His Bloody Past

Playlist for this Chapter: Hero by Faouzia, Lovely by Billie Eilish

When I woke up, I was in Nico's room and the sky was bright. I patted the side beside me but it was empty, no sign of Nico, so I dragged myself out of bed and into the bathroom, taking a quick shower.

I put on a silky green button down and wore beige pants with it, and decided against a coat since it was warmer today. Looks like spring's approaching fast.

When I came out of the bathroom, a maid was already making the bed and stood straighter when she saw me.

"Mrs. King." She regarded me and I frowned.

Mrs. King?

The name made me shiver suddenly but for some reason I wasn't appalled by it... Rather satisfied.

"Everyone is waiting for you downstairs in the drawing room. Would you like anything else Mrs. King?" She asked.

"Um.. no it's fine... Call me Dove please. I'm not Nico's wife." I chuckled and she gave me a small smile.

I can already imagine Nico's smug face when he hears of this.

"As you wish Mrs. Ki- I mean Ms. Dove." She said and I smiled at her once before heading downstairs after slipping on my shoes.

When I entered the drawing room, everyone was there. And I mean everyone.

I saw Nico's uncles, cousins and a few more people I failed to recognize sitting there. And then him, looking right at me. His dark blue eyes boring into mine. Jake noticed his gaze and saw me, smiling and stood up.

"And there she is everyone, our hero!" He said and everyone turned around to look at me and cheered. I blushed at the attention and walked towards Nico who stood up when I came closer to him.

He winced in pain but masked it immediately as he pulled out a chair, giving me a soft smile and I sat down, him following suit.

"How are you feeling now Dove?" Jake asked me and I smiled at him.

"Better now thank you. Did I miss anything?" I asked him, making him chuckle.

"You should've seen this guy, running around all crazy when you were out cold." He pointed to Nico who didn't even glance at him, and kept looking at me.

"How long was I out?"

"Two days nearly." Jake said and my eyes widened.

What. The. Hell?

"Two days?" I said in disbelief and he nodded.

Just then some snacks were served and we all ate, chatting comfortably. Nico didn't say anything, just a nod or a grunt to anyone who talked to him, but that was all.

Why is he in a mood?

He just kept looking at me and wasn't even being subtle about it. Suddenly Stuart stood up with a some difficulty with Adriana's help and clinked his glass, drawing everyone's attention.

"Now I'm going to make this short, but I'd just like to thank one person here for saving my life." He looked at me meaningfully and smiled. "Thank you, Dove, for helping me out. I owe you one." He said and downed his glass, everyone following suit and agreeing.

"And don't forget me, she hit a man's head with Ace's favorite vase to save me." Matteo said and everyone laughed.

"But seriously though, you were badass! Where did you learn those moves? And the way you threw that knife and shot Giovanni like you were a pro!" Matteo asked and I chuckled.

"I learned them last year... Self-defense, and kinda went a little overboard." I said and everyone laughed.

"But most importantly, you saved our young boy's life. And twice, if I may add. You were quite brave and could have easily ran off but you chose to fight alongside us and that is why we owe you our lives." Stefano said and everyone agreed with him.

"And I have to say, you did what none of us could do, not even Ace. Hitting Giovanni twice!" Salvatore laughed and everyone joined him.

"Ace aren't you going to say anything to her?" Adriana said and Nico looked at me meaningfully and I back at him. He gave me a small smile, lifting my hand up to his lips and kissed it.

I'm melting right now.

"I can never repay what you did for me. You shot a man in the head for me. You gave your blood and risked your life for me. Nothing I do can ever repay this so instead, I'll always keep you by my side and make sure you are always happy and safe." He said, eyes glistening.

"Thank you, for everything my love. You have done so much in my life and I feel like a better man today. All because of you." He said and I smiled widely, embracing him while everyone cheered for us.

I'm done for.

"I love you." He whispered in my ear, making me blush.

"I love you too." I whispered back and we pulled away after he kissed my forehead.

I met some more of Nico's cousins and his aunts, a few girl cousins too and Adrianna personally thanked me for helping Stuart out.

Jake and Matteo had to help Nico up to the room while I followed behind. When he was settled into bed, he called out to me and I made my way to him with a smile on my face, sitting next to him on the bed, I rested my head on his shoulder.

"How are you feeling now love?" He asked me after a while.

"Better. You?′ I said and he hummed in response. I sighed and turned to face him.

"Okay what's wrong?" I asked him but he frowned.

"What's wrong?"

"Don't act innocent Nico, come one. Tell me what's wrong." I said and he ran a hand across his face.

"Why did you do it?" He said and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Do what?"

"Shoot that man. You killed him. Don't tell me that doesn't affect you." He said and I looked away.

"He was going to hurt you and-.." I said but he cut me off.

"And what Dove?" His voice was now higher than before. "Do you think this is a joke? I clearly told you to go to the room but you didn't. Then you risked yourself by saving Stuart and Matteo, and then me." He sighed.

"Giovanni could have hurt you. You could have been shot. And then you killed a man after that, and if that wasn't enough you gave four fucking bottles of your blood to me. You could have fucking died!" He said, his voice higher now and I scoffed.

Wasn't he just thanking me a moment ago?

"Seriously Nico? Where's all this coming from?" I said but he shook his head.

"Why did you risk yourself Dove? Why would you do that?" He asked me.

"Wouldn't you do the same for me Nico?" I questioned him and he shut up. "Wouldn't you do the same for your family?"

