Innocent? Nah.

Playlist for this chapter: Be my Queen by Seafret, Genius by LSD, Sia and Labrinth, A Sky Full of Stars by Coldplay.

She stirred in her sleep and sat up slowly, opening her eyes and stretching before looking at me.

Those eyes could kill.

"Nicholas?" She spoke in her sweet sleepy voice, and that sent a jolt through me and heat rushed in my body. "What time is it?" She glanced at her phone, her eyes widening and she shot out of her chair.

"Shit, I'm going to be late!" She ran around her room, gathering her things.

I held her arm to stop her from panicking and she bumped into my chest.

She has to one of the most clumsy people I've met.

She looked up at me with wide eyes.

"Calm down. You're not going to be late." I told her, holding her by her arms. "Breathe." She took a deep breath and gave me a small smile.

"I'm okay now." She whispered.

"You're okay now." I whispered to her and her breathing evened until I let her go.

"Thanks. I needed that." She breathed out, looking around her room. "I'm going to get ready now." She told me and I stood there like an idiot just staring at her. "Um... you can wait out.." She said and I realized she needed to change.

"Right. I'll be down if you need me." I told her and left the room, closing the door behind me and going down the stairs.

"She ready yet?" Jake asked me and I shook my head.

"Fell asleep working." I told him and he nodded his head, heading back to the living room, and I followed him.

I started texting my men on my phone to let them know where I was headed so they could come there too.

"Tell Carlo to bring his men to Jack's Coven. It's near that Rosie's cafe." I told Jake who nodded and took out his phone immediately and made a call to Carlo. Just then I heard a door open and looked towards the stairs where Dove came down.

My breath hitched and my heart started beating furiously. I sucked in a sharp breath, taking in the sight in front of me. There stood Dove, in a very short black skirt. Emphasis on very. A black crop top on top and knee high black boots that clung to her legs. She turned around to adjust the zip on her boots and damn... that ass. Standing back up straight she turned to look at me, a wicked smile making its way on her face. She had put on red lipstick. Fuck. I felt the heat rush down to my groin.

Just then Jake turned around and his phone fell down from his hand.

"Sweet mother of Jesus." He said, his mouth agape, looking her up and down. He looked at me and then back at Dove. "I thought she was innocent." He whispered in my ear and I nodded my head. She walked over to us, very slowly. Like she was coming to torture us. Hell, she was torturing us.

"You look um... very uh... nice..." I told her, my hands itching to grab her but I balled them into fists at my sides.

"I'll be waiting out." Jake said, quickly taking his eyes off of her and practically running out. He knew I'd gauge his eyes out if he stayed there any longer. She ran a hand through her straight hair.

"Thank you." She told me, coming closer. "Although... I wish I could say the same about you." Her voice dropped to a whisper and she ran her fingers across my cheek, tracing my jawline. I ran my tongue across my teeth and clenched my jaw.

"We should go now." I told her, averting my gaze. God knows what I'd do if looked at her any longer. So inviting. She was practically screaming at me to tear apart all her clothes.

"Just a minute." She ran to the living room and came back carrying a guitar case and a black leather jacket. She put it on her shoulders.

Thank god she covered herself up or I'd have to do it for her.

"Ready. Let's go now." She said and opened the door. I went out, the cold air sobering me up and I glanced at Jake who leaned against his car. I went towards him while Dove locked her door.

He chuckled and I glared at him.

"I thought she was innocent... She's a killer queen.." He glanced at her back and I snapped my fingers in front of his face.

"Eyes here." I told him and he looked back at me, smirking.

"Good luck. Looks like you'll need it." He smirked and sat in his car, driving off.

"Nicholas?" I heard her sweet voice and turned around to see her waiting for me.

"Yeah. Come on." I opened the door for her and she sat in, and I went in the other side, starting the ignition and driving into the night towards the bar. I tried very hard not to look at her bare legs as her skirt rode up every time she moved a bit. And then she crossed her leg on the other and fuck... My grip on the steering wheel tightened by a large amount.

