Insecurities and Love

- A D A M - T H O R N E -

"No, I want you to fucking find that man as soon as possible." I gritted out, clenching my teeth so much that I'd bet they'd be fractured by the end of this call.

"Take all the money you need, but I need to find hi-" My words died out in my throat when I saw Belle peeking her head through the door of my study.

"Come in, darling." I said beckoning her closer and she obliged immediately, walking over to me still in my t-shirt form last night.

I pushed my chair a little back from the table, allowing her to sit in my lap so that she was straddling me while the man on the other side kept on talking.

"Good. Do what I said as soon as possible." I said, stroking my girl's hair as she snuggled deeper into me, nuzzling her face in my neck as I hung up, putting my phone on the desk.

"How are you feeling, love?" I asked when she hummed, her arms around my neck tightening.

"Fine." She whispered after a soft sigh.

"Did you have breakfast?" I pulled her away from me a bit when she shook her head, her bright blue eyes slightly red and puffy, making me frown.

"Have you been crying?" I asked, running my knuckles over the dried tear streaks as she bit her lip which quivered slightly before averting her gaze.

I sighed, knowing she didn't lie as I pulled her back into my chest, hearing her small sniffle.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" I cooed, trying to be as gentle as I could with her when she shrugged.

"Tell me." I urged, looking down at her as I pressed a kiss to her head.

"Do you hate me?" She asked looking up to me as my eyebrows creased together.

"No, baby, why are you saying that?" I asked confused, pulling her away from me so I could look at her properly.

"You were angry last night... At the club. You didn't support the idea either. And you weren't in bed when I woke up." She said peering at me through her lashes when I shook my head.

"I was angry, but not at you. I was angry at those pathetic excuse of men who put their hands on you and looked at you like that. Like I do." I said with clenched teeth as she fiddled with the buttons of my dress shirt.

"I hated the idea, yes, but I wasn't angry at you. I could never be angry at you. I trust you." I told her, watching her small nod.

"And I had a meeting to attend, so I decided not to wake you up." I told her, watching her tense shoulders relax.

"Okay. You didn't go to work today?" She asked me when I smiled a bit.

"No, I wanted to stay with you." I said and saw her eyes lit up as a small smile graced her beautiful face, making her look absolutely ethereal.

"Really?" She asked and I nodded, just as my laptop buzzed with an incoming call for the next meeting.

"I have another meeting now, why don't you get something to eat?" I asked but she shook her head, pulling me closer to her and swung her other leg over me, now sitting sideways in my lap.

I chuckled at her being clingy, shaking my head before connecting the call. Almost immediately, everyone's faces popped up on the screen and nearly all of them gawked at me, or rather, the girl in my lap as I leaned back in my seat.

"Uh... should we begin, Mr. Thorne?" Liam, the head of marketing asked a little confused.

"Proceed." I said coldly, wrapping my free arm around Belle and pulling her closer to me as the meeting started.

"I want to see the recent purchases made. Yes, I need them by to-" I was cut when Belle groaned a bit, snuggling her face in my chest.

"Adaaaaam." She whined, making everyone's eyes widen as they looked at us while I chuckled, running my hands in her hair as she mumbled something in her sleep.

"My love, I'm having a meeting." I whispered to her as the meeting continued.

"But I want you." She whined, pouting at me when I sighed, smoothing her pout with my thumb.

"After this meeting, you can have me." I told her and saw her lopsided smile.

"Promise?" She asked as I kissed her forehead and nodded.

"I promise baby, I love you." I murmured when she smiled, her eyes still closed as she hummed in satisfaction.

"Mmhm, I love you too." She mumbled, making me freeze in place as my eyes widened, snapping down to her already asleep form in my lap.

Did she actually say that or am I dreaming?

"Mr Thorne?" I heard my name being called and hesitantly looked back at the screen as they continued the meeting but all I wanted to do was shake her awake and ask her if she actually said it or if my mind was playing tricks on me.

