against her lips, kissing her a few more times when she smiled, pushing me away so she could finish cooking.
"Just a few more minutes and then I'll be done." She said as she put the lid on one of the pans and took out a bowl, putting soup in it and putting it on the island.
"Come on, drink up. You haven't eaten anything properly for god knows how long." She said sternly and I complied, my heart soaring at how much she cared for me.
All I did was stare at her pretty face until she turned around, frowning when she saw the untouched soup and clicked her tongue.
"Why aren't you drinking it?" She asked walking over to me when I shrugged, leaning back in my seat when she stirred the soup with the soup before filling it, she blew on it to cool it down and brought it to my lips.
"Come on, drink up." She said and I did as she asked, watching her satisfied smile as she continued to feed me.
"Feeling better?" She asked after I had finished the bowl and I nodded.
"Much. Thank you for taking care of me my love." I said and kissed her forehead, my arms wrapping around her waist and hers around my neck as she hugged me, her sweet rosy scent calming me down instantly.
"It's no problem." She said and kissed my cheeks while we just held each other for a few minutes before she pulled away just as her phone rang.
She looked at the screen briefly, her eyes lighting up, causing my brows to furrow at who made her so happy.
Who the fuck is calling her?
"Hello?" She answered the phone, snapping me out of my thoughts as I looked at her face to tell me who it was.
"Um, yeah he's right here, why? Oh, I'll ask him." She said and put her phone away from her ear and looked at me questioningly.
"Lance is asking why you're not picking up." She asked and I breathed a sigh of relief knowing it was just her brother who was calling her.
"What?" I asked when she snapped her fingers in front of my face.
"My phone? Uh..." I racked my brain trying to remember where I'd put it when realization struck me that it was currently in my office. On the floor. Smashed against the wall.
"I broke it." I answered nonchalantly, watching her frown as she put the phone back to her ear and told Lance before holding it out to me.
"He wants to talk." She said and I nodded as I grabbed her phone and put it to my ear.
"Edward." I spoke and heard some shuffling in the background before he spoke.
"Thorne. Where the hell's your phone? Been calling for a while now." He spoke.
"Smashed it earlier today, why?" I said lazily and saw Isabelle's confused face from the corner of my eye, so I gestured to her I'd explain later and saw he nod briefly.
"Uh-huh. I'm guessing Micheal called?" e said and my grip on the phone instantly tightened.
"Yes, how'd you know?" I asked him.
"Figured, he called me today too and I nearly did the same but then refrained when i remembered how much stuff I've got in here." He answered, making me chuckle.
"Anyways, you home right now?" He asked again when I hummed in response.
"Great, I'm coming over with Tristan and Arthur, and dad. So is your dad and brother." He said, a frown pulling on my face immediately.
"What? Why?" I asked him.
"To discuss the whole money loss thing, mate. We're still partners, remember?" I could hint his slight smirk and scowled.
"Of course I fucking do. But why now?" I asked when he sighed.
"Because time is money, Thorne and I don't have time and neither do you. We have to sort this shit out and come up with a new plan before the annual party." He said exasperated when blew out a breath.
"Fucking fine. I could also be busy, by the way." I sneered and heard his chuckle.
"Doing what? Snoring?" He asked and now it was my turn to smirk.
"Oh I don't know, I could be busy with Isabelle. You know, doing... stuff." I smirked and could practically see his scowl.
"Fucking asshole. I swear to go-"
"Yes, yes I'll see you too, bye." I sighed and hung up, ignoring his colorful language and put the phone on the island, turning my face to look at my girl who had a horrified expression on her face.
"Your brothers and father are coming over in a while, and so is my family." I said and walked over to her, noticing her red face and gaping mouth,
"Wha-... Why on earth would you do that you idiot?!" She smacked my arm when I chuckled.
"Do what? I didn't do anything?" I said innocently and heard her scoff.
"Fucking asshole!" She smacked my chest this time and I thought of how similar her colorful words were to her brother's.
He's probably the one who taught them to her to get back at someone when they were younger.
I know because I did that with my siblings.
"Now Lance might think we're actually doing stuff!" She said exasperated when I shrugged.
"Didn't he already ask you that?" I asked her and saw her jaw drop before she shook her head angrily.
"Yes, yes he did and you just proved right you idiot!" She yelled, huffing and glared at me, her blue eyes staring me down as I unconsciously gulped, raising my hands up in surrender.
Fuck, that's scary.
