What Proof?

I guess I did cheat on Adam.

At least that's what the recording of me says.

"That's-... T-that's not me." I whisper, eyes wide as I stare at the phone in his hands before looking up at him.

"I don't know how it sounds just like you." He said confused.

Adam had just explained his part of the story to me, and to say I was shocked would be an understatement.

Apparently, someone had sent him pictures of me, with George and then some with Michael, all that made us seem like a couple in love.


And then there was the video of me going to George's apartment that day even though we all know why I was actually there.

Finally, there were voice recording of me, telling Michael I still loved him and that I didn't care for Adam at all and was only interested in his money.

More than one recording, actually.

Bullshit, I know.

"I can't believe this." I leaned back on the bench we were sitting on after taking a walk around the park when he leaned back as well and sighed.

"I'll have someone look into this." He said and I nodded, rubbing my temples before looking at the time on my phone.

We had been out all day long, and now my feet were hurting.

I wanted to go home, curl up under my blanket and eat a tub of ice cream, perhaps watch a movie with Aaron and listen to his corny jokes.

"I want to go home." I said suddenly, the crack in my voice unmistakable as I stood up and turned away from Adam.

"Baby, I'm sorry." He whispered, lightly touching my shoulder but I shrugged his hand off.

"I understand everything, Adam, I really do. But what I don't get is why you didn't listen to me. Give me a chance to talk, to hear me out, my side of the story." I said exasperated as a tear slipped from my eye.

"I don't know why you didn't trust me." I whispered, rubbing my arms absent minded when he came to stand in front of me.

"I don't know what came over me at that moment. I can't believe I said all that shit to you." He said regretfully.

"I did trust you, Belle, I still do. At that moment, I just didn't understand why you would do such a thing. And truth be told, I was scared." He confessed and my eyes snapped to his.

"I was scared of losing you. I made the mistake of trusting Milani, and look what she did to me. Made me a man whore, a cold, heartless bastard but you brought me back together. You made me feel. You made me love. All for you, sweetheart." He said, drawing closer to me.

"I was scared of losing you so much that I pushed you away myself before you could hurt me. And I feel like a fucking piece of shit because of that." He said and I sniffled, nodding.

"You really were a piece of shit. Still are." I admitted and heard his small chuckle as he shook his head.

"But when I say I'm sorry, I really am, baby. All I want is your forgiveness. I couldn't live with myself if you didn't forgive me." He said and I nodded, wiping my tears away.

"I need time." I said slowly and saw him nod.

"I understand. Come on, let's get you home." He held out his hand.

I looked at it for a moment before taking it, his warmth engulfing me as we walked back to my place.

"Where are you staying?" The question was out of my mouth before I could stop it as I unlocked my door.

"Uh-... I'm not sure." He said scratching the back of his head when I bit my lip in thought.

"Where's your stuff?"

"Somewhere safe, why?" He asked confused when I sighed, pushing open my door, and gesturing inside.

"Get it brought here. You can stay." I said softly and saw his surprised expression.

"Really?" He asked shocked and I nodded.

"Yes, and don't make me regret it." I said sternly and he nodded with a small smile.

"I won't. Thank you." He said gratefully and I mumbled a small 'your welcome' as we made our way inside.

"I'm ordering Chinese, if that's okay with you?" I asked leaning against the counter.

"Yeah, sure, anything is fine." He said and I nodded, placing our order before taking out the plates just as the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it." He said and dashed to the door, coming back a few minutes later carrying a small suitcase.

"Is that yours?" I ask.

"It is. I'll just put this in." He said and disappeared into the guest bedroom.

I scrolled through Netflix to search for a good movie to watch.

Our food arrived a while later and we both settled on the couch, at a respectable distance.

It didn't seem very satisfying to Adam the way he was grumbling but he'd just have to suck it up.

Playing the movie, we had gobbled everything up within minutes as if we hadn't eaten anything for months.

I now noticed that we were basically sitting right next to each other, his leg touching mine.

