Trying to swindle the Dictator

Hunter stepped out of the shop, shrouded in his new black cloak, and scanned the bustling street. Merchants and shoppers alike bustled about, shouting prices and haggling for deals. Hunter and Kolvar navigated through the crowds, weaving in and out of stalls selling everything from freshly baked bread to gleaming swords.

As they walked, the buildings became grander and more elegant. Eventually, they arrived at a stable located at the end of burling street. The stable was a sight to behold, with its white walls and golden trimmings. The area surrounding the stable was clean, and the street was lined with trees and flowers.

Once they entered, the sound of horses neighing and snorting filled the air. The smell of hay, manure, and leather permeated the space, but it was not overpowering. The stable was well-lit, with chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, casting a warm glow on the surroundings.

The stable was bustling with activity, but it was organized chaos. Stable hands moved about with purpose, tending to the horses' every need. The horses were immaculately groomed and looked well-cared for. The sound of gentle whinnying and the clip-clop of hooves on the ground filled the air.

Kolvar approached the stable master, a well-dressed man with a professional demeanor. Despite the busy atmosphere, the stable was clean and neat, with no sign of manure or dirt anywhere. It was no wonder that all the nobles in the city left their horses in this stable.

"What can I do for you?" the stable master welcomed Hunter and Kolvar with a smile, his eyes glancing over their horses. He had a keen eye for horses and could tell a good one from a bad one at a glance.

Hunter's horse was a sleek black stallion with a glossy coat that shimmered in the dim light of the stable. The horse was tall and muscular, with powerful legs and a proud bearing. It had a fiery temperament and was not easily tamed, but Hunter had forged a bond with the horse in such a short time.

Kolvar's horse, on the other hand, was a gray-maned mare with a gentle disposition. It had a sleek, shiny coat that gleamed in the lantern light. The horse was smaller and leaner than Hunter's horse, but it was just as well-bred and had a graceful gait.

The stable master greeted Hunter and Kolvar with a warm smile as they approached him. He looked over their horses with appreciation and commented, "Nice horses you got there. You take good care of them."

"We do," Hunter replied with a nod.

"We'd like to leave them in your care until we come back to pick them up later," Hunter continued.

The stable master replied with a grin, "It'd be a pleasure to care for these magnificent creatures. Follow me, and I'll find a perfect spot for the two of them."

As they followed the stable master through the stables, Hunter couldn't help but notice the level of care and attention given to the horses. The building itself was spacious and well-kept, with stalls lining either side. Each stall was clean and roomy, with fresh hay and water available for the horses. The floor was swept spotless, and the air carried the pleasant scents of straw and leather.

Looking around, Hunter and Kolvar saw a wide variety of horses, ranging from massive warhorses to small ponies. Each horse was well-groomed and healthy-looking, with their coats shining under the dim light.

Finally, the stable master led them to a pair of empty stalls, and began preparing them for Hunter and Kolvar's horses. He meticulously arranged fresh hay and water for the animals and began cleaning the stalls. As he worked, he chatted amicably with the two men, asking about their journey and offering advice about the city.

Meanwhile, Kolvar searched the stable for the red-haired girl who had shown him kindness earlier. However, to his disappointment, she was nowhere to be found.

"It'd be two astral coins for each horse, and you can pay when you pick them up," The stable master named his price for boarding the two horses at two astral coins each, to which Hunter readily agreed without any attempt at bargaining. After settling the arrangements, Hunter made his way out of the stable, seemingly indifferent to the absence of the red-haired girl who Kolvar appeared to be searching for.

As they walked through the bustling streets, Kolvar turned to Hunter and asked, "Hey, did you notice the red-haired girl back at the stable?"

Hunter shrugged. "Not really. Why?"

"Well, she was the one who gave us water and was really kind to us," Kolvar explained.

Hunter raised an eyebrow. "Okay? What's the big deal?"

"I don't know, she just seemed nice and I'm worried about her," Kolvar replied with concern in his voice.

Hunter sighed. "Look, we don't even know her name, let alone where she lives. And besides, we have a job to do. We can't just go around looking for some girl we met once."

Kolvar looked disappointed, but he knew Hunter was right. "Yeah, you're right. I'm just being silly."

Eventually, Hunter and Kolvar reached the astral street, where they were greeted by a stark contrast to the burling street. The street was wider and lined with grand buildings that exuded luxury and wealth. The architecture of the buildings was ornate and intricate, with grand columns, high arches, and intricate carvings.

The street was free of any small stalls or vendors, with only high-class shops and boutiques lining the sidewalks. These shops were devoted to luxury goods such as jewelry, silks, rare spices, and exotic artifacts. Every storefront boasted large display windows, showcasing their most exquisite and expensive items.

