Birthday Girl

Playlist for this Chapter: Bad Liar by Imagine Dragons, Right Where You Left Me by Taylor Swift.


I saw her retreating figure and followed her but the elevators closed before I could reach her. I banged the controls in frustration.

"FUCK!" I shouted, running towards the emergency exit when Sofia caught my arm.

"Don't follow her Nicholas, you'll only lead that whore on." She rolled her eyes and I pulled my arm from her grip, anger rising within me.

"She, is not a whore and you've already done too much damage so stay out of my fucking way or I swear I'll kill you." I hissed at her and she took a step back in fear and I ran down the stairs. But I was too late. I saw her getting into a cab and driving off as I called her name. And suddenly it felt like the world was ending.

It had been a year today now, and I hadn't seen her. Nowhere. I waited for her at the café and the bar she sang at but she didn't show up there. I went to her college but she wasn't there. I even went to her house but I found out she'd left and Cole and Abby refused to talk to me.

It drove me crazy. I missed her comments, her comforting scent and her soft lips. I was going crazy.

Every night I would come back to the penthouse drunk, staying till late at clubs and working in the day to keep my mind off of her.

But I didn't sleep with anyone. I was going to prove her wrong. She was the only one for me.

But there were moments when I thought of her. I couldn't sleep at night because her innocent face was all I could see when I closed my eyes. She'd be crying, and the whole scene of her leaving me would replay in my head over and over again. I was frustrated to the point I started breaking random things. Throwing bottles at the wall, killing the people in the cells mindlessly and unnecessarily shouting and screaming at people.

Sofia stayed with one of my cousins, but she didn't leave my side. Told me to forget her and move on. Apparently she said we were getting engaged, but I told her to fuck off, because there was no way I was marrying her.

I clenched and unclenched my fist to relieve the throbbing pain in my hand because of punching the mirror in the morning and causing it to shatter, when Jake came in, breathless.

"Ace. We found her." Was all he said and I was out of my seat.

"Where is she?" I asked him and he came to me.

"She's at her parents house. Hasn't come out of there even once so we didn't know if she was there or not." He said and I nodded, gathering my things.

"Ace." He said but I ignored him.


"ACE!" He said, grabbing my arm and I glared at him.

"What?!" I snapped and he shook his head.

"You need to calm down. Have a clear head when you go to her." He said and I scoffed.

"You have no idea how hurt she was Jake. I'm willing to do anything it takes to bring her back to me at this point." I said through clenched teeth and he nodded.

"I know, I know. But you need to calm down. Come up with a plan. Think of what you'll say to her. And not just her, her sister and her parents. You have to face them too." He said and I dropped back into my chair, running a hand through my hair.

"You're right. We'll leave tomorrow morning. Get everything prepared. You're coming with me." I told him.

"Alright. Now you go home and take a shower, shave and get some sleep. You look like a depressed rat. Think of what you'll say alright?"

"Si." I replied, putting my coat on and leaving the office. "I'm going to get you back sweetheart." I whispered to myself, getting in the car and driving off.

* DOVE *

"Dove sweetheart Liam's here!" My mom called from downstairs and I looked out from my bedroom window and saw Liam talking to my dad.

"Coming mom!" I shouted back and went into the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror. I turned the water on, washing my face for the third time today. I'd been crying again, thinking of... him.

It had been a year now, and I was doing so much better. So much had happened in this time. Ava and Dan got engaged and were living together. Their wedding was quite close actually. Lauren and Cole had gotten together and Abby started sating a guy named Josh from our college. It was like everyone had moved on.. but me.

I came back to my parent's house with Dan and Ava, but we didn't tell my parents about Nico. I just couldn't. We told them I was homesick and wanted to stay here for a while, and I took online classes on my laptop so I wouldn't miss college. I even spent Christmas here, and today, it was the first of January... My birthday. A year had passed since that fiasco and I had put it behind me. Almost.

I'd bumped into a childhood sweetheart of mine at the supermarket a day after I came here, and didn't recognize him at first, but he did. Liam Forbes, my childhood and high school crush, and every girl's dream boyfriend at that time, with his blonde hair and ocean blue eyes that captivated you.

