Losing Sense

Playlist for this Chapter: No body, No Crime by Taylor Swift, My Tears Ricochet by Taylor Swift.

Adriana and Stuart left after breakfast and took Matteo with him, and I decided to read a book from the library in the house while Nico ad Jake were in his office.

I clicked on the next song, plugging in my head phones and getting lost in the romance book. The sky had begun to darken now when an all too familiar scent enveloped me and and a hot hand settled on one side of my neck while a trail of kisses were left on the other.

I closed my eyes at the touch, jolts of electricity running through my body as his lips grazed my ear before pulling out my headphones, he bit my earlobe lightly, making me slightly moan.

"Having fun without me amore mio?" (My love) He whispered and I smiled, opening my eyes and turning my head to face him after closing the book.

"Yup." I replied, popping the 'p' and he smiled slightly before going around the couch and sitting next to me. He held his arms open and I climbed onto his lap as he got comfortable and rest my head onto his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat.

"I want to talk to you about something important tesoro." (sweetheart) He said after a while and I looked up at him.

"What is it Nico?" I asked him and he sighed.

"You had a nightmare... the day before yesterday." He said and I frowned at the horrible memory.

"I know it affected you to an extent that you passed out but I need to hear it." As soon as he said this my eyes widened. "Only if you're comfortable my love, there's no pressure." He added and I nodded.

"I-..I want to tell you, I do." I told him and he took my hand, rubbing it gently. I laid back on his chest and played with the ring on his hand absent mindedly.

"The dream followed when I woke up after the accident... In a hospital room, I was bandaged and there was an I.V attached to my hand." I told him and paused. He kissed the top of my head, making me relax a bit and I continued forward.

I described what Giovanni, the supposed man looked like and how he said his men had found me stuck in my flipped over car. I told him how he resembled Jake a lot and Nico grunted.

"Is he related to Jake in any way?′ I asked him and he frowned.

"It's not my place to say my love, Jake will tell you himself when he's comfortable. Okay?" He said and I nodded, continuing with my story.

I told Nico what he said about him killing people and other stuff, to which Nico tensed.

"I didn't believe him at first. I didn't trust his words but he... he managed to convince me... and to be honest, I was hurt. Of why you didn't tell me anything yourself." I said with a shaky breath and Nico scowled.

"I wanted to my love, but I was scared you'd leave me if I did. I thought I could tell you later on, but clearly that didn't work out very well. I'm sorry. You deserved to hear it from me." He said and I kissed his lips briefly before pulling away.

"It's okay, I know you had your reasons. I forgive you." I said and he relaxed, breathing a sigh of relief.

"Thank you amore mio. It means a lot to me that you forgive me." He said and I smiled, telling him the rest.

I told him what he said about his father being killed by Nico and threatening to kill his friend too, and how he would use me to destroy him. I could feel him getting angrier by the second, his fists clenching and unclenching, his knuckles turning white.

I got up from his chest to look into his eyes to see a war raging inside his beautiful eyes, that were now dangerously dark and cold. So much that I scrambled off of him seeing the power radiating from him.

"Nico?" I asked softly, cupping his cheek and he gulped, standing up and kicking the glass table with such force that it shattered to pieces that flew everywhere, some landing on me.

He threw everything around in his path, cursing and shouting and I yelped in pain when the glass cut the skin on my hands and legs, and Jake came running down.

"What the hell happened here?" He shouted and looked at the shattered table then at Nico and at my bleeding hands and legs, his eyes widening.

"Quel cazzo di bugiardo! E ha usato anche te! Lo ammazzo, cazzo!" (That fucking liar! And he used you too! I'll fucking kill him!) Nico bellowed and I flinched, scared at his sudden outburst, when Jake ran up to me.

"Oh god Dove, are you okay?" He crouched down next to me when he looked at my tear stained face an Nico looked over at us, his furious eyes filling with panic and worry when he saw me.

"Dove, sweetheart I'm so sorry." He came to me and tried to reach out to me but I flinched at his touch and moved away.

"D-don't touch me Nicholas!" I yelled, tears streaming down my face as Jake glared at a helpless Nico.

"What the fuck did you do?!" Jake shouted at Nico and picked me up in his arms bridal style, carrying me away from Nico an into a bedroom. He called someone after laying me down on the bed, and a doctor came running in the room with a box.

