Hunter, the Chef

The kitchen crew quickly sprang into action, grabbing baskets of fresh ingredients for the cook-off. The halfling scurried over with a basket of potatoes and carrots, while the half-elves brought in baskets of fresh greens and fruits.

Dwalin reached for a basket filled with freshly cut red meat, his eyes gleaming with confidence. Meanwhile, Hunter selected a basket filled with vibrant vegetables and fruits, determined to show his creativity in a meatless dish.

As they approached their respective furnaces, the air in the kitchen became thick with tension. The rest of the crew watched with bated breath as the two cooks began to prepare their dishes.

"I don't have all day," Dwalin growled, his voice dripping with impatience.

"I don't need a whole day. Thirty minutes is more than enough for me to kick your scrawny ass," Hunter sneered, goading Dwalin to anger.

The dwarf's face turned a deep shade of red, his eyes bulging in fury. But he didn't argue with Hunter, instead focusing on his cooking. He deftly sliced the meat and threw it into the wok, the sizzling sound filling the kitchen.

On the other side of the kitchen, Hunter's movements were a blur as he chopped the vegetables and fruits with inhuman speed. The way he handled the knife and the way he cut the produce stunned the kitchen crew, who watched in awe as he effortlessly created a colorful medley of ingredients. As the minutes ticked by, the tension in the kitchen only grew. The sound of sizzling meat mixed with the chopping of vegetables and the occasional clatter of kitchen tools. The air was thick with the aroma of spices and herbs, each cook's dish was beginning to take shape.

The kitchen crew and Dwalin's guards were all on the edge of their seats, watching the two cooks work their magic. Dwalin's stew was coming together slowly but surely, with the meat simmering in a thick broth as he added spices and herbs to give it flavor.

But Hunter's dish was a mystery to everyone. He moved around the kitchen with a fluidity that was mesmerizing, chopping vegetables with lightning speed and precision. His movements were almost like a dance, and the kitchen crew couldn't help but stare in awe.

As the vegetables were finally ready, Hunter tossed them into a steel wok and began to stir them with a wooden spatula. The vegetables sizzled and danced in the pan, giving off a mouth-watering aroma that filled the entire kitchen.

But then, to everyone's surprise, Hunter added some of the colorful fruits to the boiling water and mashed them into a colorful liquid resembling a rainbow. The crew couldn't quite understand what he was doing, but Hunter seemed to know exactly what he was doing.

Dwalin's stew looked delicious, but Hunter's dish was unlike anything they had ever seen before. It was colorful, vibrant, and had an aroma that was tantalizing to the senses. The kitchen crew couldn't wait to taste it, and even Dwalin seemed to be intrigued despite his initial skepticism.

As the cook-off continued inside the kitchen, the bustling restaurant outside was suddenly interrupted by the entrance of a tall, muscular man. His presence commanded attention as he strode in with three armed guards trailing behind him. The waiters outside immediately took notice and paused in their duties to observe the man's movements.

Inside the kitchen, Hunter's ears perked up at the sound of heavy boots approaching. He turned to see the imposing figure of the man standing in the doorway, his eyes scanning the room as he took in the scene before him. Hunter could feel the tension in the air as the man's guards positioned themselves around the kitchen, their hands resting on the hilts of their weapons.

Dwalin looked up from his stew, his face contorted with anger at the interruption. "What is the meaning of this?" he barked.

The man looked at Dwalin, his expression unreadable. "I am General Langley," he said in a deep, commanding voice. "And I have come to inspect the kitchen and the preparations for Lady Marina's dinner," said the golden-haired man. Hunter's heart raced as he activated his God's eyes, seeing the intense red aura that surrounded General Langley. It was clear to Hunter that this man was the strongest person he had encountered in this world so far. The aura was so intense that it sent shivers down Hunter's spine, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe.

The three armed guards that accompanied the general seemed insignificant in comparison, their auras nowhere near as powerful as Langley's. Hunter knew that he needed to tread carefully around this man, as he had the potential to be both a powerful ally and a dangerous enemy. He took a deep breath and bowed respectfully to the general, hoping to make a good impression.