Because if she did say it, the thought alone brought a big smile to my face.

"Uh... Mr. Thorne, is everything alright?" Liam asked me a little confused as my smile dropped immediately and I hummed.

"Y-Yes, everything is fine, continue." I ordered and saw his hesitant nod as he continued speaking but my mind was elsewhere already.

After a long and gruesome hour, the meeting was finally over as I carried Belle down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Where are we going? Bedroom? Are you making love to me?" She asked groggily, yawning in my arms.

The thought of fucking her made my pants tighten but I chased the thought away and cleared my throat.

"No baby, we're having breakfast, your brothers are coming here." I told her and saw her small frown and disappointed face.

She must really want me to fuck her if she's this disappointed.

"I'll fuck you later, yeah?" I asked and saw her smile and nod happily, making me chuckle at her eagerness.

"Aren't we eager?" I asked teasingly as I set her down on the kitchen counter, taking off my blazer and putting it aside.

Quickly making us both some pancakes, I put them on the kitchen island and then carried her there, keeping her in my lap as I fed both of us.

"I'm full." She said leaning her head back on my chest just as the bell rang, signalling someone was here.

"Looks like they're here." I said and moments later, all three brothers walked in, freezing in place when they saw their sister in my lap while I fed her breakfast.

"Are we interrupting something?" Arthur asked her teasingly when she rolled her eyes, although I didn't miss the pink tint on her cheeks as she tried to get off my lap but I held her tighter.

"Stay." I whispered in her ear and she gave up, getting comfortable in my lap instead as her brothers took a seat around us.

"So... about last night." Tristan started and my girl's body tensed over immediately as I shot him a glare to shut him up.

"Sorry." He said sheepishly while Lance looked at her regretfully, a pained expression on his face.

I had related all of last night's events to them first thing in the morning and to say they were pissed would be an understatement, but I was definitely more pissed.

"I-I took a recording." She said averting her gaze as all of us looked at her surprised.

"You did?" Lance asked leaning forward and she nodded, hopping off my lap and running upstairs.

"Is she still upset?" Lance asked and I nodded once.

"She thought I probably hated her." I mumbled, watching him nod before looking at me thoughtfully.

"And the man who touched her last night?" Lance asked with anger in his tone when my own jaw clenched tightly.

"I have my people looking for him. He should be in police custody as soon as we have proof." I said furiously.

The thought of killing that man seemed very appealing right now as Belle came running to us, practically jumping back into my lap and making me groan.

"Careful, sweetheart." I said narrowing my eyes at her playfully while her brothers chuckled at her antics and she smiled at me sheepishly, mumbling a sorry.

Scrolling through her phone, she clicked on a recording and put it on the table in between us, leaning back into me as my arms wrapped securely around her, holding her to myself as the recording started to play.

All of us listened to it with rapt attention, our frowns deepening when I heard a very familiar voice, but I couldn't point out who it was.

"That's Charlie Williams' son." Belle added, making my frown deepen as the recording came to an end.

"So he's the one working against you?" Tristan asked looking at me as I leaned back in my seat.

"And his father too. They have both your signatures." She said looking at both me and Lance meaningfully who seemed to be lost in thought.

"This isn't good. Should we alert the police?" Arthur asked Lance who nodded, whipping out his phone immediately.

"They'll need your statement, Belle, can you relate everything to them?" Lance looked at his sister worriedly while she bit her lip before nodding slowly.

"Yeah, I'll do it." She said firmly and saw his nod as he put it to his ear.

"Officer Barnes, hello, I have a favour to ask, yes-..." He started, getting up from the stool as Belle sent the recoding to all of us before sighing heavily.

"You know, we're proud of you baby sister." Arthur said looking at my girl proudly and Tristan nodded.

"I'm sorry Tris." She spoke after a while but he smiled at her.

"It's okay Belle, I was expecting it, sort of...Doesn't mean it still hurt but I guess I knew something like this would happen sooner or later. Just didn't expect it so soon." He said sighing as Lance returned.

