Evil Plan Success

As the afternoon turned into evening, the mood in the restaurant shifted from casual to hectic. The kitchen crew had to ramp up their production to meet the increased demand as more and more nobles close to the Duke started to arrive. The security around the restaurant increased, with more guards patrolling the area and checking the credentials of those who entered.

Under Hunter's leadership, the kitchen became a whirlwind of activity. He barked out orders, and the crew worked in perfect harmony, chopping, sautéing, and grilling with precision and speed. The waiters scurried back and forth between the kitchen and the dining room, delivering plates of steaming food to the hungry patrons.

As the sun began to set, the city of Bellburn glowed under the evening sky. The streets were alive with activity, as merchants set up their wares and street performers entertained the crowds. The scent of roasted meat and baked bread filled the air, tempting passersby to stop and indulge in the city's culinary delights.

Inside the restaurant, the noise level rose as more people arrived, their voices blending into a cacophony of sound. The clinking of silverware, the clatter of plates, and the murmur of conversation created a lively ambiance.

As the evening wore on, the kitchen crew continued to work at a frenzied pace, preparing for the arrival of Lady Marina. But there was one noticeable absence - Dwalin. The dwarf had disappeared from the kitchen after losing the cook-off, and no one had seen him since.

Despite the absence of their head cook, the kitchen crew continued to work diligently, taking orders from Hunter and following his every command. They marveled at his skill and expertise, and some even tried to butter him up with compliments.

"Wow, head cook, you really know your stuff," one of the cooks said, grinning from ear to ear. "I've been cooking for years, but I've never seen anyone like you."

Hunter rolled his eyes at the comment, clearly unimpressed by the flattery. "Save your breath," he said, his voice laced with sarcasm. "I don't need anyone kissing my ass. Just focus on the task at hand, and we'll get through this dinner without any problems."

The crew fell silent, chastened by Hunter's words. They knew he was right and refocused their efforts on preparing the food.

As the evening wore on, the kitchen became even busier, with more orders coming in by the minute. Hunter remained calm and composed, even as the pressure mounted.

As the dinner hour approached, the bustle in the kitchen increased to a fever pitch. Hunter could feel the heat rising as the ovens worked overtime to keep up with the demand. Amidst the chaos, Hunter heard a sudden hush fall over the restaurant, the once-lively conversations dying down to whispers. He knew what that meant: Lady Marina had arrived.

Hunter took a moment to compose himself, wiping his hands on a nearby cloth before he stepped out of the kitchen. He joined the waitstaff, their eyes all fixed on the entrance, waiting for a glimpse of the beautiful Lady.

And then she appeared. Marina was a vision of grace and elegance, her golden hair shining in the dim light of the restaurant. She wore a stunning dress, made of the finest silk, the fabric draping over her body in a way that accentuated her curves. The dress was a beautiful shade of blue that matched her eyes, and it flowed behind her like a river as she walked.

Lady Marina moved through the restaurant, and all eyes were on her. Her movements were graceful and fluid, like a ballerina on stage. Her features were delicate and refined, her skin porcelain smooth. Her eyes were the color of the ocean on a clear day, and they sparkled with intelligence and a hint of mischief.

Her face was heart-shaped, with full lips and a small nose. Her cheeks were rosy, and her brows arched high over her eyes, giving her a look of perpetual surprise. Her body was slender but with curves in all the right places. She moved with a dancer's grace, her steps light and precise.

When she reached her table, Langley, her loyal guard, pulled out her chair, and she sat down, her dress flowing around her like a pool of water. The table was elegantly decorated, with a beautiful floral centerpiece and delicate crystal glasses. The light from the candles flickered on the table, casting shadows on her face and highlighting her beauty.

The other diners in the restaurant couldn't help but stare at her, captivated by her beauty and grace. While everyone's attention was fixed on Lady Marina, Hunter's gaze shifted to the young man who accompanied her. He was a striking figure, tall and lean with sharp features that exuded an air of confidence. His hair was dark and styled in a way that suggested he had taken great care with his appearance. His clothes were stylish and well-fitted, accentuating his athletic build.

Despite his youth, there was a certain maturity in his bearing, a sense of poise that suggested he was comfortable in high society. Hunter's keen eye noticed the way he held himself, the way he moved with fluid grace. It was clear that this was a young man of importance, someone who knew how to command attention without even trying.

Hunter carefully calculated his next moves and scanned the lavish dining area of the restaurant where the nobles were waiting for their orders. Since the menu was still had to be served, they were just enjoying their glass of wine.

As the night wore on and the guests indulged in the fine food and wine, Hunter began to lose interest in Lady Marina. He had seen countless beautiful women before, and he had a job to do. Just as he was about to turn away and return to the kitchen, Marina whispered something into Langley's ear. Hunter noticed the exchange and felt a flicker of curiosity.