"Welcome to our humble kitchen, my lord," Hunter said, his voice steady despite his inner turmoil. Despite the shock that gripped him, he tried to appear confident and composed in front of Langley.

"What is going on here?" Langley demanded in a serious tone, his eyes scanning the kitchen.

"Just a friendly cook off to decide the main course, my lord," Hunter quickly replied, bowing respectfully. He could sense the General's gaze piercing through him, making him feel uneasy.

Langley turned his gaze to Dwalin and raised an eyebrow. "I never thought I'd see the day where you have a cook-off with a human, Dwalin," he said, with a hint of ridicule in his voice. It was obvious that the two had some kind of history and not a pleasant one.

Dwalin snorted. "Humans are all the same. Arrogant and annoying," he spat, his eyes locked onto Hunter's.

Hunter remained calm and composed, even in the face of Dwalin's hostility. He knew that he had the upper hand in this cook-off, and he was determined to prove his worth.

General Langley's eyes narrowed as he observed Hunter, taking in his confident demeanor and the aroma emanating from his dish. "Interesting. And who might you be? I have never seen you with him before," he asked, his voice laced with suspicion.

"I am Jason Conroy, my lord. Head cook Dwalin has hired me from the capital. Would you like to have a taste, my lord?" Hunter replied smoothly, taking a spoonful of the sweet sauce he had prepared and approaching Langley without any fear of the guards behind him. He held out the spoon towards Langley, determined to win him over with his cooking.

Langley hesitated for a moment, his expression stoic. But the fragrance was too much for him to resist. He gingerly took the spoon from Hunter and tasted the sauce, his eyes widening in surprise as the flavors burst in his mouth. Even a battle-hardened warrior like Langley couldn't refuse the deliciousness of Hunter's dish. Langley's usual wariness towards potential threats seemed to disappear as he savored the sauce's aroma. The thought of the sauce possibly being laced with poison didn't even cross his mind, so enamored was he with its delicious fragrance.

Hunter grinned inwardly, knowing that he had successfully enticed Langley with his cooking and prevented him from asking too many questions. The other kitchen staff watched in silent anticipation as General Langley tasted Hunter's sauce. They knew that pleasing someone like Langley could mean a lot for their reputation, but they also knew that he was not an easy man to impress. As he savored the sauce, a hush fell over the kitchen, broken only by the sound of his chewing.

The tension was palpable as they waited for his reaction. But to their surprise, Langley's face lit up with pleasure as he tasted the sauce. His eyes widened in surprise and delight, and a small smile formed on his lips. The other guards also seemed impressed, exchanging glances with each other.

After tasting Hunter's sauce, Langley let out a satisfied sigh and felt a surge of fresh energy rushing over him. He had never tasted such a delicious thing in his entire life, and his eyes sparkled with delight. It was as if he had been transported to another world, a world where everything was perfect and harmonious.

"May I make a request of you, my lord?" Hunter asked, bowing respectfully. Although Hunter was known for his unwavering spirit and ruthlessness, he knew when to adapt to the situation. He knew that until he could become the strongest in this world, he had to bow his head and bend his knee several times. Hunter didn't mind. As long as he could get to live another day, he would gladly do anything.

Langley nodded, still savoring the taste of Hunter's sauce. "You have my attention, Jason Conroy. What is it that you want?

"I would like you to judge our little cook-off, my lord," asked Hunter. Hunter's bold request surprised everyone in the kitchen, including Langley. But the general couldn't help but feel intrigued by the young man's talents and directness. Despite his fearsome reputation, Langley admired those who dared to speak their minds and show courage in the face of adversity.

"I like your spirit, young man," Langley said, a hint of admiration in his voice. "I will judge your cook-off."

Dwalin snickered, feeling confident in his abilities as a cook. "I have no problem with that," he said, his arrogance on full display. "Just know that if I win, he agreed to cut off his fingers."