The streets were empty compared to the bustling crowd of burling street, with only a few well-dressed individuals strolling around. The atmosphere was peaceful and serene, with the sound of their footsteps echoing softly on the polished cobblestones.

Despite the lack of people, Kolvar felt a sense of unease as they walked down the street. The ostentatious displays of wealth and extravagance made him feel out of place and uncomfortable.

Eventually, Hunter and Kolvar reached the Astral Street and after walking a few blocks, they easily spotted the Merchant Guild. The guild stood out from the rest of the buildings with its grandeur and opulence. The entrance of the building was guarded by a golden statue of a plump merchant, holding a bag of gold coins in his hand, and smiling widely. The statue sparkled in the sunlight and it seemed like it was made out of pure gold.

The building itself was a masterpiece of architectural ingenuity, standing tall and proud with its white marble exterior, adorned with intricate carvings and elegant designs. The magical elements of the architecture were also evident, with glowing runes etched into the marble.

Above the entrance of the building, a large wooden board was hanging, displaying the words "The Merchant Guild of Bellburn City" in beautiful calligraphy, written in gold letters. The board creaked slightly in the gentle breeze, but the words were still clear and easily legible.

As they approached the entrance, they could see that the inside of the building was just as impressive as the outside. The floors were made of polished marble, and the walls were adorned with priceless artwork and intricate tapestries. The air was filled with the sweet scent of incense, and the sound of soft music could be heard in the distance.

The moment they entered the merchant guild, Hunter immediately sensed the presence of powerful magical protection. Hunter's experience as a mage allowed him to sense the intricate magical arrays and runes that surrounded the building. He knew that it would be foolish for anyone to try and break through the defenses of the guild.

Once inside, they saw a grand hall with high ceilings and marble pillars. The hall was bustling with people, all of whom appeared to be engaged in various transactions. The sound of chatter and the rustling of papers filled the air.

Amidst the crowd, Hunter spotted several marble counters, each manned by a young clerk attending to the customers' needs. Hunter made his way to an empty counter and greeted the blonde-haired youngster behind it. The young man was dressed in a smart outfit, with a neatly trimmed beard and piercing blue eyes.

"Good day, sir," the clerk said with a polite nod. "How may I assist you today?"

"I have some rare gems, jewels, and other valuables that I came across on my latest adventure," Hunter replied, his voice low and steady. "I was hoping to sell them here at the merchant guild."

The clerk's eyes widened slightly at the mention of rare gems and jewels, and he leaned in a little closer. "Interesting," he said, rubbing his hands together. "May I see what you have to offer, sir?"

Hunter gently placed the sack on the marble counter, taking care not to damage the precious stones and metals within. The clerk's eyes widened with excitement and curiosity as Hunter untied the drawstrings, revealing the glittering array of gems.

The clerk's fingers trembled as he reached out to touch one of the rubies, his breath catching in his throat. Hunter noticed the young man's pupils dilating with amazement as he examined the precious stones. The clerk was clearly impressed and awed by the quality and rarity of the gems.

"These are truly magnificent," the clerk said, barely containing his excitement. "May I ask where you acquired them?"

Hunter smiled, enjoying the young man's enthusiasm. "I obtained them on my latest adventure," he replied.

The clerk nodded, still entranced by the jewels on the counter. "I can certainly make an offer for them. Please allow me a moment to fetch our appraiser," he said, disappearing into a back room.

Hunter waited patiently and observed the other patrons in the grand hall. They were all dressed in finery, speaking in hushed tones, and conducting their business in a serious manner. The hall was filled with the soft murmur of people conducting deals and negotiations. Hunter couldn't help but feel the weight of the wealth and power of the merchant guild all around him. The magical arrays and runes hummed with power, reminding him of the immense protection the guild enjoyed.

A middle-aged man with a thick goatee and a prominent belly waddled out of the back room with the clerk. As soon as he laid eyes on the glittering gems, a greedy glint sparked in his eyes. He strode over to the counter and didn't even acknowledge Hunter and Kolvar before reaching out to grab a handful of the precious stones.

Hunter frowned at the appraiser's rude behavior but kept his composure. He watched as the man scrutinized the gems, muttering to himself and scribbling on a notepad. Finally, he looked up and cleared his throat.

"These are certainly exquisite," the appraiser said, his eyes still fixed on the valuable. "I can offer you ten thousand coins for the lot."

Hunter raised an eyebrow at the offer. Kolvar, on the other hand, was completely stunned by the price the appraisal suggested. Even the young man who brought the appraiser was stunned but quickly hid his shock.

