Deep Shit

Playlist for this chapter: Tolerate It by Taylor Swift.

We were still holding on to each other, the crisp night air fanning our faces as we breathed heavily, panting for air in the warm water, when a phone rang. I figured it was his the way his face scrunched up in disgust, but he didn't let me go.

"Your um... phone is ringing..." I told him, looking into his deep eyes, my previous confidence vanished into thin air like it was never there.

"I don't fucking care." He grunted, pulling me closer but his phone kept ringing, so I had to push him away a bit.

Not that I wanted to. His ringtone was getting really annoying now.

"You should take it.. Could be important." I told him as I swam to the edge of the pool, slowly letting myself out of the water, I shivered immediately.

Is it just me or did it just get colder?

The warmth of his arms now gone, I realized I was half naked in lacy lingerie in front of a man I barely knew and dripping wet.. With no spare clothes. Nicholas realized this too when his eyes looked me over as he picked his phone up and put it to his ear.

"This better be fucking worth it." He growled into his his phone and I pitied the person on the other side. Almost.

He started talking in Italian after a brief glance to me and went inside, while I was left here wondering about my stupid decisions. Just then my phone ringed and I took it out of my jacket, sitting on the couch and glancing at the screen briefly before answering it.

"Hey Cole." I sighed.

"Hey Dove, just calling to check in on you. Abby would've called but she's... indisposed... at the moment and muttered something about you having class in the morning so I thought I'd call and ask. Everything good there?"

"Yeah... yeah everything's fine... I'll be home in a while, don't worry you can go to sleep... and thanks.." I told him.

"No worries Winchester. Stay safe, love you."

"Love you too.." I said and ended the call and felt something on my shoulders. I looked behind me to see Nicholas drying his hair with a towel while one was placed on my shoulders. I took it and dried myself.

"Come with me." He told me and I followed him up the stairs, and into a a bedroom I assumed was a spare. "You can change here." He said and left, leaving me staring at him.


I quickly took off my wet lingerie and wore my skirt and shirt, putting my wet clothes in a bag I found and quickly slipping my jacket on, I walked downstairs, where Nicholas leaned against the kitchen island, drinking a glass of water.

"I'm going to leave now.." I spoke and he looked me over, and grabbed his coat off the couch that he wore previously. He came to me and dropped it over my shoulders. I could smell his cologne and felt light headed almost immediately.

"Come. I'll take you home." He told me grabbing his keys.

"Oh it's fine.. I'll take a cab." I told him, pulling his coat tighter around me to feel its warmth.

"I wasn't asking. Come on." He said and I huffed before following him out.

"Are you going somewhere at this hour?" I asked him as my eyes wandered to his dressed form in a perfectly pressed suit.

It fit him so well. I swooned internally.

"Yes. I have to take care of some... things... at work." The way he said 'things' made me wonder what he'd be doing. He told me slowly, as if he was measuring what to say. I hummed in response as we drove to my house in silence. He parked in front of my front gate and we sat there in an awkward silence.

"Thank you... for dinner... and for coming to see me perform tonight... It meant a lot to me.." I said, slowly glancing at him to see him looking out the window.

"Don't mention it." He told me and I figured it was time to go now.

"Right.. um... I'll be going now.." I said as I opened the car door and turned to leave, and my thoughts got the best of me. I turned around, glancing at him to see him looking at me intently. Leaning forward, I placed a chaste kiss to his cheek and practically ran out of the car, breathing heavily as I unlocked the door and closing it behind me as I scrambled inside, without looking back.

I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard his car start and drive off after a few seconds, and made my way upstairs and went into my room without making any noise. Cole and Abby must've been asleep because the lights were off.

Quickly hanging his coat on the back of my chair, I patted it and took off my clothes, hopping into the warm shower. As the water poured down my face, I remembered how his lips felt on mine in the pool, how our bodies were so close and how the moment felt so intimate. My eyes closed, remembering every detail that had been etched into my mind and would play on repeat for a good few days.

I sighed loudly, getting out of the shower and putting on my fluffiest pajamas, cuddling into my warm blanket. And as I stared at the ceiling of my dark room, all thoughts Nicholas swirled into my head as I tried to close my eyes, only to open them again.

"Oh god. I'm in some deep shit."