"Fanculo. Non sai cosa mi stai facendo tesoro." (Fuck. You don't know what you're doing to me darling.) I gritted my teeth and she looked at me questioningly.

We stopped in front of the bar and I saw my men were already here. I looked at her glancing out the window at all the armored cars and men.

"These yours?" She asked without looking at me and I hummed in response.

When she did look at me, I lost it. "What?" She asked me so innocently and I swallowed.

Fuck this.

I grabbed her by the nape of her neck and pulled her to me, crashing my lips onto hers, running my hand in her hair as her arms hooked around my neck. I pulled my seat back and pulled her into my lap so that she was straddling me. Her hands gripped my hair, running her hands through them. I groaned, biting her lip and she gasped. I licked her lip slowly, sensually and she moaned ever so slightly and it turned me on even more.

I tilted her head to kiss her deeper, holding her bare waist roughly, possessively, like she was all mine. Her tiny top rode up, revealing a bit of her bra and I slid my hands under her top. She moaned against my lips and I kissed her jawline, leaving a trail of wet kisses all the way to her neck. I pulled her even closer to me if that was possible, her hands running over my neck and settling on my stomach.

"Nicholas..." She moaned and that sent a wave of heat right to my groin that had hardened by now. Fuck I wanted her so bad but I couldn't. Not here. Not now. This realization was like a slap to my face and I pulled away from her, leaving her panting for air.

"Why... why do you keep on kissing me?" She asked me breathless and I smirked.

"Because I love the way you say my name.." I breathed onto her lips, placing a lingering kiss there before pulling away and letting her back onto her seat.

"Fuck." I whispered. That felt amazing.

She looked at her phone, then rest her head against the seat and looked at me.

"If you get me fired, I'll kill you." She whispered and I ran my thumb across her lip.

"I'd like to see you try." I whispered back and she straightened up, taking out her red lipstick from her bag and applying a fresh coat on her lips. Can't say the action didn't make me want to kiss her again.

"Come on." I opened my door and so did she, getting out of the car. I welcomed the cold air that cooled me down a bit. She walked towards the entrance and I followed her behind, a long line of people waiting to enter. It was a good place.

I saw the men staring at her as she passed them. I glared at each and every one and all of them averted their gaze. It's good they know who I am. I caught up with her, putting my arm around her waist. She looked at me and smiled. I looked ahead, my men falling in line behind me in their usual order. She glance behind us and looked at me. Guess she noticed the security.

"You carry too much baggage." She whispered to me and I smirked, walking into the club with her. Did I mention it was a club and not a bar? Guess she was being modest.

She walked straight towards the DJ and said something to him, he nodded and gave her an ID, and she turned around and looked at me.

"It's almost my turn so I'm going backstage, okay?" She shouted over the music and I nodded, and she left. I saw Jake and he sauntered over to me.

"Let's find a place to sit." He told me and I nodded, looking around till I spotted her friends. I walked over to them, Jake close on my heels. Both of them looked my way and Abby waved at us. I went over to them and settled in a seat. We talked a bit before the music slowed down.

"Dove's coming up!" Abby shouted over the noise, but soon the noise drowned away and the club that was full of life became quiet, as if the calm before a storm.

A light suddenly went off in front on the large stage and I could see a grand piano sitting there and in front of it, Dove. She looked ethereal up there. They way the light hit her in all the right places, like she was really an angel. I couldn't look away.

Then she started playing the piano, slowly, and then faster. I recognized the song immediately. It was Coldplay's A Sky Full of Stars. I remembered this song from a few years back. I remember listening to it with Jake for the first time. I glanced at him and saw him with the biggest smile on his face.

The way her fingers hovered over the keys. She closed her eyes and started singing. To say it was the most beautiful voice I'd ever heard would be an understatement. It was so mesmerizing, I couldn't look away. And then her eyes opened and her gaze found mine, she smiled.

And I smiled right back at her.