"That seems a bit low," Hunter said, trying to keep the disappointment out of his voice.

The appraiser's greedy eyes flickered as he rummaged through the contents of the sack, handling the precious gems and jewels as if they were mere trinkets. Hunter could feel the man's manipulative tactics as he tried to lowball the offer. It was clear that the appraiser was taking advantage of Hunter's lack of knowledge and experience in the field.

The man's sly demeanor was enough to make Hunter's blood boil. He had a strong urge to grab the appraiser by the collar and demand a fair price. But Hunter knew better than to let his emotions get the best of him.

The appraiser continued to spout his nonsense, claiming that the price he offered was fair and reasonable. He even went as far as to say that Hunter was lucky to be getting any offer at all.

"Where did you say you found them?" asked the appraiser.

Hunter could feel his anger rising as the appraiser asked where he had found the jewels. He knew that the man was trying to gather information to use against him.

"I didn't say," Hunter replied through gritted teeth, knowing that the appraiser was nothing but a greedy manipulator.

The appraiser's eyes glittered with greed as he appraised the contents of the sack. Hunter could practically see the gears turning in the man's head as he calculated how much he could lowball the adventurers for their hard-won treasures. He could tell that this wasn't the first time the appraiser had taken advantage of naive adventurers who didn't know the true value of their loot.

Despite his growing anger, Hunter kept a calm facade as the appraiser made his final offer. It was insultingly low, and Hunter knew he could get a much better price elsewhere. But he also knew that the appraiser wouldn't take no for an answer. The man had a reputation for using underhanded methods to acquire rare and valuable items, and Hunter didn't want to risk his safety or that of his companion.

Just as the appraiser thought Hunter was about to accept the offer, Hunter reached into his pocket and pulled out a pendant he had taken from a powerful mage he had defeated at a bandit camp on his last adventure. The pendant was an ancient relic that symbolized a High Sage. Hunter didn't want to do this, but the appraiser left him no choice. To kick start his criminal empire, he needed the coins. He realized that It was a mistake to trust the merchant guild in the first place. Yet again, only a few places would buy valuables from adventurers for a fair price without asking too many questions.

"My mentor will not be very happy to hear this, Lord Jarlan," Hunter said, looking closer at the name tag on the appraiser's chest. "But I think I'll be taking my business elsewhere."

The appraiser's face paled as he recognized the pendant in Hunter's hand.

"A High Sage…" Jarlan mumbled.

Jarlan's heart sank as he recognized the silver pendant in Hunter's hand. It was unmistakably the symbol of the High Sages, a group of powerful magic users respected by even the kings of the land. Jarlan had heard tales of their abilities and their vast knowledge of the arcane arts. If Hunter was in possession of one of their symbols, that could only mean one thing: he was under their protection.

Jarlan's mind raced as he considered the implications of angering a High Sage. They were not to be trifled with, and their wrath was said to be as potent as any spell. He realized that the young adventurer before him might not be as lowly as he first assumed.

With a sinking feeling in his gut, Jarlan realized he had underestimated Hunter's power and connections. He swallowed hard and tried to compose himself. "I apologize, sir. Perhaps we can renegotiate the price. I was mistaken in my assessment."

Hunter's eyes narrowed as he considered the appraiser's words. He knew Jarlan was trying to save face and salvage the situation, but he also knew that he held the upper hand. With a subtle nod, Hunter agreed to hear Jarlan's new offer.

Jarlan quickly went to work, appraising each item in the sack with newfound care and precision. He knew that if he tried any more tricks, he would be playing with fire. After a few tense minutes, he finally came up with a new price, one that was much more reasonable than his previous offer.

"I can offer you seventy thousand coins for your items,"

Jarlan, the manipulative appraiser, gave Hunter a new offer of seventy thousand coins for his valuable items. Hunter knew it was a good deal, but he couldn't forget the way Jarlan had tried to manipulate him earlier. So, before accepting the offer, he leaned closer to Jarlan and said,

"My mentor would appreciate it if you keep this transaction and what you saw a secret."

Jarlan was surprised but quickly composed himself and nodded in agreement. The thought of a High Sage, one of the most powerful and respected people in the land, being involved in this transaction sent shivers down his spine. He knew better than to cross them.

As Jarlan went back into the room to get Hunter's astral coins, Hunter couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. He had outsmarted the greedy appraiser and secured a good deal for his valuable items.

Finally, Hunter walked out of the merchant guild with a large sack filled with astral coins on his back, covered with a black cloak. As he left the building, he looked up at the symbol of the High Sages in his possession, feeling confident in his newfound power and ally.