Suddenly, Langley turned his piercing gaze on Hunter, and gestured for him to approach their table. Hunter was surprised, but he maintained his cool and collected demeanor. After all, he was no stranger to lavish galas and noble gatherings.

Hunter made his way to Marina's table and couldn't help but notice how her gaze lingered on him. He felt a moment of uncertainty, wondering if his disguise had been compromised. But he quickly dismissed the thought and focused on his mission.

When he arrived at Marina's table, he greeted her with impeccable etiquette, bowing low and introducing himself as Jason Conroy. He kept his tone respectful, but there was a hint of arrogance in his voice that betrayed his true nature.

As Marina approached Hunter, she offered a gracious smile and extended her hand. "Mr. Conroy, I'm pleased to meet you. I must say, I've heard quite a bit about you," she said.

Hunter couldn't help but notice how sweet her voice sounded. He took her hand in his and replied, "The pleasure is mine, Lady Marina. I hope you've heard good things."

Marina's eyes sparkled as she responded, "Indeed I have. I heard about the cook-off with Dwalin and how you bested him with your culinary skills. And then I heard about the dish you prepared for Lord Langley, it sounded simply delightful."

Hunter smirked a little, but quickly regained his composure. "It was a simple task I might add,"

At that moment, Nathaniel, the young man who accompanied Marina, interjected with a hint of disdain in his voice. "I'm sure your cooking is fine, Mr. Conroy. But it takes more than one victory to be considered a great chef. My palate is quite discerning."

Hunter raised an eyebrow at Nathaniel's arrogance but maintained his calm. "Well, I look forward to the challenge, Your Highness," he responded with a hint of smugness.

Marina raised an eyebrow at Hunter's confidence. "You certainly seem sure of yourself," she said, her eyes glinting with amusement.

Hunter couldn't help but find it amusing that they were all about to enjoy a delicious meal he would poison soon. His evil side emerged as he thought about how they would all be writhing in pain soon enough.

But he kept his façade of calm and professionalism, replying smoothly, "I have no doubt that you will find the food to your liking, my lady."

As the conversation continued, Hunter couldn't help but notice Nathaniel's jealousy simmering just below the surface. He was clearly unimpressed by Hunter's credentials and achievements, and Hunter couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at that.

But he knew that he needed to remain cautious, as Nathaniel's hostility could become a problem. So he kept his composure and continued to charm Marina with his words, even as his mind raced with thoughts of the poison he had placed in their meal.

Hunter's original plan was to poison Marina's food and then later visit the Duke's manor to cure her after shedding his disguise. However, Nathanial's arrogance and dismissive attitude toward him angered Hunter. He couldn't resist the urge to teach him a lesson.

"I think Nathanial needs a taste of my special dish as well," Hunter thought to himself with a smug grin. "Maybe it'll teach him not to piss me off in the next life,"

Hunter's twisted sense of humor found the situation amusing, even as he planned to poison two people. He couldn't help but chuckle inwardly at the thought of them unknowingly enjoying the poisoned food.

"I'll have to make sure I have the antidote ready for Marina," he thought, his mind already working on the logistics of the situation. "As for this dipshit... well, he can suffer the consequences of his arrogance," The dipshit in the situation was none other than Nathanial.

Hunter's thoughts were dark, but he reveled in the power he held. He knew that he could manipulate the situation to his advantage and further his criminal empire. Hunter excused himself from Marina and Nathaniel's table with a courteous bow, his mind already racing with thoughts of the evening's menu. As he made his way back to the kitchen, he could feel the excitement building inside him. This was his chance to showcase his culinary skills to some of the most influential people in the kingdom.

Once he was back in the kitchen, he grabbed a fresh parchment and began scribbling down the items for the menu. His thoughts were a whirlwind of flavors and textures as he tried to come up with the perfect combination of dishes to impress his high-profile guests.

As he worked, a wicked thought crossed his mind. Why stop at poisoning just Marina? Why not teach Nathaniel a lesson, too? The idea made him chuckle inwardly, the twisted humor of it all not lost on him.

He pushed the thought aside and focused on the task at hand, determined to create a menu that would leave a lasting impression on his diners. The kitchen crew leaned in, trying to catch a glimpse of what he was writing.

Finally, Hunter looked up and addressed them. "Tonight, we will be serving a six-course meal fit for royalty," he said with a sly grin. "And I assure you, each dish will be more delicious than the last."

The crew murmured their approval, eagerly awaiting the chance to prepare and taste Hunter's culinary creations. Hunter basked in their adoration, knowing that they were all unwitting accomplices in his sinister plan.

Hunter stood at the head of the kitchen, his parchment in hand as he surveyed his crew. "Alright, listen up," he said, his voice firm and commanding. "I'm going to need all of you to be on your A-game tonight. We've got some of the most important people in Bellburn dining with us, and we need to impress them."

