Catching Traitors

Playlist for This Chapter: Enemy by Imagine Dragons.

How are some people so predictable? Right now, for example, the suspect has fallen into our trap, just like we knew she would.

Mistake number one.

I look at Jake's, Stuart's and Matteo's smug faces while Lucas is trying very hard to stifle his laughter. The smirk on my face is clearly visible to everyone in this room while I examine her.

"I mean, who could betray you? That person must be a fool to think that they might not get caught." Sofia says and I sigh.

"I know my dear. If you see anything do let me know will you? I think I need to have a private chat with our... traitor." I tell her and look at her frightened face.

Just what I wanted.

"Y-yes. Of course. I-I'll let you know if I see someone s-suspicious." She stammered.

Mistake number two. Never, stammer.

I leaned back in my chair and exhaled.

"Good. You all are excused except... you know who. Meet me in my office." I said and left the dining room. Lucas, Matteo, Stuart and Jake followed behind and we went into my office because it's soundproof so no one would hear anything outside.

"So this was a success. What's next?" Matteo's asks and and I look at Jake and Lucas.

"Did you get the address of the place I told you?" I asked Lucas who brought his iPad to me.

"Yeah, the mansion where Dove was kept is Giovanni's. It's kept under the name of the housekeeper so no one is suspicious, but I found a few loopholes. And the next location, the warehouse where they keep their ammo." He said and showed me the pictures.

"Good. Now we confirm our suspect, just to see if we're correct. Jake, draw up a list of all the names of the people present in tonight's dinner." I told him and he brought out his phone.

"Got it right here boss." He showed me his phone and I nodded.

"Make groups of three, give each group a location of Giovanni's warehouses and properties where we haven't raided or checked, and those that are still operational. Even the safehouses. But, you will give Sofia the names of these two properties that are with Lucas. Got it?" I said and he nodded, getting to work.

"Wait, so we're going to raid these places and whichever one is empty, we'll know that he cleared it up. Right?" Stuart asked and I nodded.

"Matteo and Adrianna will tell Sofia that we are to raid these places in two days time. She will warn Giovanni, and if these places are cleared by the way we raid, our hunch will be correct." I explained and Stuart smirked.

"That's one hell of a plan. But I'm guessing that's not the only one, is it?" Matteo asked and I shook my head.

"The next part of it will take place when... when Dove wakes up.. We can't do this without her." I said, taking a deep breath and Stuart patted my shoulder.

"Don't worry Ace, she'll be up in no time. But what until then?" Stuart asked.

"We can an eye on Sofia. Discreetly tell her things so we can confirm she's the traitor." I said and they nodded when Jake got up.

"Done Ace." He said and I nodded.

"Okay then, Matteo, explain everything to Adrianna but be discreet, got it?" I said and he gave me a salute.

"Got it Capo." He said and walked out.

"Now that this is done, I'm going to see Dove's family and say goodbye to them. You coming Jake? Stuart?" I asked and they nodded, following me out of the office and into the drawing room where everyone was now sitting. I entered and immediately everybody became quiet.

"Nicholas, son, we have to go now. We'll be checking by the hospital and then heading back to the hotel." Dove's father came up to me and clapped my shoulder.

"Alright then. Thank you for coming tonight. It was important." I said and he gave me a nod.

"I understand son. Good luck with... everything." He said and gave me a small smile and left with his family.

I sat down on one of the couches and sipped on my drink, looking around the room aimlessly when my gaze landed on Matteo and Adrianna talking with Sofia. A smirk made its way onto my face knowing we were one step closer to catch the traitor.

Jake came and sat beside me and eyed Sofia warily.

"I never liked her. Always knew she would do something bad." He said and I looked at him briefly.

"Neither did I. Can't believe I was engaged to her." I said and Jake chuckled.

"Boy that would've been a sight. You do know she has thing for you, right? I mean your money... And the perks of being your wife... She was always after you." He said and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I know. Which is why I despise her. The only reason she was around was because her father was a friend of my father's and contributed a lot. That was all. But anyone who tries to destroy the people I love is not welcome in my life. She's a gold digger. That's all she is." I said through clenched teeth and Jake hummed in response.

"Are you going to the hospital now?" He asked but I shook my head.

"I'll go in the morning. I have some things to take care of." I told him.

"Alright then. Get some sleep. Yo look like a zombie. I don't think Dove will appreciate the sight when she wakes up. Who knows, she might even come to me because you lost your handsome face and charm." He smiled mischievously and I chuckled.

I know he was trying to lighten the mood, and it was working. I could always count on Jake.

"Yeah right." I said and thought a moment before speaking again.

"Hey Jake?"

"Yeah?" He asked, giving me his attention.

"Thanks." I said and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"For everything. I know you don't like being the boss, but you took care of everything anyway. And for everything else too. Thanks for always being with me. I appreciate it more than you know, brother." I said and saw his eyes shining with happiness.

"No problem brother. I'll always have your back, no matter what. And just so you know, Dove means a lot to me too. She's the light in our dark lives. I don't want to lose her either." He said and I knew he was being honest. It showed in his eyes.

"I know. We'll be alright." I said and he shot me a smile.

"Yeah we will." He said and we both looked ahead at the people talking in groups.