"Stop looking at me like that!" I said and tried to move away from her when she huffed, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Like what?" She asked when I pointed to her glaring eyes.
"Like that. Like you'll fucking eat me up or something." I grumbled and saw her face turn red at my words, realizing what I'd said.
"Not that I'd mind but like, just tone down the scary eyes, yeah?" I said and heard her scoff.
"Whatever." She mumbled before turning around to face me again.
"So why is everyone coming all of a sudden?" She asked me and I told her why, watching her nod every now and then.
"What about food? It's almost dinner time." She looked at the time on her phone.
"We'll just order something, don't worry." I said and pulled her into my arms, kissing the top of her head before she turned to face me.
"No, we can't just do that. I'll whip something up." She said and was about to leave my embrace when I pulled her closer.
"It's okay my love, don't tire yourself out. You already made so much for me." I said and saw her smile and kiss my cheek.
"As much as I love you being all concerned about me, it's alright, I can do it. I'll just make some more pasta and lasagna, how does that sound?" She asked when I smiled at her.
"Sounds amazing. I'll help, come on." I pulled her hand but she pushed me back onto the chair.
"No, you're not helping mister. You're sick, so go rest on the couch while I quickly do this, okay?" She said cupping my cheeks and making me smile at her worry.
"As much as I love you being all concerned about me, I'm alright now and feeling much better, thanks to you, so i'm helping, end of discussion." I threw her own words back at her and saw her smile as she shook her head.
"No buts, I'm helping." I shut her up with a kiss on her lips and helped her gather the ingredients.
I then helped her make the lasagna and pasta, and we even ended up making batter for cupcakes while I made the frosting.
"Baby, can you check if this is fine?" I called over my shoulder and saw as Rose walked over to me from her tray of lasagna after she put it in the oven.
"The frosting?" She looked over my shoulder when I hummed in response, taking out the spoon and picking some up with my thumb, I held it to her lips.
She smiled before taking hold of my wrist and pulled my hand closer to her mouth, taking my thumb between her lips.
She sucked on it all the while keeping eye contact with me before pulling it out of her mouth. I could feel the strain in my sweatpants as a few curses tumbled out of my mouth.
"Fuck baby, you had to go and do that, didn't you?" I asked her, my voice dropping to a lower octave when she nodded and smiled innocently.
"Yup." She popped the'p' and turned around, swaying her ass as she walked away back to setting the timer on the oven.
Fuck, what now?
"Can you at least tell me it's fine?" I gritted out and saw her look over her shoulder at me and wink.
"Perfect, darling." She drawled out, briefly licking her lips to wipe off the cream left there and fuck if that didn't add to my already growing problem.
Cursing, I huffed and angrily stirred the frosting some more before placing it in the freezer to cool, I turned to Rose.
"We should change before they arrive." I said and watched as she trailed her eyes over my body.
Her gaze lingered a bit and her eyes widened by a small fraction at the bulge in my pants before she nodded absent minded, her cheeks flushed when she looked back at me.
"Y-yeah, definitely." You should uh... you should do something about that." She not so discreetly gestured to my growing bulge while I inwardly cursed.
"How about you take of it since you're the one who cause it, my love." I said innocently and saw the blush on her face.
"M-me? I mean I- You- We could- I don't-" She stuttered, getting a chuckle out of me as I slowly stalked over to her, grabbing her by her waist and pulling her into me, I heard her gasp when she felt it.
"What do you say baby? After all, you were taking care of me, weren't you?" I asked, cocking my head at the side and smirking at her flustered state.
"I mean I-" She trailed off, smiling sheepishly before I suddenly pulled her up and threw her over my shoulder.
"Adam! What are you doing?" She yelled as I walked upstairs with her, slapping her perfect ass.
"What the hell!" She shrieked, when I slapped her ass again, making her shut up instantly.
"Talk again and I'll spank you till your ass is red." I threatened, hearing her gasp when she hit my back.
"You wouldn't." She dared me, making me smirk as I walked into our bedroom, kicking the door shut and threw her on the bed.
"Oh, I would. I'd fucking love to, my love." I gave her a fuck-boy smirk and saw as she gulped, her eyes briefly glancing at the bulge in my pants before she looked back at me.
"Now, let's give you a chance to take care of me, yes?" I asked innocently and climbed on the bed, hovering over her as I took in her flustered state.
Abso-fucking-lutely hot.
"Hmm?" I questioned, my lips hovering over hers before I pressed them to hers firmly, letting the realization sink in her that she wasn't going to get out of this so easily.
Not on my watch.