"Of course I would but they're my family!" He said and I rolled my eyes.

"So you're mad because I helped people who could have died?" I asked him and he glared at me.

"No, I'm mad because you were willing to fucking sacrifice your life, for me!"

"Well that's because I love you Nico! I can't live in a world without you! Why would you even ask me why helped you?" I asked him pleadingly and he exhaled.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry okay? I just.. I-.." He said but closed his mouth.

"I was so scared for you Dove. I thought I'd lose you. I couldn't bear that." He said and I sighed deeply.

You could've just led with that.

"I know, but I can't lose you either Nico. And as far as your family goes, I consider them my family too." I told him and he nodded solemnly.

"You have no idea how scared I was when that man shot you Nico. It was like my soul dropped out of my body and I-.." Tears fell down my face and Nico took my hands.

Nothing can describe what I felt that moment when I felt like my world was ending.

And for a brief moment, it did.

"Hey, I know. I know. It's alright. I'm alright." He said and we hugged each other for a while before pulling away.

"The good thing is that we're both okay, yeah?" He said and I nodded, wiping my face.

"Just don't... don't scare me like that again. Please." He said and I gave him a small smile.

No promises sweetheart, I'll always protect you like you would protect me.

"But I have to know Nico. I need to know the truth now." I whispered and Nico tensed, knowing full well what I was asking of him.

"I know. Come here." He said and I sat beside him as he took my hand, thinking for a moment before he spoke.

"I had an amazing life when I was a kid you know. I had loving parents, a younger sister, her name was Amelia. You both would have loved each other." He said smiling sadly and I squeezed his hand.

"I'm sure we would have." I said and he continued.

"Even though my father was the Don, he would make time for us. He and my mother loved each other even though it was an arranged marriage."

"When I was ten, my mother went out shopping one day. She had her guards with her, but they were ambushed and she was shot dead by someone. My father was ruined. He was never the same, but he still made time for my sister and I." He said and I swallowed the emotion.

No one deserves to lose their mother like that, and he and his sister were just kids.

"How old was your sister?" I asked him and his throat bobbed.

"She was uh.. she was six at the time. Four years younger than me." He said and I squeezed his hand.


"We moved from Italy when I was thirteen, because of the threats my dad faced even though he had a lot of power, he had multiple enemies.. So we moved, but our enemies only followed us."

He took a deep breath and looked at me. The pain in his eyes so clear even a blind person could see it. I cupped his cheek and made him face me properly.

He's hurting so much right now. I wish I could remove the pain.

"It's alright Nico, you don't have to continue till you're ready." I said but he shook his head.

"No... I want to." He said decisively and looked away again. "When I was 18, Lia, Amelia that is, went out to a party with her friends but she never came home. We searched for days for her and after a week we uh... we found her body buried in an old forest in Italy." He said and my heart clenched at the thought.

Oh god, who could do such a gruesome thing?

"She was so innocent. She only wanted to enjoy one night because she wasn't allowed to go anywhere for her safety, but my dad let her go that day. Losing Lia was another big blow to us.

My father and I grew quite close to each other after that and I delved deep into work so I could make my papà proud. And he was proud, but I wanted to make him prouder.

He once took me to a meeting with him to discuss peace with some of his rivals here, in Italy. But they clearly had other intentions. They open fired on us and we were badly wounded. On our way back, our car was ambushed and they tried to kill us.

They shot at me, but... my father took the blow. He came in front of me and the bullet pierced through his heart and hit me too." He said and gulped.

The tears were already streaming down my face because I couldn't find any words. There were no words.

What can you possibly say to that?

"I became the Don after his death and I searched for the killers of my father. The people who killed my mother, my sister, and then my father. Any leads I found I would chase them like dogs, hoping for answers until one day, I got them.

I killed every one of those rivals and you know who they led to?" His lips curved in distaste as he spat his next words with venom.

"Giorgio Valerios. Giovanni's father. Jake's step-father, and my father's most trusted friend." I gasped at this.

"What? Jake's step-dad and your father's friend? How is that possible?"

"Giorgio wanted power. Money. Women. Everything. He was jealous of my father and his wealth. Giovanni, Jake and I were good friends from the start. But everything went downhill when I found of their true intentions."

"So how are Jake and Giovanni related?" I asked him.

"They have the same mother. Jake was Emanuele Knight's son, another one of my father's most trusted and childhood friends. He died protecting my father and his mother remarried Giorgio and they had a son, Giovanni." He said and I grimaced.

"Jake is two years older than Giovanni." He told me.

"When I found of their intentions, I confronted them, and.."

"You killed his father didn't you?" I whispered and Nico nodded.

"I know you'll judge me for this, but he killed my entire family, drove me to ruins. Made me the monster I am today. I found out that Giovanni knew everything too and helped in killing my father." he said and let out a pained breath.

"No Nico, I don't judge you. I think I'd do the same if that happened to me, so no, I don't judge you. In fact, I admire you so much because you came out so strong, so wise like you are today." I said and he gave me smile.

"And I will always be by your side. I'll help you in taking down Giovanni because I really hate that asshole's guts." I said and he chuckled.

"You're not alone in that sweetheart. But really, thank you, love... You have no idea how good it is to let it all out." He said and I kissed his lips briefly.

"I'm grateful you told me all this.. thank you for trusting me." I told him.

"Always." He said smiling and kissed me again, with more passion and love this time.

And right now, in his arms, I feel like everything will sort itself out.