I ignored the butterflies in my stomach when his hand came to rest on my bare thigh since I was wearing shorts.

I tried my best to concentrate on the movie we were watching, not knowing when we had fallen asleep.

"Wakey wakey..." Someone said in a sing song voice from above me and I shut my eyes tightly.

"Fucking hell, just pick her up." I heard someone grunt in annoyance when another one snorted.

"With that death grip on her? Good luck." Someone else said.

I groaned because why were random people suddenly in my apartment, disturbing my blissful sleep?

"Should I smack him?" Another one said and this time, it was a female.

"I vote we kill him." Another added when I felt as if I was being squeezed to death.

"Stop hugging me so tightly." I mumbled, snuggling closer into my pillow which smelled really nice and manly.

Wait, manly?

"Stop fucking moving then." Someone grunted from beside me.

I shoved my foot where I assumed the person was and heard an annoyed groan.

"Stop hitting me."

"You stop hitting on me."

"Both of you get the fuck up." Someone said angrily and immediately my eyes snapped open, meeting a pair of intense, dark blue ones.

"You seem familiar, have me met?" I ask confused, obviously half asleep.

"He's your ex, B." I try to locate the person who just spoke and meet grey eyes looking back at me.


"Oh." I say and then realization slaps me hard across my face as I scramble to get up.

"Leave me." I hiss at Adam after realizing I was sprawled out on top of him, on the couch, where I had fallen asleep last night.

"Don't get up." He hissed back and I narrow my eyes at him as I squirm in his hold while he clenches his jaw.

"The fuck is wrong with you?" I grumble, pushing his hands off me but he holds me tighter.

"Fucking stay for a minute, I'm hard as a rock." He muttered in my ear and immediately, my eyes widen and then do I notice something poking me.

Oh my god.

"Asshole." I glare at him and smack a pillow on his face before I get up from his lap just as he puts the pillow in my place.

Finally looking around at the people now standing in my living room do I realise the situation I'm really in.

"Hey guys." I mutter, waving half heartedly at all three of my brothers and then Gareth and Taylor. Even Dylan.

Oh look, Aaron's here too.

"Hey." Gareth smiles cheekily as Taylor tackles me into a hug.

"I missed you so much." Taylor mumbles and I smile, hugging back my best friend and patting her back.

"I missed you too Tay Tay." I mumbled into her shoulder just as she pulls away and not even a second later, I'm smothered between Gareth, Arthur, Dylan and Tristan.

"Can't-... Breathe..." I choke, pushing away all the men who finally get off me.

"Hey Lancelot." I say cheekily to my brother who nods once but I know him well enough to know he wants a hug.

And a hug is what he gets.

"I come to see my sister and find her asleep on top of her ex. Not exactly the best sight." He mutters to me and I shrug.

"Fell asleep on the couch last night. Didn't realize it." I tell him and watch him nod as he pulls away after pecking my forehead.

"How'd you all get in?" I ask looking at said intruders who all point to Aaron.

"Found your best mate lurking in the halls like a creeper." Dylan said and Aaron narrowed his eyes at him.

"Who the fuck are you?" Aaron asks Dylan who smirks.

"The best friend's brother and famous hockey player." He says and Aaron looks at Taylor and both my friends break into a big smile and hug each other.

"So good to finally see you face to face and not through a camera Tay Tay." Aaron says and Taylor smiles.

"You too Ronny, it's good to- oh!" She gets abruptly pulled back by Tristan who looks at Aaron annoyed and I chuckle.

"Calm down Tris, he's just a friend." Taylor grumbles when he pecks her forehead and my eyes instantly meet Adam's at the show of affection.

He's looking at both of them too when he looks at me with longing in his eyes before shaking his head and looking away.

I look away as well, before I loose control over my heart and jump into his arms myself.

Lance clearing his throat breaks the awkward moment between me and Adam as he looks between us two with a frown.

"Now. Care to explain why he's here?" Tristan gestures to Adam who scoffs.

"I'm right here." He says and Tristan rolls his eyes.