The kitchen crew all nodded in agreement, their eyes fixed on Hunter as he began to explain each dish. "We'll start with a soup made with roasted vegetables and a hint of garlic. Then, we'll move on to a lentil and vegetable patty served with a refreshing cucumber and mint raita."

As he spoke, Hunter noticed that some of his crew members looked confused or uncertain. He sighed inwardly, knowing that the culinary arts in this world were still primitive and his crew could only do so much.

"I'll need one person to focus on the soup, making sure the vegetables are perfectly roasted and the garlic is just right," Hunter continued, his eyes scanning the room to make sure everyone was paying attention.

The crew members all nodded, eager to show their skills and impress their head chef. Hunter knew that he couldn't rely too much on his team, but he also knew that he needed them to execute his vision.

"As for the main course, we'll be serving a lentil and mushroom wellington with a red wine sauce paired with roasted root vegetables. And for dessert, a chocolate cake with raspberry sauce," Hunter finished, his eyes scanning the room to make sure everyone was paying attention.

The kitchen crew looked at Hunter with confusion when he mentioned the chocolate cake. They had never heard of such a thing before. Hunter noticed their confusion and chuckled to himself. "Don't worry, I'll handle the dessert myself," he said with a sly grin. "But I'll need you all to prepare the ingredients for me. Bring me flour, sugar, butter, and curd."

The crew nodded, still unsure of what Hunter had in mind. "And some raspberries," he added with a mischievous glint in his eye. "Lots of them."

The crew members all looked eager and ready to work. Hunter knew that he would have to keep a close eye on them, but he was confident in his abilities to lead them to success.


As time flew by, Hunter amazed the entire kitchen crew with his stunning dishes. However, they had no time to admire them as they had to quickly send them to the waiting nobles in the dining area. Hunter meticulously arranged the plates of food for Marina and Nathaniel, expertly garnishing each dish with his own personal touch. Unbeknownst to anyone, he had added a deadly poison to Marina's dish, eager to see her react to his exquisite culinary skills. Carrying the plates himself, he made his way to their table with a confident stride, eager to witness their reaction to his dishes.

Hunter approached Marina and Nathaniel's table with a flourish, carrying a plate of the lentil and mushroom wellington with a red wine sauce. "My lady and your highness, I present to you our main course for the evening," he announced with a bow.

Marina looked at the dish in awe. "It looks absolutely divine," she exclaimed.

Nathaniel, on the other hand, looked skeptical. "It's just vegetables. I don't see what's so special about it," he sneered.

Hunter couldn't help but feel a twinge of annoyance at Nathaniel's continued dismissive attitude, but he maintained his composure. "If you'll allow me to serve you, your highness, I believe you'll find that it's not just any dish," he replied smoothly.

Nathaniel rolled his eyes but allowed Hunter to serve him. As Hunter moved on to serve the other dishes, Nathaniel took a bite of the lentil and mushroom wellington and his eyes widened in surprise. "This is...incredible," he said, his tone incredulous.

Meanwhile, Hunter served Marina the next dish, a beautifully plated serving of roasted root vegetables. "And here we have the perfect complement to our lentil and mushroom wellington," he said, indicating the dish.

Marina took a bite and closed her eyes in bliss. "This is amazing," she murmured.

Finally, Hunter presented the dessert, the chocolate cake with raspberry sauce. "And last but certainly not least, our delectable dessert for the evening," he said with a smile.

Nathaniel looked unimpressed, but Marina eagerly took a bite. She gasped in delight at the flavors bursting in her mouth. "This is the best dessert I've ever had," she exclaimed.

Hunter couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at their reactions, knowing that they were enjoying the very dishes that he had poisoned. But he pushed those thoughts aside and maintained his professionalism as he continued to serve the other tables.

Hunter couldn't help but grin inwardly as he heard the familiar chime in his head.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully being a badass. The reward is 100 Badass points] He had received this notification so many times before that it had become almost comical.

As he looked out at Marina and Nathaniel, enjoying their food and oblivious to the poison coursing through Marina's dish, Hunter couldn't help but laugh to himself. He knew that the situation was dangerous, but he felt a rush of excitement and pride at his own cunning.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully being a badass. The reward is 200 Badass points] The notification sounded again, and Hunter's grin widened. He felt like he was unstoppable, untouchable, and he relished in the feeling.

But he knew that he couldn't let his guard down, not until his plan was complete. He made a mental note to keep a close eye on Marina and Nathaniel, making sure that they didn't suspect anything amiss.

As he turned to leave the dining area, Hunter heard the notification sound again.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully being a badass. The reward is 3000 Badass points] He couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all, feeling like he was living in some sort of twisted game.

But Hunter was determined to win this game, no matter what the cost.