System is more evil than Hunter

As Hunter continued to walk through the bustling streets of Burling Street, his ears keenly attuned to the conversations of the crowd, he couldn't help but smile inwardly. The talk of the town revolved around the Duke's desperate plight to save his ailing daughter, Marina. Whispers filled the air, carrying snippets of fear and urgency.

"I heard the Duke's daughter is hanging by a thread. They say she hasn't got much time left," murmured a worried woman to her companion, their voices laden with sadness.

"Even the most renowned healers and alchemists have failed. It's a dire situation," replied a man with a grave tone, emphasizing the desperation surrounding Marina's condition.

"I heard the Duke has sent a plea to the King's court, requesting royal healers to be sent. He's sparing no expense," chimed in another passerby, their voice tinged with uncertainty.

Hunter's heart skipped a beat as he absorbed the gravity of the conversations. The pieces were falling into place, aligning perfectly with his sinister intentions. Marina's impending demise and the Duke's growing desperation only served to fuel his wicked delight.

Suppressing a chuckle that threatened to escape his lips, Hunter continued his steady stride, his loyal horse trotting alongside him. The iron grip of his cunning plan tightened, ensuring his position as the opportunist in this grand tragedy. The more dire the situation, the more valuable his intervention would appear.

Hunter reveled in the twisted dance of fate, his mind weaving the threads of deception and manipulation with calculated precision. As he made his way closer to the imposing Duke's manor, his steps brimming with confidence, he couldn't help but relish the knowledge that his carefully orchestrated plot was unfolding flawlessly.

The laughter remained locked within him, simmering beneath the surface, as he pressed on towards the Duke's domain. Inside, Hunter reveled in his own genius, knowing that his twisted ambitions were one step closer to fruition. The world was a stage, and he, the puppet master pulling the strings, reveling in the dark satisfaction of his own twisted power.

As Hunter ventured deeper into the lane leading to the Duke's manor, the atmosphere changed. The bustling crowds thinned, giving way to an air of exclusivity. The lane was lined with majestic trees, their branches intertwining overhead to create a natural canopy. The scent of blooming flowers wafted through the air, adding a touch of elegance to the surroundings.

The street itself was adorned with intricate cobblestone, polished to a gleaming finish. Lavish carriages, adorned with intricate designs and gilded accents, traversed the lane, carrying nobles and esteemed guests to and from the grand palace. The rhythmic clattering of hooves and the jingle of harnesses echoed through the street, intermingling with the hushed whispers of the spectators.

Hunter's gaze followed the procession of carriages, his eyes catching glimpses of opulent fabrics, sparkling jewels, and the unmistakable air of privilege that surrounded the nobles. He couldn't help but marvel at the stark contrast between this world and his own mundane existence back on Earth. Even the mere Duke's palace in this realm outshone the grandest of palaces he had ever laid eyes upon.

Finally, Hunter's eager steps brought him to the end of the lane, where the grand palace of the Duke awaited. The iron gates loomed before him, guarded by imposing soldiers donning gleaming armor. Their presence exuded authority, a stern reminder of the power and influence that resided within.

The palace itself stood as a testament to architectural magnificence. Towers soared towards the heavens, adorned with intricate carvings and vibrant stained glass windows. The walls, constructed from the finest stone, emanated a timeless beauty that commanded respect. Lush gardens framed the palace, with meticulously manicured hedges and vibrant blooms creating a picturesque backdrop.

Hunter's eyes widened, taking in the splendor that lay before him. He couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation and ambition. This world held a different allure, a tantalizing promise of wealth, influence, and dark possibilities. It was a place where his cunning and ruthless nature could thrive, where he could transcend his mundane existence and ascend to a position of power.

With a mixture of awe and determination, Hunter took a moment to relish the sight before him. The grand palace and the iron gates stood as symbols of his next target, the key to his sinister ambitions. Adjusting his stance and steeling his resolve, Hunter prepared to step forward, ready to embrace the treacherous path that lay ahead.