"I know, asshole." He says back and Adam scowls.

"Shut it, Thorne. Don't even know why you're here in the first place." Arthur says.

"I came to clear things between us" He tells him, gesturing to us both when Lance scoffs.

"You don't get to be anywhere near her." Lance says and my eyes meet Aaron's and Taylor's in a worry.

"Guys..." I sigh heavily, looking at the rising levels of testosterone in the room as tension rises.

"I came because I know what I did was wrong." Adam grunts angrily, glaring at Lance who does the same.

"Congratulations on figuring that out but sadly, it's too late." Gareth adds furiously.

"Shut up." Adam tells him.

"You shut up, you don't deserve her!" Dylan takes the floor and I smack my forehead.

"You don't get to decide who she wants to be with-" Adam starts but I say the first thing on my tongue to relive the tension

"I'm pregnant!" I yell and everyone's mouth falls open as they stare at me flabbergasted.

Yeah, not exactly the best idea.

My eyes meet Adam's who's looking at me with a pained expression just as Taylor's face contorts into one of realisation and she winks at Aaron.

"Who's the father?" Aaron says in a fake hurt tone and puts his hand on my shoulder.

Taylor bites her lip to stop herself from bursting out laughing.

"I'm so sorry, Aaron. I know we loved each other but I-... I'm in love with someone else." I say, wiping a fake tear.

"Y-you-... didn't..." Aaron says, his voice breaking, but his eyes sparkle with amusement as he plays along when I shake my head.

"Then... who's baby is it if not mine?" He asks when I bite my lip and look ahead at Dylan.

"Dylan's." I murmur softly and a round of gasps sound in the quiet room.

Dylan practically sprints over to me and holds me by my shoulders, effectively shoving away Aaron who whines.

"Hey!" Aarons says but Dylan ignores him.

"I love you too, Isabelle, I'm in love with you and I will do everything in my power to take care of our baby. I promise you." He says but the way his lips twitch show how much he's clearly enjoying this as he pulls me into a hug.

But our sweet moment is ruined when Adam practically rips off Dylan from me.

"The fuck do you think you're doing?" Adam growls out and Dylan smirks, looking at me mischievously.

"I promise to take care of you and our baby, Belle. And to make sure everything goes smoothly..." He says and drops onto one knee.

"Will you marry me?" He asks faking a concerned expression when Taylor snorts.

I nod, covering my mouth with my palms as I control my laughter.

"I will, yes, I will!" I say cheerfully and he gets up to hug me but Adam pushes him away from me and pulls me into his chest.

"She's not marrying anyone. She will never marry you, because she's mine." Adam says lowly and Dylan grins, and I'd be lying if my heart just didn't skip a beat or two.

"But she's pregnant with my baby!" He argues.

"Don't give a fuck, she's mine to marry." He says and my eyes widen including Taylor and Aaron's.

What the actual-

"Okay, I think that's enough!" Gareth yells, gaining everyone's attention and immediately, Taylor, Aaron, Dylan and I burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Arthur asks confused when Lance pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

"That was all fake, wasn't it?" Tristan says exasperated as I clutch my stomach and laugh hysterically and nod.

"We got 'em so good!" Dylan slaps his thigh and wipes a fake tear from his eye before sighing dramatically.

"So you didn't cheat on Dylan with Aaron and you aren't pregnant or in love with Dylan?" Gareth pretty much sums it up and I nod, pursing my lips to control my laughter.

"Nope." I say popping the 'p' when all men groan in annoyance.

"I'm hungry, are you guys hungry? Gotta feed the baby." I pat my stomach when Adam throws me a glare.

"You aren't pregnant." He grunts and I giggle.

"Right, I forgot." I say and head towards my room with Adam trailing behind me like a lost puppy.

"What are you doing?" I ask when he's followed me into my room.

"I uh-... You aren't in love with anyone else, are you?" He asks almost cautiously and I cross my arms over my chest, and raise a brow at him.

