The Proposal

"Adam—" I started but he raised his hand in the air, stopping me immediately as his jaw clenched, frustration clear on his face.

"Before I rip apart your clothes and take you right here—" He gestured to the couch and I swallowed thickly, "Go to your room, there's a dress there. I'll send a driver to pick you up in an hour."

With that, he was out the door in a flash and I put a hand on my heart, feeling it beat wildly under my palm.

Wait, did he say dress?

Confused, I walked into my room an straight into the closet when a grey garment bag caught my eye. Curious, I opened it and gasped, running my hand over the silky fabric as a smile took over my face.

"How are you planning to style your hair with that?" I heard Taylor's voice and jumped in fright, turning around with wide eyes and a hand on my heart.

"Taylor! You scared me!" I scolded and she chuckled when Aaron's head peeked into the closet.

"Are we getting ready or what?" He asked and I frowned.

"How do you guys...?" And then it hit me, "You're in on it with Adam, aren't you?"

They both simply shrugged, not denying nor confirming it but I knew they were in on this with him.

"I think soft curls would look pretty, no?" Taylor took my hand and led me outside, making me sit in front of the dresser when Aaron stretched back on the couch with a book in his hand.

"Yeah." I agreed, still dazed and confused as Taylor began to work on my hair while I did my make up, settling with a light and natural look as my hair was done and I quickly swiped some gloss over my lips.

"Now go and put on that dress." She pushed me ahead and I chuckled as I went back to the closet, taking off my clothes and sliding on the soft dress, I walked out after zipping it up.

"Gorgeous." Taylor exclaimed and Aaron put down his book and grinned.

"You look great, Isa, as always. That is one lucky man you got there." He whistled slowly.

I laughed, putting on strappy silver heels before standing in front of the full mirror, I twirled and admired my reflection.

The navy blue satin dress wrapped elegantly around my curves, held up by thin spaghetti straps and the silky material dropping low at my chest with a low cut back.

There was also a slit starting from mid thigh to the bottom, revealing my leg.

"Here, these would look perfect with this." Taylor handed me my little diamond earrings and matching locket along with a few rings.

"Wait, there's one more thing." I said and walked to the dresser, opening up the drawers until I found what I was looking for and put it back where it belonged, on my right hand's fourth finger.

"Isn't that—"

"Adam's ring, yes." I confirmed and Taylor smiled, hugging me.

"I'm so happy for you." She said and I hugged her back just when the doorbell rang.

"That must be the driver, I'll go get it." Aaron left the room as Taylor and I pulled away.

"Thanks, Tay, for everything." I whispered and she smiled.

"You're my sister, Belle, you know I'd do anything for you." She reassured me and I nodded, hugging her again before grabbing my matching navy blue clutch, I made my way out.

"Thanks, Ronny." I hugged my friend who smiled.

"Don't mention it, Isa." He grinned and I nodded, taking his arm and letting him escort me downstairs where the car was waiting for me.

"Have fun!" He called out as I was sitting in the car and I nodded and waved back at him just as the driver closed he door.

"Carter, any idea where we're headed?" I asked the man who smiled at me through the rear-view mirror.

"Just sit tight, Ms. Edward, and enjoy." He smiled warmly at me and I nodded, taking the champagne from the side and pouring some for myself as I watched the scenery passing by.

Nearly half an hour later, we had made it to some sort of building and Carter escorted me inside, the people looking a bit too much and whispering as I passed them towards an elevator.

"Should I be worried?" I joked to ease the tension when he laughed softly as he pressed the button for the top.

"Not at all, you're in good hands." He winked at me before the elevator doors closed and I was left alone, except for the light music that was playing in the background.

I watched the view of London at night from the glass elevator as I moved to the very top, my heart beating rapidly inside my chest as I anticipated what was to happen next.

Finally, the elevator dinged and opened up into a spacious and modern-looking hallway, making me frown.

Am I at the right place?

Walking forward towards the double doors at the end of the hallway, I pushed them open when the cool breeze tousled my hair lightly and my breath was knocked out of my lungs as I stared ahead.

"Adam." I breathed, watching my man stand in front of me with his hands in his pockets and various other men around and behind him, and that's when my eyes fell on the helicopter.

"What's all this?" I asked as he took a few steps towards me and my eyes raked over his body, clad in a navy blue sit matching my dress and a light grey tie, his face emotionless but his eyes filled with love.

"Rose, my love." He took my hands in his and pulled me towards him.

"You look... breath taking." He breathed as his eyes widened when he looked at me and I smiled wide, putting my hands on his chest.

"And you look very handsome, what's the occasion?" I asked when he grinned slightly, his hand cupping my cheek.

"I'm spending the night with my girlfriend." He said proudly, making me chuckle.

"Is she pretty?"

"The prettiest." His words made me smile when he leaned down to kiss me but I turned my head at the last moment, his lips landing on my cheek instead.

"I need to kiss you." He frowned adorably but I shook my head.

"You'll ruin my make up." I pouted and his eyes drifted down to my lips, lingering there as a hungry look overtook him and he groaned.

"Not fair." He mumbled and I giggled, letting him take my hand instead as he led us to the helicopter.