As Hunter approached the imposing iron gates of the Duke's palace, his path was abruptly blocked by two guards clad in resplendent blue armor. The guards stood tall, their presence commanding respect. A wolf crest adorned their chests, a symbol of their allegiance and fierce loyalty to the Duke.

The guards scrutinized Hunter, their eyes narrowing with suspicion. One of them, a burly soldier with a grizzled beard, spoke up in a stern tone. "Halt! State your business here, lad."

Hunter met their gaze, a glint of mischief flickering in his eyes. He straightened his posture and responded with a confidence that belied his youthful appearance. "I am here to cure Lady Marina."

The guards' expressions shifted from suspicion to disbelief. They exchanged incredulous glances, stifling snickers that threatened to escape. It was evident that they found Hunter's claim absurd, a naive notion from a mere youngster who dared to challenge the capabilities of renowned healers.

The burly guard couldn't contain his amusement as he chuckled, his voice laced with sarcasm. "You? Cure Lady Marina? Ha! What makes you think a greenhorn like yourself can achieve what countless skilled healers have failed to do?"

Hunter's mischievous grin faded, and his tone shifted to one of respectful submission. He lowered his head slightly, adopting a humble demeanor that concealed the cunning wolf beneath. "I understand your skepticism, but I have a unique talent and a special remedy. I assure you, my intentions are pure, and I only wish to offer my assistance to the Duke and Lady Marina."

As the guards continued to dismiss Hunter's claim, he felt a twinge of annoyance, but he maintained his composure. However, just as frustration began to seep in, an elderly man, adorned in the attire of a servant, approached the gate. His eyes darted between the guards and Hunter, curiosity etched across his weathered face.

Intrigued by the unfolding scene, the old man's voice carried a hint of authority as he inquired, "What is happening here?"

Hunter seized the opportunity, his mischievous nature seizing control. He stepped forward, meeting the old man's gaze, and boldly proclaimed, "I can cure Lady Marina."

The guards scoffed, their skepticism unabated. They exchanged glances, silently affirming their disbelief in the audacious claims of the young stranger before them. However, the old man, although taken aback by Hunter's words, detected a peculiar gleam of confidence in his eyes, a spark that ignited a flicker of hope within him.

"What makes you think you possess such ability?" the old man asked, his voice tinged with both curiosity and doubt.

Hunter, ever the cunning manipulator, decided to expose the guards' skepticism for his own amusement. He nodded towards the guards and explained, "These fine soldiers here believe my claim is nothing but a fabrication, dismissing the potential salvation I offer for Lady Marina. Their doubt amuses me."

The old man's gaze shifted from Hunter to the guards, his expression a mix of surprise and suspicion. He had served the Duke for many years and understood the gravity of Lady Marina's condition. Desperation had taken hold of the Duke's household, leading them to grasp at any glimmer of hope that presented itself.

Though skeptical, the old man recognized that in this world, everyone possessed a dark side. He pondered the possibility that Hunter's bold claim was an attempt to deceive them, yet the unwavering confidence he saw in the young man's eyes intrigued him. If there was even the slightest chance of saving Lady Marina, it was a risk they had to take.

With a mix of uncertainty and determination, the old man made his decision. "Come with me. I shall bring you before the Duke. But remember, if you prove to be a fraud, the consequences will be dire."

Hunter's lips curled into a sly smile as he followed the old man through the gates. His plan was set into motion, and now, within the grand walls of the Duke's manor, he would continue his charade, weaving his web of deception and ambition, all in pursuit of his ultimate goal.

As Hunter disappeared through the gates, the two guards exchanged heated whispers, their faces etched with anger and frustration. The burly guard's voice dripped with venom as he cursed Hunter's audacity.

"Did you hear that little shit? Making us out to be the fools, thinking we don't believe in his nonsense," he grumbled, his tone laced with resentment.

His companion, a younger guard with a scowl etched across his face, clenched his fists in frustration. "He's trying to get us in trouble, that cunning bastard. If he really manages to cure Lady Marina, we'll be the ones punished for doubting him."