I was bandaged and my wounds were cleaned. Jake sat next to me as I sat on his bed numb.

"Are you okay?" He asked me softly and I looked at him for a moment before looking away.

"I don't know." I whispered, pulling my legs closer to my chest and felt a stinging pain in my legs. Just then a maid came in with a tray of food and Jake took it from her and sat in front of me.

"Come on, you lost some blood so you need to eat." He said but I shook my head.

"I'm not hungry."

"Please Dove. For me?" He said and gave me a toothy smile. "You can't say no to this face." He said and only seconds later I smiled.

"See, you can't say no to this handsome face. Come on now." He said and stabbed the fork in the pasta and held it out to me.

I rolled my eyes playfully at him and ate it. "Yeah right." I said and he kept feeding me until the plate was clean.

We watched a movie after and before I knew it, the day took it's toll on me and I fell into a deep slumber.

* NICHOLAS *I couldn't help it, the anger took over me and I fucked things up. I hurt Dove, I hurt my love so bad.

And she called me by my full name. Nicholas. Not Nico. She does that when she's angry or scared of me.

She's scared of me.

"Fuck!" I shouted when her tear stained face came in front of me and how she flinched at my touch, like she was disgusted by it. I ran a hand through my hair. I showed her the side of me I never wanted her to see, and now guilt was eating away at me like anything.

It had been a good few hours since Jake took her and tended to her wounds. She must be asleep by now. Thank god Jake was here. But the thought of someone else taking care of her just didn't sit right with me.

Even if Jake was like my brother, I wanted it to be me. No one else but me. Releasing a frustrated breath I finally gathered up the courage and walked towrads Jake's room.

I opened the door carefully and saw Jake sitting at the edge of the bed, tucking her hair behind her ear. My heart clenched at the sight and a I felt a sudden pang in my chest, a sudden feeling of possessiveness, and I would have chopped his hands off if he were someone else.

And right on cue, Jake saw me and gave me a stern look that I knew quite well, that had fucked up. Bad. I walked over to them slowly and noticed she was asleep, in Jake's bed. Not mine, his.

I glared t Jake who understood and stood up, pulling me by my arm to a side.

"Have you returned to your fucking senses? Or do I have to knock some into you?" He said and I clenched my fists.

"I know I fucked up, no need to rub it in." I said through clenched teeth and Jake let out a frustrated breath and sighed.

"What the hell happened to make you so angry?" He asked.

"It's a long story." I replied, looking at the beautiful angel who slept s peacefully.

"I have all the time in the world, Ace." He said and sat on one of the couches in his room and gestured me to sit. All I wanted was to carry her back to my bed right now and hold her in my arms, but knowing Jake, he wouldn't let me go until I told him the full story.

So I sat down, and related everything Dove had told me to Jake, who listened with rapt attention to every single word.

"That is the biggest fucking nonsense I've heard. But what can I say, it's Giovanni we're talking about here. That fucker is a sick bastard." Jake said angrily but then threw me a glare.

"But that is still no way to treat her Ace, she could have been seriously hurt. And you should have seen her face, she was so scared of you." He said and I ran a hand over my face, sighing deeply.

"I know, I know. And I'm willing to do anything it takes to earn her forgiveness. Anything." I said and Jake nodded solemnly.

"Alright. You can take her to your room. But knowing her, she might throw a fit tomorrow." He said chuckling and a small grin made it's way onto my face.

"Yeah. I know." And with that I went to her sleeping figure, carefully scooping her in my arms and carried her to my room, where she belongs. With me.

I put her in the bed and pulled the covers over her, noticing the bandages on her fragile arms and legs and scowled.

"I'm so sorry amore mio. Please forgive me." I said and kissed her forehead, quickly going to change my clothes and taking a shower, I slipped under the covers beside her.

She stirred in her sleep a bit and I pulled her to my chest, wrapping my arms around her waist when she mumbled something.

"You scared me Nico. You hurt me." She whispered quietly through half lidded eyes but I could see the pain in them. I kissed her forehead once again and pulled her closer.

"I'm so sorry my love, I'm so sorry..." I whispered in her ears again and again until she fell back asleep and soon after, I did too, losing myself in her comforting rosy scent.

I'll earn your forgiveness for everything tesoro.