"We're going in that?" I asked excitedly and he smirked.

"Yes, now come on." He helped me up an then buckled me into my seat which was right next to the pilot's, might I add, and I saw Adam say something to the pilot who nodded and shook hands with him before leaving.

Adam turned to me and winked, getting in the pilot's place and putting on his headset when my heart dropped to my ass.

"What are you doing? Do you even know how to fly this thing?" I exclaimed and he smiled subtly as he pressed a few buttons before handing me a headset too.

"I can fly this 'thing', baby, just sit tight and relax." He assured me when my eyes widened.

"I don't want to die." I spoke in fear and he chuckled.

"Don't you trust me?" He asked as he looked at me and the helicopter started, making me yelp.

"Not really, no." I shook my head and he shot me a withering look when I smiled sheepishly but he put his had on mine.

"I won't let you get hurt, ever." He said it with such conviction that I had to believe him. I did trust him, I was just messing with him.

We were in the air within minutes and I gasped as my eyes fell on the beautiful view below us.

"This is amazing!" I spoke into the headset and Adam grinned, glancing sideways at me and nodding once.

"It is." He agreed and I laughed as he turned the helicopter while I held onto my stomach, feeling the butterflies overwhelm me.

"I love this!" I exclaimed when I felt Adam's hand squeeze mine once before going back to its place.

"Yeah? Well I love you." He said smoothly, making me blush as I averted my gaze and looked at all the lights and cars below.

"Say it back, baby." He whined and I chuckled, turning to face him.

"I love you, Adam." I said, stroking his cheek as his stubble prickled my palm and he smiled, his eyes shining with happiness when he kissed the inside of my palm.

"Now focus ahead and make sure I don't die or I'll haunt your ass for the rest of your miserable life without me." I warned playfully and he laughed.

"Yes, ma'am." He nodded and I chuckled, watching the view again and noticed we were in an open area now as Adam began to descend the helicopter.

"You're giving me Christian Grey vibes." I muttered and he frowned.


"Christian Grey? Handsome? Billionaire? Loves sex?" I asked as his frown deepened and his jaw clenched.

"Why don't I know this guy? I'm a billionaire too, by the way, and handsome. And I love fucking you." He pointed out when I burst out laughing.

"He's a movie and book character, Adam, I was just teasing." I laughed at his jealousy while he mumbled something incoherent.

"Should've led with that, then. I was about to crash us." He muttered and I chuckled at his cuteness as we landed in an open field with long grass which swayed with the helicopter's wind force.

"Come on." He got off when he turned off the helicopter and held his hand out to me as I unbuckled myself, still reeling from the ride and nearly stumbling on my own two feet.

"Did you like that?" He asked when I was down and I beamed.

"I loved it, did you see the view, it was so beautiful!" I looped my arms around his neck, "Thank you so much for this, Adam." I hugged him tightly and he wrapped his arms around me too in turn.

"Anything for you, sweetheart." He murmured and kissed my forehead, taking my hand and leasing me to a car I just saw, but this time with a different driver.

"Where are we even going?" I asked again when he grinned down at me.

"It's a surprise, baby." He teased and I huffed but followed him anyway and let him help me sit in the car with him following suit.

The ride to our destination was only ten minutes long and getting out, I heard the sound of crashing waves and saw the sandy beach and squealed.

"You brought me to the beach?" I whipped around to face a smiling Adam standing behind me.

"Let's go." He took my hand and kissed it before leading me down a pathway onto the beach and I admired the waves in the distance when my eyes caught onto the most beautiful setting.

"Is that—"

"Surprise, baby." He whispered in my ear when I smiled wide and took in the sight of the beautiful dinner setting by the sea with fairy lights all around and rose petals scattered on the ground.

"This is beautiful, Adam." I looked at him as his hand settled on to my bare back, making me gasp softly as the warm skin made contact with my cooler one.

"All for you, sweetheart." He murmured, leading me up further and helping me sit, he took the seat in font of me.

"When did you even have time for this?" I asked as I looked around at the romantic atmosphere.

"I have all the time in the world for you, baby." He assured me and I smiled just as a few servers came from somewhere and put some delicious looking dishes in front of us, my mouth watering just looking at the food.

We ate in a peaceful and comfortable silence, occasionally talking about something or the other before we were finished and I sipped on the delicious red wine.

"What is this all really about?" I teased and he smiled subtly, shaking his head.

"Why do you think that?" He asked when I raised a brow and he let out a huff, "Fine, I do have something else."

I grinned, putting my glass back down.

"See, I know you too well." I pointed out.

"That you do, my darling." He agreed and I laughed softly when he got up from his place and held out his hand to me.

"May I have this dance, my lady?" He asked and I frowned.

"Dance? But there's no—" I stopped short when a soft and romantic melody drifted through the air and I looked around for the source but found no one there.

"Not weird at all, definitely not any ghosts or anything playing music, right?" I confirmed with playfully narrowed eyes when he chuckled under his breath.

"Right." He said and looked expectantly at me and I grinned.