We were good friends back then, but I never told him I liked him because I was afraid I would ruin our friendship. Our parents were childhood friends so we both just... clicked...

I staggered to my closet and wore the black floor length dress Ava and I had bought a few days ago for my birthday. I wasn't very keen on celebrating it, but everyone insisted that I do. I put on my black heels and put on some make up to hide the dark circles from the lack of sleep and my puffy eyes. I put on small earrings and a silver locket my mom gave me in the morning, twirling in front of the mirror and smiling to myself.

I walked downstairs and saw Liam laughing to something my dad said. I cleared my throat to get their attention and they both looked at me, a smile tugging at their lips.

Liam looked dashing in a black tux and black tie and it reminded me of him again. How amazing he looked in a suit. I shook my head and smiled at them.

"You look lovely darling." My dad said and hugged me.

"Wow. You look... beautiful..." Liam said and I blushed at his compliment. Yes, Liam could make even married women blush, and I was just a broken one.

"You look good too." I said and he smiled at me.

"So are we all ready?" Mom came to us wearing a maroon dress and smiled.

"Yes. You look lovely mom." I told her and she smiled.

"Thank you dear, you do too. Could you ask Ava when she'll be here?" She said and right on cue, Dan's car honked outside and moments later both of them walked in, all ready.

"Wow Dove! I told you the dress was amazing!" She squealed and hugged me and Dan wished me a happy birthday and hugged me too. The doorbell rang once again and my dad opened it and I smiled when Cole and Abby came in.

"You guys came!" I said hugging them and they put aside the bags they brought with them.

"Of course we would. There was no way we were missing this." Cole said and we all walked out after I introduced them to Liam.

We went to an upscale five star restaurant. I looked around and saw people heading inside. And in a side I saw many black cars parked with men around them.

Someone important must be dining here, I thought as Liam came to stand beside me and offered me his arm. I couldn't help but feel like someone was watching me and I looked around before glancing back at Liam again.

I must be paranoid.

"My lady." He grinned at me and I took his arm, heading inside where we were led to a corner decorated with black and gold balloons.

I looked around at the fancy chandeliers hanging down and the people in long evening dresses with champagne glasses in their hands.

"This is all so beautiful. Thank you so much guys." I said as we sat down on our seats and I admired the black and gold theme.

"Anything for you darling." My dad said, giving me a warm smile and soon our food came and I dug in, enjoying the delicious foods. There were so many dishes that I couldn't decide what to eat, but I ended up eating a little of everything.

Somewhere during dinner Liam's hand came to rest on my thigh and I glanced at him and saw him smiling at me. I smiled back at him, covering his had with mine as he intertwined our fingers, enjoying my wine, when the chef came out, holding a large cake in his hand, candles with the number 23 on top.

I laughed when everyone sang the birthday song, clapping along with them and smiling so widely my cheeks hurt. And for the first time in this one month, I was happy. I felt happy and grateful to be surrounded by the people I loved.

Everyone, except him.

We took lots of pictures, making weird poses and laughing at each other. The wine had taken a toll on us.

"Make a wish Dovey!" Abby said and Liam took my hand as I smiled at everyone, closing my eyes and wishing for the first thing that came to my mind.


"Come on Dove, the candles are melting, blow them!" My dad said and I snapped out of my daze, blowing the candles and then cutting my cake. Liam took a small spoon and fed me a piece of the cake and I laughed at him, feeding him and everyone else a piece too.

It was then when everything went quite. The whole restaurant hushed like they were frozen. Everyone on our table froze and Abby, Cole, Ava and Dan's eyes widened as they stared behind me.

It was like the calm before the storm. The temperature dropped, Liam's hand left mine and everyone including me held their breath, the guests and staff looking at me with awe and surprise as I waited with baited breath for the other shoe to drop.

I felt the all too familiar scent envelop me and I fell in a daze, closing my eyes when a hand came to rest on my waist, sending jolts of electricity through me and a kiss trailed my neck, the spoon in my hand falling down with a thud, the voice echoing in the hall and hot breath fanning my neck as a voice spoke loud enough for everyone to hear.

"I'm here my love."