
Play list for this Chapter: Right Where You Left Me by Taylor Swift.

"Derek." I whispered, breathless. He looked so handsome in a tux and the girl on his arm, which I concluded was Angela, looked beautiful in a tight purple dress, her blonde hair falling down in waves.

"Is this the cheating boyfriend?" Nicholas whispered in my ear suddenly and I looked at him. My eyes said it all and the way his jaw clenched, he understood, because as soon as Derek came closer, an arm went around me and settled on the back of my chair.

Marking territory, I see.

I looked puzzled at Nicholas who looked at Derek with a cold look in his eyes, enough to make even my blood freeze over. The temperature seemed to drop by ten degrees and Derek stopped in his tracks, looking at the arm draped over my chair and at the man beside me, his face growing paler by the second.

"M-Mr. King... What an honor to have you here..." He stuttered like an idiot and Nicholas smirked. "Dove, what are you doing, get up from from there." He hissed at me and before I could say anything, Nicholas spoke.

"She's with me. You can leave now." Nicholas told him calmly but I could sense the anger rolling off of him.

"R-Right." Derek looked at him then me and dragged Angela with him to the seat farthest from us.

I breathed a sigh of relief once they were gone and relaxed, looking at Nicholas with a small smile.

"You didn't have to do that.." I whispered and he looked at me.

"I did. No one should be treated like that. Especially you." He looked at me earnestly.

"Thank you.. I really appreciate it." I told him and he gave me a slight nod, and I glanced in Derek's direction, who was looking at me with an unreadable expression of his face.

Our food came soon and we all dug in, and I moaned slightly when flavor burst in my mouth.

"Mmmm. This is so good." I smiled and looked beside me to see Nicholas looking at me with a weird expression. I stopped chewing, and licked my lips slightly and saw his eyes darken, a dangerous glint in them as he glanced at my lips then back at my face, before I heard someone call my name, and I tore my gaze from his.

"Dove, you look absolutely gorgeous today!" Lauren told me and I smiled at her.

"Thank you, you look lovely too." And I wasn't lying. She wore a light pink shimmery dress looked beautiful on her, her light brown hair tied back in a sleek ponytail. We ate in silence except the usual small talk people tried to make with Nicholas but he ignored them all. After eating, Lauren cut her cake which was vanilla flavored with strawberry cream. We all got a slice and I dug in mine happily, savoring the sweet taste.

"Aren't you going to eat that?" I asked Nicholas, pointing to his untouched cake and he looked up from his phone.

"No." He answered.

"Why not? You're wasting perfectly good cake."

"You can have it." He slid the plate towards me and I gave him a wide smile.

"Really? Thank you so much!" I dug in cake and finished it quickly and he chuckled at me, and I looked up at him.

"What?" I asked him.

"Nothing. Quindi ti piacciono le cose dolci, eh?" He said and I frowned. (So you like sweet things, huh?)

"What are you saying?" I asked him and he shook his head, then glanced at my lips.

"You have cream on your lip." He said with his eyes still on my lips and I sucked in a sharp breath, wiping my lips with a napkin.

"Is it gone now?" I asked him and he looked at my eyes before glancing at my lips again and sighed.

"Me ne pentirò..."( I'm going to regret this...) He leaned forward and brought out his thumb, slowly wiping the cream from my lip, and cleaning his thumb with the napkin in my hand.

"Gone now." He said, glancing at me briefly before clearing his throat and going back to texting on his phone. "Merda." (Shit)

Blood rushed to my cheeks and I quickly averted my gaze, looking anywhere but him and my gaze landed on my friends who were looking at me with wide eyes. I shrugged lightly and saw Derek and Angela giving me dirty looks, but I decided it was best to ignore them.

After we were done and the presents had been opened, everyone started leaving and Cole and Abby came running to me with my coat in their hand. Nicholas was still texting someone on his phone.

I wonder whom he's been talking to this whole time. Not that I care. Right?

The moment my friends reached me Nicholas got up from his seat and took my coat from Cole's hands, holding it for me to wear. I looked at him for a moment before slipping my hands in my coat.

"Thank you." I whispered to him and he nodded, then I turned towards my friends. "Let's go.."

"Wait." His voice stopped us in our tracks and everyone else looked at him, while I turned around slowly to look at him. "Come with me. I'll drop you home." He told me.

"Oh.. uh... that's okay, I'm going with them." I pointed to my friends and he frowned.

"I'm sure they don't mind. Will they?" Nicholas looked at them and I couldn't help but notice the slight threat in his eyes the way Cole and Abby shook their heads and left running.

"Traitors." I whispered and Nicholas chuckled behind me.

"Come on, this way." He led me out of the restaurant with his hand on the small of my back, making me feel electrified.

Out of nowhere someone grabbed my arm and pushed me backwards and I fell on the cold pavement on my butt.

"Ow!" I said and Nicholas suddenly turned towards me with a confused expression on his face, before coming to me and helping me up off the ground.

"Are you okay?" He asked me but before I could answer, someone came out from the shadows.

"You bitch!" Angela screamed and lunged at me but Nicholas came in front of me, grabbing hold of Angela's arm.

"Step. Away. From. Her." He hissed at her and I recoiled at the anger in his voice, while Angela paled and he shoved her away.

"Why are you protecting her? She's a slut!" She screamed again, holding her arm that Nicholas had gripped. Derek came out on hearing Angela and paled when he saw Nicholas.

"Angela! Keep your voice down!" He hissed at her but she didn't listen to him.

"Why should I listen to you? She's the slut!" Sh screamed and I lost it, and went around Nicholas, fire in my eyes towards Angela and Derek.

"I'm the slut?" I laughed in her face. "Oh I'm sorry, I'm not the one who walked in on her boyfriend fucking another woman. But he must be fucking someone else now, isn't he?" I glance at Derek who gulped. "I pity you." I looked between the both of them and went back to Nicholas, taking his arm and dragging him away from there.

He took me to his car and I sat down in the passenger seat, while he sat in the driver's seat and started the car, and drove off.