"Well then, sweep me off my feet, Mr. Thorne." I teased as I took his hand and he pulled me closer to him, his hands sliding down slowly to my waist while I hooked my arms around his neck.

"This feels nice." I told him, looking up into his dark blue eyes when he smiled softly, pulling me flush against his body.

"It does, doesn't it? Like we're made for each other?" He asked and I tilted my head to a side in curiosity.

"Like soulmates who can't live let alone breath without each other?" He added and I narrowed my eyes at him with a small smile.

"What are you trying to get at?" I asked and he sighed heavily.

"Just that you're endgame for me, Rose. You're it for me, the one, the only, my love, my life." He explained and I felt my body getting warmer as he squeezed my waist and my heart fluttered in my chest.

"You're endgame for me too, Adam." I told him, my voice wavering with emotion when he twirled me, letting me spin away before pulling me back, our bodies swaying with the gentle music as I rest my head on his chest.

"You have no idea how good it feels to hear you say that." He whispered, kissing the top of my head as his heartbeat increased and I smiled to myself just before he pulled away.

"Walk with me?" He asked and I nodded, letting him take my hand and whisk me away into the night.

We walked side by side quietly, the only sound of the crashing waves and hooting owls nearby and nearly no one around.

This part of the beach was surprisingly empty and I tightened my hold around Adam's hand and he looked down at me before swallowing.

"I have something to tell you." He started, his voice a wavering and his body tense when I frowned.

"What's wrong?" I asked softly, stopping to turn towards him and cup his cheek in my palm when he leaned into my touch.

"I— I need to make a confession." He gulped slowly, eyes looking around nervously when my heart dropped as he stepped away from me, refusing to meet my gaze.


"I love you, Rose, I really do, from the bottom of my heart to the very top, I can't think of anyone but you, love anyone but you or be with anyone other than you." He stated, releasing a shaky breath.

"I know I've messed up, really fucking messed up a handful of times, the worst being when I didn't trust you and for that, I will never forgive myself." He looked up at me with misty eyes as my own watered.

"Adam, it's okay, I forgive you, you know that." I reassured him when he chuckled humourlessly.

"I know, but it doesn't mean that we can't forget what an asshole I was to you, pushing you away not when I, but when you needed me most."

"And for that, I will spend the rest of my life loving and proving myself to you," He paused, taking a deep breath and looking at me with a newfound confidence, "That is, if you'll have me."

"What? What do you—" My words died down on my tongue and my throat dried up as he reached into his blazer pocket and took out a velvet box before getting down on one knee.

I gasped, putting my palms over my mouth just as the whole beach lit up with fairy lights hanging from the trees, the fences, the bushes and literally everywhere, engulfing us in a soft and warm glow.

"Adam." My voice cracked as I stared at the beautiful tear-shaped sapphire ring surrounded by tiny white diamonds.

"I know I'm not the best man, but I do have the best intentions at heart, and that, my love, was all because of you."

"You made me want to be better for you so that I could deserve you, even though I know I still don't and I never will, but I promise to always love you, always be there for you when you need me, and always give you the best of me because that is what you deserve, and so much more."

"My words are all I have because my money, my looks, my charm and my fame don't mean much when I'm standing in front of a goddess like you. I am yours, Isabelle, and will always be yours, no matter what." He breathed out.

"My heart, my body, my soul, all of it is yours. Now I just have one thing to ask you, if you'll give me the chance to prove myself to you and let me be yours for the rest of our lives, and even after that."

"Isabelle Rose Edward, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" He breathed out in one go as my breath caught in my throat.

"Make a family with me, make a home with me, just be mine, for the rest of eternity." He spoke with emotion lacing his voice while I couldn't get a single word out.

"Fuck, baby, say something." He added nervously when I laughed softly and shook my head, getting my voice back.

"You are something else, Adam Thorne." I said with an emotional smile when his own appeared.

"If I am anything, it's yours." He said smoothly and I put a hand on my heart.

"Then yes, I'll marry you!" I exclaimed and he breathed out a dramatic sigh of relief, making me laugh as he got up to slide the ring on my finger with shaky hands before swooping in to kiss me.

Our lips locked, moving together as one before I parted them to let him taste me, letting him take the lead as I sighed into his mouth, my hands on his chest while his framed my face.

He kissed me passionately, not letting go of me for even a second as he bit my lip then licked it, nibbling at my lips before kissing me again and I had to push him away to breath as his thumb wiped the tears off my cheeks.

"I think I've ruined your makeup." He murmured and I giggled, shaking my head as I buried my face in his chest.

"I don't care about the make up, Adam." I told him and felt him chuckle against me as his own arms wrapped around me before he pulled away to kiss the engagement ring on my finger, leaning down and swiftly picking me up into his arms bridal style.

I gasped in surprise as my hands flew around his neck immediately, watching him grin down at me.

"What do you say we get out of here, future Mrs. Thorne?" He teased smoothly hen I blushed, making him chuckle at me adorably when I nodded.

"I'd love that, Mr. Thorne." I murmured before pulling him into another searing kiss, letting go as he pecked my lips a good few times.

"I love you, my Rose." He murmured, making me smile warmly up at him.

"And I love you, my Thorne."