Langley's expression darkened at the dwarf's cruel words. He knew that the dwarves had a reputation for being ruthless and cunning, but he didn't expect such barbaric behavior in the kitchen. Nevertheless, he remained composed and focused on the task at hand.

"What do you say, Dwaling?" Langley turned his gaze toward the dwarf. Dwalin's eyes narrowed as he watched Langley taste the sauce. He could feel the doubt creeping into his mind, but he refused to show any weakness.

"I have no problem. Just know that if I win, he agreed to cut off his fingers," said Dwalin. Hearing the dwarf, Langley was slightly shocked, but knowing the dwarves' cruel nature and gambling habit, it did make sense. To be honest, Langley was taken aback by the exquisite taste of Hunter's sauce. It was unlike anything he had ever tasted before, and he couldn't help but wonder if the rest of his dish was just as exceptional. If the main course was anything like the sauce, there was no doubt in Langley's mind that Hunter would come out victorious in the cook-off.

"I'll be at my table, and I expect the food to arrive in ten minutes," Langley said before leaving the kitchen.

Hunter and Dwalin quickly got to work, their hands moving swiftly as they prepared their dishes. The kitchen was filled with the sounds of sizzling ingredients and clanging cookware as the two cooks battled it out for the ultimate prize.

As the final moments of the cook-off arrived, Hunter removed the wok from the flames, releasing a tantalizing aroma that filled the kitchen. He carefully spooned the vibrant and colorful vegetable and fruit dish onto a large, white plate, garnishing it with a sprinkle of chopped herbs and a drizzle of sweet and sour sauce.

Dwalin, on the other hand, had already finished his stew and watched Hunter with an arrogant look, confident in his own creation. But as he looked over at Hunter's dish, he couldn't help but feel a hint of curiosity. The dish looked like a work of art, with the colorful vegetables arranged in a beautiful pattern that made the dish almost too pretty to eat.

Hunter knew that plating was crucial to any dish. He wanted to show Dwalin and the General not only his cooking skills but also his artistic eye. He had arranged the vegetables and fruits in a way that was pleasing to the eye, with each color and shape complementing the others. The sweet and sour sauce he had prepared added just the right balance of tanginess and sweetness to the dish, making it a perfect match for the vegetables.

The kitchen fell silent as everyone's attention turned to Hunter's plate. Finn's jaw dropped open as he stared at the colorful and artistic presentation. Tom's eyes widened in amazement, and even Dwalin's guards, who had been smirking and whispering amongst themselves, fell silent.

"By the gods, it's beautiful," Finn breathed, staring at the dish with a mixture of awe and envy.

Tom couldn't take his eyes off the plate. "I've been cooking for years, and I've never seen anything like this," he said, his voice filled with admiration.

Bungo nodded in agreement. "That's a true work of art," he said, his eyes fixed on the plate.

Hunter couldn't help but smirk at their reactions. He had played the arrogant chef to perfection but was still pleased with how his dish had turned out. "Of course, it's beautiful," he said with a smirk. "I made it, didn't I?"

Dwalin scoffed, clearly unimpressed. "Looks like a pile of rabbit food to me," he muttered under his breath.

Hunter picked up the plates and made his way towards the kitchen door, but before he could leave, he turned around and faced Dwalin, a smug grin spreading across his face.

"And Head Cook Dwalin," Hunter drawled, drawing out each word. "I just wanted to take a moment to address you properly."

Dwalin sneered, his face contorting with rage. "What is it now, human?" he spat.

Hunter's grin only widened. "Nothing, really. I just wanted to make sure you heard me call you Head Cook one last time before I take over your job," he taunted, his words dripping with sarcasm.

The kitchen crew watched in shock as Hunter openly mocked Dwalin, knowing full well the consequences of disrespecting the Head Cook. But Hunter seemed unfazed as if he knew he had already won the cook-off.

Without another word, Hunter turned and strode confidently towards Langley's table, ready to present his dish and claim victory.