"No, Adam, I'm not in love with anyone." I emphasise and see his slight frown and pout.

"Right. I'll get going..." He says and I nod, watching him walk out of my room.

Taylor bursts in followed by Aaron, both of them giving Adam the stink eye before shutting the door in his face.


"Why was he here?" Taylor asks plopping down on my bed and I shrug.

"He was asking if I was in love with anyone else."

"What'd you say?" Aaron asked.

"I said I wasn't in love with anyone." I said and they both nodded as I entered the bathroom to brush my teeth.

"Do you still have like a-... thing, for him?" Taylor asks and I freeze in place and frown.

Do I? 

Who am I kidding, of course I do.

I hum in response, rinsing my mouth and watch her mouth drop open.

"Called it!" Aaron fist pumps the air and Taylor chuckles, shaking her head.

"Knew it too. The way you two look at each other, god, the sexual tension. It looked as if he'd rip your clothes apart the way he was gawking at you." Taylor said and I nearly choked on the toothpaste.

"He was not!" I defend myself and she rolls her eyes.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." She says and Aaron chuckles softly.

"Adam does." He mutters and both of them laugh at my helpless state as I stick my tongue out at them.

He does help me sleep at night though.

Shut it!

I change into something more appropriate before heading out where all the men are currently having a stare down, or you could rather call it, a glare down.

Adam against everyone else.

"What's happening here?" I ask confused as I approach all the men and all heads snap to me in an instant.

"We had a little... chat." Arthur says cocking his head to a side and I frown.

"What about?" I ask sitting on a stool.

Gareth and Dylan explain everything they talked about, which was actually just Adam's part of the story and all the 'proof' he had as well.

"Did you even bother getting it checked?" Arthur asked Adam regarding the pictures and Adam nodded.

"I have my people working on it." He said and Arthur narrowed his eyes at him before looking at me.

"Why's he staying here?" He asked.

"Media knows he's here somewhere." I answered and saw realisation cross his face when he nodded.

"Isabelle. A word." Lance said when I sighed.

"Lance, I'm really not in the mood to go and tell everyone my sob story right now. I've been over it more times than I'd like to count, thank you very much." I said and stood up from my place when he banged his fist on the table.

"Isabelle Rose Edward, sit your ass back down because we are nowhere near done here." He said sternly, his eyes glaring daggers at me when I pursed my lips and sat back down.

"Good. Now, recount everything, from the start." He gritted out and I nodded, starting all over again.

I should really just record everything and make everyone listen to it.

"-and then I came here, sent all the proof and evidence to the police with Aaron's help." I admitted and took a deep breath.

God, that was exhausting.

"You sent it?" Adam looked at me surprised and I nodded.

"I would never let anyone falsely accuse me of things I had never done." I said and saw his jaw clench because he knew I was referring to him.

Yeah, I won't live that one down.

"I said I'm fucking sorry, okay?" He grumbled and crossed his arms over his chest.

Lance raised a brow at him and then looked at me.

"I assume you both have worked everything out then?" He asked when I shrugged.

"If by work out you mean told each other what really happened, then yeah." I said and saw him nod.

"Then you've forgiven him?" Tristan asked and I frowned.

"No." I said in a clipped tone.

"Are you two together?" Gareth asked out of the blue while searching through my fridge with Aaron by his side.

Didn't they just eat?

"No, we aren't." I said.

From the corner of my eye, I noticed Adam looking at me intensely but ignored him completely.

"So what is this, revenge, then?" Adam suddenly spoke and I gave him my full attention, looking into his dark eyes.

"I'm not yours, that's worse than revenge." I said and got up from the table, ignoring his hurt and pained expression.

"We're going out tonight. I can't deal with all this." I told no one in particular and walked back to my room and plopped face first onto my bed.

"Clubbing?" Taylor entered my room and laid down beside me and I nodded, sighing.

"Yup." I said as Aaron jumped in next to me.

"Don't worry, I have a feeling tonight's gonna be lit." He said excited and I smiled faintly, nodding.

I really hope it is.