
Play list for this Chapter: The Man by Taylor Swift.

"You." I looked at the man, awestruck.

This has got to be a coincidence.

He raised his eyebrow questioningly before looking deep in my eyes and I saw recognition flash across his beautiful features. He frowned slightly and looked me up and down, his eyes darkening before he looked back at me.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me and I shook my head, collecting my thoughts before speaking.

"I... uhm... I came with my friends..." I pointed to the VIP section and he nodded, still observing me and I took a good look at him. He wore a black dress shirt with a grey coat and pants, and a black tie. He looked so handsome. I looked back up at him and realized I'd been looking too long, I averted my gaze.

"Sorry, I didn't see you, it's pretty crowded in here." I chuckled nervously and quickly went around him and made a beeline towards the bar, and ordered a drink, breathless.

I muttered a thank you to the bartender who looked at me questioningly.

"Don't ask." I told him and he went back to work. I took a couple shots to calm my rapidly beating heart and when I felt like I couldn't get any more drunk, I went to the dance floor, towards Abby who was now dancing with a different guy. She pulled me by my hand and I danced with her, closing my eyes and raising my hands above my head, slowly and sensually moving to the music, swaying my hips.

I felt someone's arms circle me from behind. My eyes shot open in alarm but then I closed them again and continued to dance with the stranger with a new found confidence.

We danced for what felt like hours and I stumbled up the stairs to the VIP section to go back to Cole. I walked over to what I assumed was our table and lost my balance, but quickly held onto someone's arm.

"Ah... I'm sorry... I thought you were Cole." I looked up to see whose arm I had held and gasped.

"It's you again!" I tried to let go of his arm but swayed dangerously, so he held both my arms to steady me.

"Why do I keep bum-bumping into you?" I asked him with half-lidded eyes and reached out to poke his chest. "You're real."

"Of course I'm real." He replied with his deep voice and I swooned internally.

"That's... nice to know..." I replied.

Seriously? That's all you could say?

"Well I'm sorry for holding your arm, but I'm very very drunk you see, so blame it on my drunk self. I'm going through a lot." I felt him help me sit down and I obliged.

"It's okay." He replied and I smiled at what I assumed was him since my vision was blurry right now.

"Good.. That's good. Oh by the way, what's your last name?" I asked him when I remembered what my friends asked me.

"Why do you want to know?" He asked me and I felt like he was frowning right now.

"No reason... Just asking. It's okay if you don't wanna tell me." I told him and closed my eyes, trying to steady my breathing.

I heard someone chuckle beside me. "She's the girl who bumped into you at that cafe, yes?" Someone asked him and he hummed in response.

"Are you talking about me?" I opened one eye to look at whoever just spoke but saw no one so I sighed. "I already apologized for bumping into you, but I also promised you coffee as an apology... Forgive me for I have... sinned." I yawned, covering my mouth with my hand and I heard another chuckle.

"lei è carina" I heard the other man say and I frowned. (She's cute)

"Is that Italian? I've always wanted to learn it..."

"Zitto cazzo." I heard Nicholas say. (Shut the fuck up.)

"What're you two saying?" I whined and heard another chuckle.

"Nothing that concerns you. Where are your friends or your boyfriend?" He asked me and I scowled.

"My boyfriend? He's probably fucking someone right now, that cheater... And one of my friends is dirty dancing with someone on the dance floor and the other is...." I sat up straight and looked around for Cole, and spotted him talking to someone on the phone."There he is!" I pointed towards Cole and got up.

"Well, thank you very much gentlemen for entertaining me but I 'll be going now.." I walked towards Cole slowly who stood up on seeing me and frowned.

"Dove? Are you drunk already?" He asked me worried.

I smiled at him and flung my arms around his neck, holding him for support. "Yup." I said popping the 'p'. "Can we go home now? I'm tired." I whined and he set me down on the couch and gave me a glass of water to drink.

"Here, drink this, I'll go get Abby." He handed me the water and left in search of Abby.

"Good luck finding her." I whispered to myself.

Cole was back in a few minutes and I stood up, having sobered up a bit by now. "Can we leave now?" I asked him and he helped me up.

"Yeah come on, Abby's in the car." I held him for support and we walked toward the staircase. We passed by Nicholas' booth and I waved towards him, while he looked at me with a frown.

We went down to our car where Abby was sitting in the back seat, texting someone on her phone. I sat in the front and Cole drove off. Poor guy. He had to babysit us.

I woke up to a blaring sound the next morning and reached for it on my bedside table. Turning off my alarm I squinted my eyes, trying to get used to the light of the phone. I groaned when I saw the time. It was already 9:30 am and we had class at 11 am. I dragged myself to the bathroom and washed my face and staring at the bird's nest on my head, and went to combing my hair after brushing my teeth.

Walking out of my room, I clutched my head on hearing the sound of the blender whirring.

"What is that unholy noise!" I shouted and the blender came to a halt, and Cole peeked out from the kitchen.

"Oh I'm sorry your highness, I was only making hangover smoothies for you two!" He pointed towards me and then Abby who was lying on her stomach on the floor in the living room.

I plopped down on the couch while Cole brought us our smoothies and medicine for the headaches.

"Thank you." I told him and he smirked, and I stuck my tongue out at him.

Quickly finishing my breakfast I went back to my room to change and found a cute turtleneck sweater and wore it with black pants, putting on a necklace and straightening my hair, I grabbed my bag and went out to see Cole putting on his coat.

"Ready to go?" He asked me and I nodded. "Abby! We're leaving!" He called and Abby came running out of her room, struggling to wear her socks.

"I'm here! I'm here!" She put on her shoes and I put on my black boots which had a slight heel and we all went to the car, and drove off towards college, which was a 10 minute ride from our place.

As soon as Cole parked the car, both Abby and I scrambled out and ran towards our departments. I had a literature class late today, as it was usually at 9 or 10 in the morning. I took a breath of relief when I saw the Professor wasn't here yet, and walked over to an empty seat, the Professor walking in shortly after.

The rest of the day dragged on slowly and I made my way to the cafeteria and saw Abby and Cole already sitting at our usual table. I took my lunch tray and sat with them, sighing loudly.

"I'm never going clubbing again on a weekday." I glared at Abby who giggled.

"But it was fun, wasn't it?" She asked me and I rolled my eyes.

"No. I feel like shit." I told her and she chuckled.

"What about me? I had to practically drag your drunk asses out of there." Cole complained and we both apologized to him.

"Who was the guy you were talking to Dove?" Abby suddenly me asked me and I looked at her with a confused expression.


"I saw you talking to a guy before you went to the bar, then talking to the same guy near our booth. Who was he?" She looked at me expectantly and even Cole put his phone down to listen in.

"Oh... He was the same guy I bumped into the cafe the day before, remember?" I told them and Abby's eyes went wide.

"What? Really?" She squealed. "The same handsome guy?"

"Yeah the same guy." I answered, twirling the spaghetti around my fork.

"Wow. This must be fate." Cole told me in a sing song voice and Abby agreed h=with him.

"It's not fate, it was a mere coincidence guys. No big deal. Chill." I told them and continued eating my lunch and they did too, often bringing up the same guy and I would shut them out every time.

Ugh. This isn't gonna be easy.