The burly guard scoffed, his voice tinged with a mix of fear and indignation. "This can't end well, I tell you. We're just following orders, but if the Duke finds out we hindered the lad, we are fucked,"

The younger guard's brow furrowed, his voice laced with concern. "What if he really has a chance to save her? What if we let our pride and skepticism cloud our judgment?"

The burly guard shook his head, his voice filled with both resignation and lingering doubt. "It's too fucking late now. We can only pray that Lady Marina finds her salvation and that we don't pay the price for our skepticism."

With heavy hearts and a sense of unease, the guards resumed their posts at the gates of the Duke's manor, haunted by the possibility that they may have inadvertently hindered Lady Marina's chance at recovery. Only time would reveal the true consequences of their actions, and in the depths of their minds, a lingering fear of what may come gnawed at their souls.

As Hunter stepped inside the grand palace of the Duke, his eyes widened at the opulence that surrounded him. The marble floors gleamed under the warm glow of chandeliers, casting a mesmerizing aura throughout the vast corridor. Fountains adorned with intricate sculptures graced the gardens outside, their cascading waters adding a soothing melody to the air.

His gaze wandered to the pretty maids tending to the flowerbeds, their graceful movements captivating his attention. Hunter couldn't help but let out a flirtatious wink, savoring the momentary connection he shared with them as he followed the old man through the palace grounds.

Inside a secluded chamber, the old man began to share the details of Lady Marina's affliction. His voice carried a tinge of sorrow as he spoke of her unconscious state, interrupted by sudden bursts of excruciating pain that wracked her delicate frame. Hunter listened intently, his curiosity piqued by the mention of Nathaniel, Marina's friend and the son of Minister Corves.

A devious smirk crept across Hunter's lips as he recalled his encounter with Nathaniel at the diner. The young man's arrogant demeanor had irked him, and now, seeing him suffer the same effects as Marina, a twisted satisfaction swelled within Hunter. He masked his amusement with a feigned concern, nodding empathetically at the old man's words.

"Tell me more about Nathaniel's condition. Are his symptoms similar to Lady Marina's? Is there anything else I should know?" Hunter inquired, his voice a careful balance of concern and curiosity.

The old man hesitated for a moment, his eyes narrowing as he assessed Hunter's intentions. Finally, he spoke with a weary tone, his voice laced with a touch of hopelessness. "Yes, young man. Nathaniel's symptoms mirror Lady Marina's. Their skin has turned hard as stone, and the pain they endure is relentless. We have sought countless healers and remedies, but to no avail. Our desperation led us to the kingdom's notice, in hopes of finding a miracle."

Hunter's eyes gleamed with a mix of intrigue and delight. He concealed his true intentions, the pleasure he derived from their suffering, behind a facade of concern. With every passing moment, his plan unfolded with precision, and the satisfaction of playing puppeteer in the lives of these influential figures danced within his mind.

As he followed the old man deeper into the palace, Hunter's mind brimmed with anticipation, relishing the opportunity to present himself as the unlikely savior of Lady Marina and Nathaniel. Little did they know that their salvation rested in the hands of a cunning and ruthless individual who reveled in the chaos he had set in motion.

As Hunter trailed behind the old man, he engaged in a silent conversation with the voice inside his head, his trusted system.

"System, this is a golden fucking opportunity we've stumbled upon. I know I'd get immense pleasure from watching that arrogant bastard Nathaniel suffer and die, but hear me out. If we save him, we can manipulate the situation and make his father, the damn minister, owe us a fucking favor," Hunter mused, his thoughts racing.

The system's response was unexpected, filling Hunter's mind with a sense of bewilderment.

[No. If you save Marina, Nathaniel will meet his inevitable demise, as you possess only a single antidote. The grief that engulfs the minister's heart will transform into a seething rage, and you will be his fucking target. Once he becomes your enemy, you'll be forced to shed more blood and embrace your true nature instead of sitting on your lazy ass brewing some lame ass juice. It's time you do something that fucking matters]

Hunter was taken aback by the system's words. It was the first time he had witnessed such a flood of chaotic and malevolent thoughts from his supposed guiding companion. This revelation shattered his preconceived notions of a traditional, obedient system, leaving him unsettled yet intrigued by the possibilities that lay ahead.