We'll be just fine.

How are some people so predictable? Right now, for example, the suspect has fallen into our trap, just like we knew she would.

Mistake number one.

I look at Jake's, Stuart's and Matteo's smug faces while Lucas is trying very hard to stifle his laughter. The smirk on my face is clearly visible to everyone in this room while I examine her.

"I mean, who could betray you? That person must be a fool to think that they might not get caught." Sofia says and I sigh.

"I know my dear. If you see anything do let me know will you? I think I need to have a private chat with our... traitor." I tell her and look at her frightened face.

Just what I wanted.

"Y-yes. Of course. I-I'll let you know if I see someone s-suspicious." She stammered.

Mistake number two. Never, stammer.

I leaned back in my chair and exhaled.

"Good. You all are excused except... you know who. Meet me in my office." I said and left the dining room. Lucas, Matteo, Stuart and Jake followed behind and we went into my office because it's soundproof so no one would hear anything outside.

"So this was a success. What's next?" Matteo's asks and and I look at Jake and Lucas.

"Did you get the address of the place I told you?" I asked Lucas who brought his iPad to me.

"Yeah, the mansion where Dove was kept is Giovanni's. It's kept under the name of the housekeeper so no one is suspicious, but I found a few loopholes. And the next location, the warehouse where they keep their ammo." He said and showed me the pictures.

"Good. Now we confirm our suspect, just to see if we're correct. Jake, draw up a list of all the names of the people present in tonight's dinner." I told him and he brought out his phone.

"Got it right here boss." He showed me his phone and I nodded.

"Make groups of three, give each group a location of Giovanni's warehouses and properties where we haven't raided or checked, and those that are still operational. Even the safehouses. But, you will give Sofia the names of these two properties that are with Lucas. Got it?" I said and he nodded, getting to work.

"Wait, so we're going to raid these places and whichever one is empty, we'll know that he cleared it up. Right?" Stuart asked and I nodded.

"Matteo and Adrianna will tell Sofia that we are to raid these places in two days time. She will warn Giovanni, and if these places are cleared by the way we raid, our hunch will be correct." I explained and Stuart smirked.

"That's one hell of a plan. But I'm guessing that's not the only one, is it?" Matteo asked and I shook my head.

"The next part of it will take place when... when Dove wakes up.. We can't do this without her." I said, taking a deep breath and Stuart patted my shoulder.

"Don't worry Ace, she'll be up in no time. But what until then?" Stuart asked.

"We can an eye on Sofia. Discreetly tell her things so we can confirm she's the traitor." I said and they nodded when Jake got up.

"Done Ace." He said and I nodded.

"Okay then, Matteo, explain everything to Adrianna but be discreet, got it?" I said and he gave me a salute.

"Got it Capo." He said and walked out.

"Now that this is done, I'm going to see Dove's family and say goodbye to them. You coming Jake? Stuart?" I asked and they nodded, following me out of the office and into the drawing room where everyone was now sitting. I entered and immediately everybody became quiet.

"Nicholas, son, we have to go now. We'll be checking by the hospital and then heading back to the hotel." Dove's father came up to me and clapped my shoulder.

"Alright then. Thank you for coming tonight. It was important." I said and he gave me a nod.

"I understand son. Good luck with... everything." He said and gave me a small smile and left with his family.

I sat down on one of the couches and sipped on my drink, looking around the room aimlessly when my gaze landed on Matteo and Adrianna talking with Sofia. A smirk made its way onto my face knowing we were one step closer to catch the traitor.

Jake came and sat beside me and eyed Sofia warily.

"I never liked her. Always knew she would do something bad." He said and I looked at him briefly.

"Neither did I. Can't believe I was engaged to her." I said and Jake chuckled.

"Boy that would've been a sight. You do know she has thing for you, right? I mean your money... And the perks of being your wife... She was always after you." He said and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I know. Which is why I despise her. The only reason she was around was because her father was a friend of my father's and contributed a lot. That was all. But anyone who tries to destroy the people I love is not welcome in my life. She's a gold digger. That's all she is." I said through clenched teeth and Jake hummed in response.

"Are you going to the hospital now?" He asked but I shook my head.

"I'll go in the morning. I have some things to take care of." I told him.

"Alright then. Get some sleep. Yo look like a zombie. I don't think Dove will appreciate the sight when she wakes up. Who knows, she might even come to me because you lost your handsome face and charm." He smiled mischievously and I chuckled.

I know he was trying to lighten the mood, and it was working. I could always count on Jake.

"Yeah right." I said and thought a moment before speaking again.

"Hey Jake?"

"Yeah?" He asked, giving me his attention.

"Thanks." I said and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"For everything. I know you don't like being the boss, but you took care of everything anyway. And for everything else too. Thanks for always being with me. I appreciate it more than you know, brother." I said and saw his eyes shining with happiness.

"No problem brother. I'll always have your back, no matter what. And just so you know, Dove means a lot to me too. She's the light in our dark lives. I don't want to lose her either." He said and I knew he was being honest. It showed in his eyes.

"I know. We'll be alright." I said and he shot me a smile.

"Yeah we will." He said and we both looked ahead at the people talking in groups.

We'll be just fine.