"Sent him the recording and the little other proof we had gathered. Hopefully we'll be able to catch the traitors soon." Lance said and the other two stood up.

"Isabelle. A word." Lance said looking at her meaningfully. She nodded and got out of my lap, following Lance somewhere else.

They came back a few minutes later, a small frown on my girl's face as I looked at both siblings questioningly.

"What's wrong, love?" I asked her quietly when she came back to me but she offered me a small, unsure smile.

What on earth did they talk about?

"Lance just wanted to talk about something, I'm okay." She said and I nodded sceptically, narrowing my eyes at Lance who ignored me.

"We should get going now. Take care Isabelle." Lance said looking at his sister who smiled, hugging all three of them as they kissed her forehead.

"See you later, Adam." Lance said and I nodded, watching them leave as Belle sighed, turning to face me with a cheeky smile once the elevators had closed.

"Now." I said pulling her closer to me as her arms hooked around my neck.

"I think I should keep my promise, no?" I asked with a smirk when she nodded and I leaned down, pecking her lips before abruptly throwing her over my shoulder.

"Adam!" She gasped as I smacked her ass, carrying her up to my room to fulfil my promise.

* * *

"One more time baby, this is the last one, promise." I murmured against her lips, drops of sweat rolling down the side of my face as I placed kisses over her jaw.

"Adam..." She whined, looking at me through her lashes.

I sighed, dropping my head onto her shoulder and nuzzling my face in her neck, I sucked at the skin as small moans left her mouth.

"One more, please?" I whispered and her soft sigh as she looked up at me with dark eyes, clouded with so many emotions and no doubt mine were much darker.

After giving her four earth shattering orgasms and two of my own, I still didn't get enough and wanted more. So much more.

"Did you count?" I asked and saw her nod slowly.

"How many, sweetheart?" I asked, my cock slowly edging towards her entrance and I was already hard at the sight of her naked.

"Three?" She asked a bit confused, her eyes meeting mine when I smirked, pinching her nipple and making her yelp.

"Wrong answer." I said strained before pushing myself into her, hearing her muffled moan as she dug her fingers into my shoulders while I stilled inside of her.

"Oh god, Adam..." She moaned as I started to move inside of her, in and out, going faster with each passing second as she wrapped her legs around my waist.

"So fucking good for me. You take me so well baby." I grunted, embedding myself deep inside of her and stilling, her eyes fluttering shut and her lips parted as I stared at this ethereal beauty.

"I'm going to make you mine forever." I gritted out pulling out only to ram myself back in, hard, making her gasp in pleasure as I placed a long and searing kiss on her lips.

"Adam, please..." She whimpered as I pounded into her mercilessly, making sure she'd always remember how deep I was inside of her, so that no man could ever make her feel the way I did.

I would embed myself so deeply into her that she would never be able to forget me, never speak of another man's name but mine, and think of no one but me.

"I'm going to put a ring on that finger, and I'll fill you up with me so much baby, you won't ever be able to get rid of me." I said, watching her eyes widen at my words.

I pushed myself as deep as I could inside of her, a lone tear rolling down her cheeks as I stilled, placing kisses all over her face before looking straight into her eyes.

"I love you, so fucking much." I whispered.

Now tell me you love me too.

I pulled out, thrusting back in again and again, and again, harder, faster, rougher, until her whole body shook under me and she came, screaming my name just like I had wanted.

"Mine, all mine." I said, shuddering as I reached my high, coming right inside of her and filling her up as I pushed myself into her a few more times before slumping on top of her.

Taking a few breaths, I rolled over to my side, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her flush against me.

"Sleep, you're going to need it." I said and she nuzzled her face into my chest, hand on my heart and our naked bodies pressed against one another.

"Adam?" She spoke softly and I looked down at her, humming in response.

"Yes baby?" I asked, running my hands through her hair.

"Your cum is running down my leg." She said and I smirked.


Fuck, I think I'm hard again.